@TouhouFan11 please know that self-harm isn't a solution,you can be mad,sad or feel bad about yourself,but do not hurt yourself.there are people you can speak too,even in the worse situations.it's possible that's it's not even your fault.i think that you should use other way to calm that sadness,take a walk,punch your pillows or talk to someone but do not ever hurt yourself,it won't help in anything.if you need to talk to someone,i am there and if i do not respond in the following hour,I'll eventually be online to talk to you.keep yourself safe,because this is truly what i wish for
Uh,Did some wood (that'show i call it when you remove nail from wood),got my gift on the 24th because of a tradition in my family,the gifts were:
•architecture book
•a single box of juice
•carbon fiber
•this,not an airsoft
It was pretty good,went at the beach (black sand?),relax and now I'm waiting for the gifts I'll have at my mother's house
@Superliner350 wait,can you click on this ?
+1@Superliner350 oh sorry to hear that
Well in the first image there's a plane with an auto turret on to that shot down another aicraft
And in the second image there's an APC with an auto turret,and in front of the APC there's a reversed Kia
+1@Superliner350 yeah I'm using something like that
+1What's not working?
@Superliner350 see them now?
+1@LunarEclipseSP yeah basically
+1@Superliner350 wait I'm putting them
+1You're so fast!
@16 yeah i was asking because i got dizzy a little,but that's only because the vr wasn't adjusted enough,I'm supposed to buy it today
+1Silly cat is already making challenges
+1@Graingy i can't imagine how funny it would be if the Americans just dropped one big of a brick in Hiroshima
+1Howabout some recent plane?like the F22 or the F35
+1@TouhouFan11 please know that self-harm isn't a solution,you can be mad,sad or feel bad about yourself,but do not hurt yourself.there are people you can speak too,even in the worse situations.it's possible that's it's not even your fault.i think that you should use other way to calm that sadness,take a walk,punch your pillows or talk to someone but do not ever hurt yourself,it won't help in anything.if you need to talk to someone,i am there and if i do not respond in the following hour,I'll eventually be online to talk to you.keep yourself safe,because this is truly what i wish for
+1Pretty fun to drive
+1Look 3/5
+1Target 4.5/5
Special 4/5
Found the secret! Sadly,the pilot didn't...
@CalabooseCal this look special
+1Look 4/5
+1Target 4/5
Special 0/5
Look 3/5
+1Target 4/5
Special 0/5
That's a lot of targets...
@Monarchii thank you,it's not wht i was looking for but it's exactly what i wanted
+1@Kerbango yea i already knew about that
+1But that's for first person camera,not third person camera
Look 4/5
+1Target 3/5
Special 1/5
I've got to agree it's pretty cool you made different types of russian vehicles
This one is funny and original... I'll try it
+1@Apollo018362 well thank you!you're part of this!
+1Look 2/5
+1Target 5/5
Special 4/5
I wouldn't have thought of that! it's pretty fun to shoot and blow up
Look 3.5/5
+1Target 4/5
Special 1/5
I gave you a bonust point because of the three submissions you made,thank!
Pretty nice
+1My holiday:
Uh,Did some wood (that'show i call it when you remove nail from wood),got my gift on the 24th because of a tradition in my family,the gifts were:
•architecture book
•a single box of juice
•carbon fiber
•this,not an airsoft
It was pretty good,went at the beach (black sand?),relax and now I'm waiting for the gifts I'll have at my mother's house
TOS-1 Thermobaric rocket launcher? Hell ye
+1Look 3/5
+1Target 5/5
Special 1/5
I like how you used a big countermeasures dispenser to mimic the VLS cell
Very creative!
@CR929thenewSPplayer as much as you want
+1Look 2.5/5
+1Target 3.5/5
Special 3/5
Simple and it is pleasant to target
Isn't that the drone on the target challenge image i made? I'll try it anyway,thank for your submission!
+1Armored piramid
+1Look 4.5/5
+1Target 1.5/5
Special 5/5
That is amazing! the funky tree code for that path must have taken you a very long time
WATATOW! This look amazing I'll try it out!
+1@Monarchii LunarEclipseSP's entry is actually quite good
+1Pretty cool
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo you can make more than one entry but your entry with most point will be the one that I'll use to give you the prices
+1I love it
+1Look 4.5/5
+1Target 5/5
Special 1.5/5
@Graingy i guess it's an airship too
+1That's reverse clickbait and it's genuis
+1I'm in
@VarisTheWingers it should be a craft that is spawned so you can train to destroy on it
+1Does that respond to your question?
It's pretty cool
+1@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 dude are you using chatgpt
+1@Graingy noooo!
+1@Zaineman and also did i win one of a challenge you made?i keep getting upvoted by you, what's happening?
+1@Kinkon0855 well i do!
+1It is very fun! I blew the bridge near the bandit air base with it
+1@DatMaluchGuy19 i think you forgot this isn't a water tower
+1I like the look
+1It also look like it is hot inside i dunno why
@GuardianAerospace yea i guess