6,489 Zharapparbyell Comments

  • FV4005 Stage II (light version) 5.7 years ago

    omg, while i was doing the description i got 2 spotlights, thanks, you guys are the best

  • FV4005 Stage II Lancelot 3.1 years ago

    @ChuanLiuBuXi2191 feel free to use what you want ;)

  • FV4005 Stage II Lancelot 3.4 years ago

    @BlinIndustry that was fast as fk boi

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Hey Thomas. I'm very busy with my school but I manage to find time to build from time to time

  • Futuristic Tank Competition 4.2 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies Yay! Thank you very much

  • FA-118PH"Snake Eagle" 4.4 years ago

    you know the thing is good when it have more upvotes than downloads

  • Sapience Tech Sweeper ADS MK.II 4.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick, I think I will use this.

  • Kriegsdämon Kd-VT-II 4.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick It's good to be back. Quarantine! finally a little more time to build.

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    @Pophead ok, it's a tank made for the apocalypse right? like madmax with thorns and that kind of stuff?

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    @Tums thank you very much, I have to do a lot more creations to get to gold lol, i will tag you don't worry.

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 thank you, i will try hard to keep improving.

  • m222 5.7 years ago

    T49 ?

  • BAE Hawk 127 5.7 years ago

    @mikoyanster thank you!

  • BAE Hawk 127 5.7 years ago

    hey @mikoyanster , could you teach me how to put images in the description ? by the way, your plane is amazing, very detailed

  • Infinitus Tormento IT-HC-I 7.2 years ago

    His projects really gave me an inspiration, I really like the futuristic theme where your creations were created, then I try to do something on the same theme, as if they were from the same universe@ThomasRoderick

  • Zadkiel Halvanhelev ZH-II 7.2 years ago

    Your words make me extremely happy, even if I do not have many points now, I know that if I continue this way, my score will improve. I really thank you so much @MI

  • FV4005 II 7 months ago

    Awesome detailing, reminded me of my last days on this game, check out my profile to see my take on the shtbarn

  • FV4005 Stage II Lancelot 3.4 years ago

    @MarisaKujo Well, it's obviously based on it, it was the best 3d stylized FV4005 I could find on google to give some ideas, but the Lancelot it's very different from it, I tried to give it my own style :)

  • FV4005 Stage II 3.5 years ago

    @X4JB I understand your criticism, but you can see by the time I uploaded the other versions that they have some differences, like, When I posted the first version my PC couldn't support more than 1000 parts without being completely laggy; I didn't know how to use mods like the XML and The Tracks 2 mod; There wasn't the cannon part; and other things. As I upgrade my PC I could build with more parts and I was starting to understand the XML and funky trees
    and the cannon part was added to the game; Later I discovered the Tracks 2 mod, If you haven't test the other versions none of them can move backards or have a realistic acceleration and speed. The lack of details are part of the realism, the FV4005 Stage II didn't make past prototype tests, so if you search you won't be able to find a FV4005 with a warpaint, camouflage or decals, except in tank games, that's why I said in ther fist Paragraph of the description that I'll make another version with my take of what the FV4005 could look like if it had make to mass production and had gone to battles and through some customization of the crew, I'll add decals, a decent painting scheme, search lights, sand bag and track armor, smoke lauchers, cage armor for the turret and many other things. So, as you see, I made the same tank a lot of times to improve it, and there always significant improvements, and probably the next version will be the last, as I don't think there will be more things to add this tank. I could delete the oldest versions, but they are all my best builds, and I don't think it's worth it. And also, it's not like I only make version of this tank, you can see in my post section that there are plenty of other posts between then.

  • Betelgeuse A1 (Low part count) 3.9 years ago

    @Ryan110 Sure, but I saw that you are a copy player, so if I judge that the project you made look too much like the original model I will ask you to remove the post

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago


  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @Zanedavid Thank you!

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @RomanoMilos Thank you!

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @Tookan Yay! Thank you!

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @Crashtest I'll make a mobile friendly version soon

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @Tookan Can you see it now?

  • Betelgeuse A1 3.9 years ago

    @Tookan hmmm, I don't know what can be causing this

  • Futuristic Tank Competition 4.2 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies so... the results of this competition comes out today??

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.3 years ago

    @Planeacceleration thank you!

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.3 years ago

    @Tabris Oh no, know how I fix it? For me they are appearing, i put ![text](URL of the image)

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago

    @Tabris none of them?

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies oh... and there is plenty of time till the deadline, I can build another tank in this time, wait... can I make another entry? Like, compete with two tanks?

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago


  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies wait... omg, I tought the max points were 100, Thank you very much man! But I admite that I think the Od-KPz-I it's my best creation now, know what you think it's very important to me. Thank you again!

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies Thank you very much! Can you tell where i messed up? so I can improve on my next project.

  • Futuristic Tank Competition 4.4 years ago

    Odeucalion Od-KPz-I here is my entry

  • Odeucalion Od-KPz-I 4.4 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies here is my entry

  • Futuristic Tank Competition 4.4 years ago

    @JCCNtechnologies can i use a modified version of my Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II?

  • BB Yamato 4.4 years ago

    Did you... did you realy just copy pancelvonat's yamato? like, didn't even change one sigle part?

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    @Pophead Hey, i liked the concept, if you could give more details i can try to create one for you.

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    @FranzPeterSiegfried I try to make the most accessible to all.

  • Zheleznyy Medved' ZM-MBT-II 5.3 years ago

    Thank you very much @Mustang51 , enjoy and look at the predecessor and also my other creations ... wait, you are the nice guy who upvoted many of my creations, thank you very much for your support

  • FV4005 Stage II (more detailed) 5.6 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer oh, I used your tank to take some ideas, I was going to make the tracks but... my PC isn't too good to support all the parts

  • FV4005 Stage II (more detailed) 5.6 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer thank you, was hard to make it work

  • FV4005 Stage II (more detailed) 5.6 years ago

    @shipster Thanks so much, comments like yours motivate me to create more projects like this. Since you liked it, why not give it a upvote? ; )

  • FV4005 Stage II (more detailed) 5.6 years ago

    @X4JB, As I said, here it is, thank you for the help with the Gifs

  • FV4005 Stage II (more detailed) 5.6 years ago

    @AikoFoxNeko this time it's more powerful, stronger and... hmm... slower

  • FV4005 Stage II (light version) 5.7 years ago

    @Mustang51 It's not a plane and not even of WWII, but I think it's worth tagging you because you inspired me to make these replicas.

  • FV4005 Stage II (light version) 5.7 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka What a dirty mouth, give them a cup of HESH Tea George!

  • FV4005 Stage II (light version) 5.7 years ago

    Thank you guys, really! @AWESOMENESS360 FV4005, looks like he's more scary and imposing