If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks! 如果飞机有任何问题或有改进建议,请在评论区告诉我哦,亲
@MST74UA 新的船如果有问题也可以@我
@Real08 Thank for your download and you can wait for my J-20C a few days later😀
@LJh1 其实这台机我在航展的时候就新建文件夹了😅但是一直没时间就鸽到现在
@TheWorld 嗯我也觉得,之前也试过想搞弯一点薄一点,但发现这样就不太好控制机翼和机身的融合度
@LJh1 啊这没事了
@LJh1 哥们你这防空炮是咋用的啊,为啥跟主炮一起打的呢,而且主炮的旋转角度好像有点小啊,还有主炮怎么上抬啊,我找了好久都没找到电机
@MST74UA 是的,导弹参数出的问题,我已经在新的052DL里改好了,稳定性和命中率都得到了大大提高,可以去我主页找
@LJh1 唉如果我点unlisted你们会看到吗
提前透露一下,大的要来了哦😜 The more wonderful things will be coming soon😜
@LJh1 系统自带是这样的😅
@LJh1 可以啊挺稳的
@LJh1 看到了,感谢👌
@LJh1 ?那里弄啊他不是只能拍设计时的那些图吗我想传的是那些游戏里的截图有背景的那些
@LJh1 好的😀,尽量在我手机带的动的范围内
@LJh1 对这几台飞机有啥建议吗?
@LJh1 整体来说做到可以但底座还是能再加重一点另外星星和八一再大一点可能会更好点
@LJh1 看什么怎么@人吗还是怎么造旗子
@LJh1 什么事
@UssrLENIN The PLA logo on the wing I haven't connected well in2.0,so I fix it
two PLA logo on the left wing are not connect on the plane,please connect it by yourself please
@LJh1 yap
@LJh1 ?
Or you can try other two planes
Do you have any suggestion after using it guy?😀
I have uploadedJ-20 2.2, welcome everyone to download!
@SofB 算了我在做到歼20无人机的舰载型再改吧
@SofB 还没粘稳?
@snjsnsjs 切
@Real08 I've repaired it in new J-20CN
@LJh1 Ok guy,I'll try to adjust it and you can wait for my J-20C a few days later
If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
+2@MST74UA 新的船如果有问题也可以@我
+2If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
@Real08 Thank for your download and you can wait for my J-20C a few days later😀
+1@LJh1 其实这台机我在航展的时候就新建文件夹了😅但是一直没时间就鸽到现在
+1@TheWorld 嗯我也觉得,之前也试过想搞弯一点薄一点,但发现这样就不太好控制机翼和机身的融合度
+1If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
@LJh1 啊这没事了
+1@LJh1 哥们你这防空炮是咋用的啊,为啥跟主炮一起打的呢,而且主炮的旋转角度好像有点小啊,还有主炮怎么上抬啊,我找了好久都没找到电机
+1@MST74UA 是的,导弹参数出的问题,我已经在新的052DL里改好了,稳定性和命中率都得到了大大提高,可以去我主页找
+1@LJh1 唉如果我点unlisted你们会看到吗
+1The more wonderful things will be coming soon😜
@LJh1 系统自带是这样的😅
+1@LJh1 可以啊挺稳的
+1@LJh1 看到了,感谢👌
+1@LJh1 ?那里弄啊他不是只能拍设计时的那些图吗我想传的是那些游戏里的截图有背景的那些
+1@LJh1 好的😀,尽量在我手机带的动的范围内
+1@LJh1 对这几台飞机有啥建议吗?
+1@LJh1 整体来说做到可以但底座还是能再加重一点另外星星和八一再大一点可能会更好点
+1@LJh1 看什么怎么@人吗还是怎么造旗子
+1@LJh1 什么事
+1@UssrLENIN The PLA logo on the wing I haven't connected well in2.0,so I fix it
+1two PLA logo on the left wing are not connect on the plane,please connect it by yourself please
+1@LJh1 yap
+1@LJh1 ?
+1If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
Or you can try other two planes
+1Do you have any suggestion after using it guy?😀
+1If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
I have uploadedJ-20 2.2, welcome everyone to download!
If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
@SofB 算了我在做到歼20无人机的舰载型再改吧
@SofB 还没粘稳?
@snjsnsjs 切
@Real08 I've repaired it in new J-20CN
@LJh1 Ok guy,I'll try to adjust it and you can wait for my J-20C a few days later
If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!
If there is something wrong or suggestions with the plane, please tell me in the blank,thanks!