192k Zaineman Comments

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 I just watched that whole clip you showed me. God, I could watch the whole movie right now ! "If I say it's safe to surf that Beach, then it's safe to surf that Beach !", "You smell that ?" , "Nothing beats the smell of napalm in the morning", "Smells like....... Victory".... Lol.. Z 😸

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 Well, good as far as health. thanks for asking. I found this new sweeping radar, it's sweet Click here for the plane download the plane, turn on air to air, and the radar will point at the direction the enemy is. It also gives you a range data. So I've been working on that. And I also learned how to hyperlink from my homepage to my friend's home pages. I'm on a tablet so I have to type it all out manually. I can't just right click and magically create a link. Tell me what you think of the radar. Then tell me how you're doing and what you've been up to. Cool ? Z 😺

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @WinsWings notice how they're all trademarked, did you see the comment about stability control ? I made it up... Lol... Z 🤣

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 oh too funny ! I thought that was an " I " and not a "L" and even so I wouldn't have known would that abbreviation met so thank you ! Z 😸

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 OK, I wasn't trying to be mean. It wasn't my intention if that's the way it sounded. Click here for everything you need to make an aircraft PSM

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 Umm, not sure what you're trying to say by "Air" can you elaborate ? Z 😸

  • S Grade Missile Pod [ANTI-ANOMALY] Level II 1.3 years ago

    Hey, look what I learned to do. Click here and find your name in the # 1 position of my top friends then, notice how your name is a different color ? Click your name. How cool right ? The reason why I'm excited is I'm on a tablet. I can't just right click and make magic happen. I have to type in all the programming. Z 😼

  • North american B-53 1.3 years ago

    @Boeing727200F that's hilarious, yes you should show him. Z 😸

  • How do I detach parts that stick together? 1.3 years ago

    @FalHartIndustries well I'm around if you need help. But as you can imagine I'm pretty busy, but I always try to make some time help people. Z 😺

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 the thing is, PSM stands for post stall maneuver. In other words, when an aircraft goes so slowly it no longer produces lift and it stalls. PSM aircraft can stay in the air & maneuver while stalling. The only way to convert the Huey helicopter into something that can perform PSM is to give it the flight characteristics of a plane. Then give it the ability to maneuver after it has stalled. so what I would be doing is converting the Huey (helicopter) into a vehicle capable of lift and stall. So, can I do it ? Yes. But it would no longer be a helicopter, it would be a plane & it would fly like a plane , produce lift like a plane, & stall like a plane. So. It really doesn't make any sense to do it. It would be no different than when I made a tank, a Honda, and a walnut PSM. You can see these various PSM builds in my library. But I don't think I'm going to bother with the Huey. I hope you understand why. Still your bud Z 😿

  • Decline in activity in SP. 1.3 years ago

    I'm not going anywhere Z 😼

  • Sluban B0366 1.3 years ago

    Hey, look what I learned to do. Click here and find your name in the section called More Friends 19 then, notice how your name is a different color ? Click your name. How cool right ? The reason why I'm excited is I'm on a tablet. I can't just right click and make magic happen. I have to type in all the programming. Z 😼

  • A PSM Request from ThatRandomCouchPotato 1.3 years ago

    @TheHamburgerCorperation Thank you so much for taking the time to say that. I appreciate it a lot. Z 😸

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @winswings Win, read the description carefully. Lol Z 😸

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @VinFage I just spent some time going through the pages of your builds. Wow, you have some nice stuff. Z 🙀

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @Emma159 "Hunts me down....." Lmao.... Thanks for that comment... Hilarious.. Z 😸

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @FalHartIndustries OMG, it took me a minute to figure out what you meant. That's funny bossman ! Z 😸

  • Z's Racing Bi-Plane 1.3 years ago

    @Maosulli Thanks bud, your comment means a lot to me. Z 😺

  • PSM Just add Plane (Fixed version available) 1.3 years ago

    @Gro regarding PSM, put ALL of these rotors AND engines with their rotors as well in your subassemblies and use them to make anything PSM. Next, adjust your CoM (center of mass) (Red Dot), to be just barely in front of your CoL (center of lift) Blue Dot. Adjust these by using a combination of lowering Mass on parts in front of the CoM to move it backwards. Or using the deadweight slider to move the CoM. Finally, keep an eye on the weight of the entire aircraft. Don't build something that's 60k-80k pounds, keep it lighter maybe 25k. Look at my builds. Don't make a flying gas can. don't feel your wings with fuel, use my programmable fuel tank. This information is everything you need, plus time, trial and error, to make anything PSM. Z 😺. P.s. It would be nice if you mentioned me and Guyfolk on your builds. Best of luck my friend !

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @Emma159 Hey thanks for the compliments, very much appreciated. I actually lowered the horsepower on each of the four engines by 500 HP. It was much faster. Lol... Z 🙀

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    Hey guys, I been working on this in the background over the last week or so. Thoughts ?

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    Win, I hope you don't mind but I borrowed your "Auto Flaps" ™ with your patented ”Stability Control Servos" ™ @winswings

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @NAFASIRO @VOTOLOK Hey thanks guys !

  • UPS Transport Plane 1.3 years ago

    @SimpleCreate I thought you might like this. Please read description. Lol Z 😺

  • Rotor Powered Zero Emission Plane [Experimental] 1.3 years ago

    I'm still constantly looking for the spotlight button on your builds. When will I learn..... Lol Z 😺

  • Stunt Bi-Plane 1.3 years ago

    @WinsWings Yeah, it's another entry to MrCopty's challenge. My challenge kind of fizzled out.... Lol Z 😕 one day I'll figure out the magic touch

  • How do I detach parts that stick together? 1.3 years ago

    @SPAircraftOfficial That brings me way back to when I was first learning.... (In a singing voice) Meeeeeemories........lol Z 🫠

  • A-40 Test Flight 1.3 years ago

    Win, this A-40 Flight test is sweet. You need to see this bud.... Z 🙀 @winswings @50calchicken

  • A-40 Test Flight 1.3 years ago

    HA ! 🙀

  • Build-Pack + Important News 1.3 years ago

    Hey, this is late but. I hope you are ok. I've been to the hospital a number of times in my life. Appendix, tonsils (as an adult..ouch), stomach surgery (big scar), major spine surgery, yeeesh, so I can maybe relate. Hopefully all is well. I'm in your corner bud if you need to talk... Z 😺

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Emma159 LOL that's great, you flew into the bomb......lol... That'd be a cool looking stunt if you could pull it off without hitting the bomb... Z 🙀

  • Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System (ARES) 1.3 years ago

    I had fun w this...Z 😺

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Juggernaut132 Can you give me a link to one ? Z 😺

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @Emma159 Heck yeah, don't forget to look inside of it... Lol. Z 😺

  • Zaineman's tag list (Thanks everyone ! ) 1.3 years ago

    @BeechcraftA35 Hey, I'm not sure what your asking me to do exactly. Do I have you listed on my homepage incorrectly ? I clicked your name and your account says BeechcraftA35. I also have you on my friends list as BeechcraftA35. I want to fix whatever is incorrect but I need more info. Z 🙀

  • Zaineman's tag list (Thanks everyone ! ) 1.3 years ago

    @BeechcraftA35 Absolutely ! Thanks for the heads up... Z 😺

  • KAI KT-1 1.3 years ago

    Yeeesh, how did I miss upvoting all these planes ? It's hard to keep up w all my buds.... Z 🙀

  • f-8 crusader 1.3 years ago

    My cat Izzy

  • im 1 year old now 1.3 years ago

    Hey, thanks for listing me. That was very kind of you. I updated your avatar pic in my top friends section of my friends list Click here to see. Two things, if you want to tag me on ALL your builds, please do. It makes it easier for me to keep up w you and upvote your stuff. Second if you have / like a particular gif, please link me & I will put it w your name. (Stay under 1 mg please) anyways thanks again. Z 😺

  • BP editing (carried over from SFS) 1.3 years ago

    Fyi, I'm following you now and I added your name to my friends list Click Here you will find your name in the section called "More Friends 19" lol.. Z 😺

  • How do I detach parts that stick together? 1.3 years ago

    Sorry, FalHartIndustries, I just looked at the date of this build \ question , lol you're probably a pro at everything I already said. Lol... Ooops...z 🤣

  • How do I detach parts that stick together? 1.3 years ago

    SPAircraftOfficial is absolutely correct. What you're doing there is you're using manual connections and you need to get good at it. Especially for troubleshooting. For instance let's say you have a rear control surface like on a fighter jet that's controlled with a rotor. A lot of time that control surface (rear wing) wants to automatically make its own connection to the fuselage instead of the rotor that's controlling it. So you put your rotor where you want it, disconnect all the connections between the rotor the fuselage that wing, then connect them manually. That way the rotor actually works. Because if that Wing is accidentally connected to the rotor and any part of the fuselage, then it will not move at all. I'm constantly using manual connections on all of my builds to verify my own connections, automatic connections, you name it. One last thing, (sorry my comments can be very long) let's say you launch your aircraft to Wright airport. Your aircraft appears on the runway, then you hear a splash out in the distance., what that is, is somewhere either on your build or near your build a piece has no connection whatsoever. Again you would click on the suspected part, and use manual connections to verify whether or not it's connected. Whoop whoop. You will become VERY proficient at using manual connections . mark my words. Lol. Z😸

  • Mods in chromeOS on a chromebook 1.3 years ago

    You know what I do not know the answer to that. I've always just used my tablet Android. Z 😸

  • Bi-Plane / Sea Plane 1.3 years ago

    @winswings thanks for the spot and the upvote. I know it's not really your thing but you should consider doing something when you hit 200k. I mean that's huge you need to celebrate it with the community. Z 🤩

  • ShenYang 'ATFS' J-33(for android and ios player 1.3 years ago

    I love the build, the cockpit is awesome as all of your instruments in the cockpit. The HUD is pretty sweet too. But, I'm having a hard time flying it from the cockpit position. The nose of the plane kind of keeps bouncing up and down. It's kind of hard to explain. But I'm kind of struggling to get the jet under control. am I missing something. For instance one of the activate buttons controlling supermaneuverability or something like that ? Your center of mass (CoM) and center of lift (CoL) look perfect. I can't figure it out. Any advice ?

  • Currently still on pause. 1.3 years ago

    T please

  • PSM Request FAL-588 Stealth Biplane 1.3 years ago

    @MrCOPTY That's a great comment about Izzy. She owns and runs the house, I just live here as her guest and servant... Z 😸
