Dang bro I didn’t know you could manipulate the light off of builds like that! This is some serious game changers, i might use this for a build if You don’t mind, I Will credit.
@JohnnyBoythePilot I know right?! there are things I have seen on builds that aren't even in the game files as a jundroo made object, like full blown single part engines and stuff. Idk how but its really weird.
Actually tho like what am I doing, tbh when my first class gets out I go home and sit on my bed building planes...I want to be a design and engineer for Lockheed, i want to look at a new jet and go: ”I designed that” @CruzerBlade
Expect track modded tanks. (Sorry iOS I just can’t make tracks) 😈
+2It didn’t work
+2XD why is it that I can picture that whole scenario @Mustang51
+2One beautiful build though
+2Bro don’t scare me like that I thought you were a goner, glad your still around. @Hyperloop
+2Dang bro ok
+2Dang that’s one thicc tank
+2@Thelegitpilot13 ohhhhhhhhhh
+2Dang bro I didn’t know you could manipulate the light off of builds like that! This is some serious game changers, i might use this for a build if You don’t mind, I Will credit.
+2I low key miss this show and all the relatable moments about tanks :/
+21910’s be like: MoRe wInGs mOrE fLiGhT
+2Lol the first image looks menacing, then all I see in build screen: peglegs
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot I know right?! there are things I have seen on builds that aren't even in the game files as a jundroo made object, like full blown single part engines and stuff. Idk how but its really weird.
+2I can’t seem to find where the 2,000 parts comes into play here, like the cockpit is detailed really well but....2,000+ ?
+2Why isnt there any featured planes right now? wHy hAsNt tHis bEeN fEaTuReD @Thecatbaron
+2One thicc boi
+2iOS anger intensifies
+2this camo gives me satisfaction
+2”meet the bush plane car”
+2I wish this show would continue in some form, I love the attention to detail in the tank battles and the hype when I see my favorite tanks...
+2Actually tho like what am I doing, tbh when my first class gets out I go home and sit on my bed building planes...I want to be a design and engineer for Lockheed, i want to look at a new jet and go: ”I designed that” @CruzerBlade
+2When you see Christmas decorations in November at your local Store: ”yOu kNoW 90% oF tHiS iS eXtReMeLy fLaMaBLe”
+2Holy wow! Thank you for the spotlights!!! @AWESOMENESS360 @Stargazzer @Tarquez
+2Dang bro, this is really good for 170 parts!
+2Puts on an already high part count plane, presses play...
+2Phone: “no, I don’t think I will”
When you look at the main deck in the picture and think:
“well it doesn’t look like it would have over 8,000 parts...”
And then you notice that there’s railing
+2I appreciate when there are interiors of vehicles, this beauty is a perfect example...thank you.
+2I totally think it should be weight reduced but also slightly weaker part @CRJ900Pilot
+2Dread it
+1Run from it
Destiny arrives all the same
Thanos cube
I’ve been working on one of these for months, I’m honestly not surprised someone finally made one
+1Added To Favorites
+1Men will instantly throw these and twist ties away, no exceptions, and no reason fo it either. We just do
+1How compatible is this with other weaponry mods?
+1Ok boomer @Kennneth
+1I loved riveting in aviation maintenance, probably the highlight of the whole class.
+1It is….acceptable
+1Vr? More like….
+1Same :’) @Vincent
+1Wait….Your gonna post a build?
+1He’s back with amazing work
+1We technically do, if you reverse the opacity to a negative number on a glass fuselage then it’ll begin to glow @JuanAlt
+1That’s a pretty specific point of view
+1How is 525 not mobile friendly lol jk tho amazing build
+1Saw 4 of these in formation whip past over my house earlier today, no idea why there here but...why not right?
+1Really cool geometric design!
+1Permanent eye damage
+1YES WHY HAVEN’T I SEEN THIS YET, I love these a lot nice work
+1Screams in American prowess
+1Why are these so eye appealing holy WOW there beautiful. Outstanding work as usual