@TheMouse please don't use "." When saying "Lol". The use of period is usually associated with seriousness. Thus meaning, you're laughing out loud seriously. Which also kinda good but makes it sound less genuine which hurts my feelings. It's as if you're saying, "haha.", there's nothing genuine about that, as if you're forcing a laugh when something is clearly unfunny. Not sure if you're doing it on purpose. Maybe you are, but still.
@Robomo119E thanks for the offer, but I might not need that right now. Especially when the whole thing still look like a pile of scrap metals. Again, thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if I need any help.
@DatFiat126Guy19 I suggest you to not get your hopes up too much, looking at all of my builds in the past, this thing I'm currently cooking might get burnt, half cooked or I might even get the whole kitchen catch fire.
Thanks for your kind words though, I will try to actually cook this to perfection, unlike all the past ones that I have left undone.
@upperflat hey. May I know the reason behind your upvote? This post does not resemble anything to the eyes of anyone except me. I had never expected any upvotes on this build, and is quite surprised to see that somehow it achieved an upvote. have you somehow predicted my build or is it just mere sympathy?
Where the plane?
+5I accidentally clicked restart 💀
+4Simpleplanes in simpleplanes when?
+3She seems to have some back problems... And neck too...
+2@Stealth117 don't know
+2Now build her giving bi-
+2Guys I'm gonna risk it. Pray for me
+2@WisconsinStatePolice I want a full course meal, not snacks.
+1@TheMouse don't worry, you don't actually hurt my feelings lol
Yep, it definitely does look and feel better without a period. A "lol" with a period, just feels incredibly wrong if you think about it.
+1@TheMouse please don't use "." When saying "Lol". The use of period is usually associated with seriousness. Thus meaning, you're laughing out loud seriously. Which also kinda good but makes it sound less genuine which hurts my feelings. It's as if you're saying, "haha.", there's nothing genuine about that, as if you're forcing a laugh when something is clearly unfunny. Not sure if you're doing it on purpose. Maybe you are, but still.
+1No music, no nothing. Because I'm too lazy, at least I did add some transition....
+1@Robomo119E thanks for the offer, but I might not need that right now. Especially when the whole thing still look like a pile of scrap metals. Again, thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if I need any help.
+1@DatFiat126Guy19 nah, that's close tho.
+1@DatFiat126Guy19 I suggest you to not get your hopes up too much, looking at all of my builds in the past, this thing I'm currently cooking might get burnt, half cooked or I might even get the whole kitchen catch fire.
Thanks for your kind words though, I will try to actually cook this to perfection, unlike all the past ones that I have left undone.
@SILVERPANZER thanks, did work
+1uHhHh... WiLl It Be AvAiLaBlE tO pLaY oN mObIlE tHo???
+1@upperflat I'm not sure about that, but I think I might actually try to continue.
+1My mind have been corrupted, the first thing I thought when seeing those tentacles were a certain Japanese animations.
+1@BYardley >:(
+1@KSB24 is this actually completely made on Android? If so, what phone are you using?
+1@LunarEclipseSP yeah, kinda forgot to add that
+1@LunarEclipseSP Ye
+1Hi sand person, hi hi hi
Oh my god, platinum person acknowledged me! Hi hi hi hi hi ^_^uwu
@TheMouse I'm angy
@Casta man, I'm sorry but it's a joke post
Happy 2st Anniversary! 🥳
In-game time changed1!1!1!
Oh no
@DatFiat126Fan19 there's no image lol
@Tiper4062 YEY, THENKS
@SilverStar How'd you get more paint job slots?
@STEAMYcrosby sure
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@Graingy .... / .-.-. / - / - / -.-. / -.--.- / ---.. / ..... / .---- ..--- / .---- -.... / ----. / ...-- / .---- / .---- ....- / ..--- ----- / ....- / ..... / ...-- / .---- ..... / ....- / ..... / ----. / ..--- ----- / .... / -.-- / .-... / ..... / -
@ricesplashwater .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / - .... .. -. -.- / ...-- ....- / -- . .- -. ... / --. --- --- -.. .-.. ..- -.-. -.- --..-- / -... ..- - / - .... .- -. -.- ... .-.-.- / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .--. ..- - / .. - / - .... . .-. . / .--. ..- .-. .--. --- ... . .-.. -.-- / - --- / ... -.-. .- .-. . / -- . / --- .-. .-.-.- .-.-.- / -- .- -.-- -... . / .. .----. -- / .--- ..- ... - / --- ...- . .-. - .... .. -. -.- .. -. --. .-.-.-
@Zaineman nope, no thanks. I'm still too lazy, unless it does the editing automatically, I'll consider downloading it
@DatFiat126Guy19 nvm it
@TheMouse sed
@OrangeBanana fer fer no cap
@upperflat hey. May I know the reason behind your upvote? This post does not resemble anything to the eyes of anyone except me. I had never expected any upvotes on this build, and is quite surprised to see that somehow it achieved an upvote. have you somehow predicted my build or is it just mere sympathy?
@L1nus did work, thanks
@Stealth117 yeah, I know that. But idk when will I continue to build it. Too lazy and unmotivated
@Scarlettponycute .... K
Yoo!! "WASD for tank movement"?!???1?!1? How do I play on mobile?1!1?1!1?!1?1
Joe died
Stupid af, i swear