@YourpalBrandon I mentioned you in the description of this aircraft. It is my favorite to use in VR. I raised the throttle, engine pitch and some other controls to make the easier to reach in VR. Also programmed all the buttons on the flight stick and throttle: Fire weapon, fire guns, next weapon, previous weapon, next target, previous Target etc... Let me know if you like it Brandon...Z ;)
F22Guy, did you fly my SU-27 before you put wings on it ? There were already WINGS on the aircraft and rear horizontal stabilizers. Lol You just couldn't see them because I HID them lol. They are invisible. Lol. So you putting Wings on the aircraft now is there is actually two full sets of wings on it. Yours and mine. Lol
@Aarav I'm looking for a low part f18 to build on and I can't find one. But I definitely was not ignoring you. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner Aarav
@IAlsoBuildPlane I doubt it's just you having control issues as I have them too with almost all of my PSM planes. With my PSM aircraft you can EASILY turn too tight and wind up flying backwards (psm). This really easy to do from the cockpit cam Or nose cam in this plane . You have to be much lighter on the yoke and watch your speed. Check out the view using orbit view and watch what the plane does. You may be surprised, I know I was. Z :)
@WolfHunter9111 Wolfhunter, please continue to tag me on ALL OF your builds. It makes it easier to keep up.
+1@Khanhlam Lol, "Sorry about the extra charge for the PSM. There's nothing I can do about it. They install that at the factory."
+1@WolfHunter9111 Hilarious....
+1@P51Boy LOL, I know what you mean. I only read instructions as a last resort.
+1@WolfHunter9111 I like that. Shoot, I should have put a Redbull label on the car. Oh man.. :( .. it's so obvious...darn... Z :(
+1@winswings Win, full power then activate 1, then drop your bomb ! So fun !
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE Lol? But seriously, I'm with you. I don't drive a Honda.
+1@Panzerwaifu69 Love it
+1@OrderlyHippo Wow, so you know what the spike are for ? ! (Dead weight) lol
+1@winswings @wingsiron @icecraftgaming
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE @SPAircraftOfficial @HMSIllustriousMyBeloved
+1@IceCraftGaming @Khanhlam @WinsWings
+1@sus232 @Varrell007 @L3FTxR1GHT
+1@Sergio666 @BeastHunter @FirstFish83828
+1@F1Fan8910 @FatPilotOne @WisconsinStatePolice
+1@Reysa149 Thank you
+1This is a fantastic aircraft. The fact that there are no spotlights is criminal..... Z ;)
+1@IceCraftGaming OMG thats soo funny ! ! !
+1@Winswings @icecraftgaming @FirstFish83828 Peep my ride lol
+1@JosephT I didn't know that. Thanks for the info ! Z ;)
+1I'm from USA but I have always loved the story and the looks of the Migs. Mig 29 is one of my favorites.
+1@Khanhlam This is great, Yes I very much would like to use this, thank you. Z ;)
+1@WinsWings It's incredible in VR, one of my favorites ! !
+1@Rjenteissussy @icecraftgaming @wingsiron
+1@YourpalBrandon I mentioned you in the description of this aircraft. It is my favorite to use in VR. I raised the throttle, engine pitch and some other controls to make the easier to reach in VR. Also programmed all the buttons on the flight stick and throttle: Fire weapon, fire guns, next weapon, previous weapon, next target, previous Target etc... Let me know if you like it Brandon...Z ;)
+1F22Guy, did you fly my SU-27 before you put wings on it ? There were already WINGS on the aircraft and rear horizontal stabilizers. Lol You just couldn't see them because I HID them lol. They are invisible. Lol. So you putting Wings on the aircraft now is there is actually two full sets of wings on it. Yours and mine. Lol
+1@winswings check out this plane. I'm going to make it PSM ! Lol
+1Best vid EVER, it's great for repeat viewing ! Z ;)
+1@Rjenteissussy I really like your homepage.
+1@FOXG @BeastHunter @mrcarrot
+1@Robomo00119 @Deandash @WinsWings
+1@SkyJayTheFirst @Shimamurahougetsu @MrCOPTY
+1@Thatguy2020 Done, thanks for that. I don't want to forget the VR tag...
+1Nice Win
+1@o2o Yes but is is not "Live" Just enough to use for free to host gifs and pics for this game
+1@IceCraftGaming LOL I was just being Dramatic... It's all good..Lol
+1@IceCraftGaming I did, and i launched it......... My tablet melted......... z
+1@Aarav yes, but give me some time. I still need my morning coffee, my cat has been keeping me awake at night....
+1@Aarav that sounds fine
+1@Aarav I'm looking for a low part f18 to build on and I can't find one. But I definitely was not ignoring you. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner Aarav
+1@IceCraftGaming yes I would love the island, will it work w tablet ?
+1@IAlsoBuildPlane I doubt it's just you having control issues as I have them too with almost all of my PSM planes. With my PSM aircraft you can EASILY turn too tight and wind up flying backwards (psm). This really easy to do from the cockpit cam Or nose cam in this plane . You have to be much lighter on the yoke and watch your speed. Check out the view using orbit view and watch what the plane does. You may be surprised, I know I was. Z :)
+1@SPAircraftOfficial @Aarav
+1@o2o @MrCOPTY @Bryan5
+1@Rjenteissussy @DISHWASHER2005 @IceCraftGaming
+1T oops, I see it now... Duh..... Lol z ;)
+1@IceCraftGaming Thanks my friend, what a nice thing to say ! Z ;)
+1@MrCOPTY lol