0 Yummypiee Comments

  • What should I make? 9.1 years ago

    You could try building a plane, which is launched from the top of or from within another plane.

  • Multiplayer For Next Big Update!!! 9.1 years ago

    Even if you just had the functionality to have a server host and multiple people in a persistent server in sandbox you could have a lot of fun whizzing around with other users and your friends (and maybe your enemies).

    There is the problem I have seen before where physics games have big issues with communication between devices due to the amount of processing that is going on. Kerbal Space Program has a mod that gives a good example of this, (Dark Multi-player) where the lag between a client and host can duplicate, teleport, destroy and often slingshot peoples vehicles around. Although that is a mod and not done by the developers of the game which is a good argument as to why it may be so buggy.

    And if your going to have servers you might also want to give the admin the opportunity of putting AI opponents and targets into the world, so people can work as a team to smash things together. Or race the fastest thing to ever exist.

    Server options might also include the ability to set stuff like:
    Weapons: on/off/restrict weapons, max aircraft parts, world boundary limit, Kick players with ping higher than: (Number), and so on.

  • Weapons Idea 9.1 years ago

    For the cooldown reticle thing it might be better to have it go up as the weapon gets hotter. (the weapon cuts off when the circle is complete instead of when it it empty, because that might cause some confusion)

    It might also be nice to have a single shot large calibre gun (as in a 75mm tank cannon type thing) for those that want to gun down ground targets.

    While I'm adding new weapons to this, I may as well mention the possibility of a shotgun/punt gun weapon. (if anyone doesn't know what a punt gun is I suggest you google it because they are ridiculous)