30 Yuukimisota Comments

  • Kzt-1A Raden II Main Battle Tank 4.2 years ago

    Anyways author try this FunkyTrees code for auto-aim + fixed aim
    TargetSelected & TargetDistance < 31000?(clamp(deltaangle(TargetHeading,Heading) - sum(Yaw/Roll),-180,180) / 180):0 Yaw or Roll choose one to suit your tank movement and
    this for Funky Trees Code elevation Auto-aim + fixed aim
    TargetSelected | TargetDistance < 31000 & TargetDistance > 0?clamp(atan(((pow(900,2)) - (sqrt((pow(900,4)) - (9.81 * ((9.81 * pow((cos(TargetElevation) * TargetDistance), 2)) + ((2 * ((sin(TargetElevation) * TargetDistance))) * pow(900,2)))))))/(9.81 * (cos(TargetElevation) * TargetDistance) + 0.00001)) + sum(Pitch), -5, 10) / 10:0
    or this normally Auto-aim non fixed aim
    clamp((TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)(((2000 * sin(asin((TargetDistance * 9.81)/(pow(2000, 2)))/2))/9.81) * 2)) + (asin(((TargetDistance + rate(TargetDistance)(((2000 * sin(asin((TargetDistance * 9.81)/(pow(2000, 2)))/2))/9.81) * 2))* 9.81)/(pow(2000, 2)))/2),-1,10)/10
    Hope you like it :3

  • Kzt-1A Raden II Main Battle Tank 4.2 years ago

    Kalau mau enak mainnya make versi PC di Steam.... mod masih bisa dipakai
    gk terlalu berat di pc asal count part nya gk lebih dri 500 masih enteng buat main dan buat buat.... kalo lebih dri 500 spek low dan mid masih bisa lag pas main

  • Imperial Japanese Navy Heavy Cruiser "Ishikara" (1944) 5.1 years ago

    Ishikara like furutaka class :"