@WolfHunter9111 NET Runtime 3.1.22 is installed and used here. NET Runtime 3.1.22. This is the development environment required to run the program and is provided by Microsoft. (This is not a virus.)
@WolfHunter9111 , @Erc90F4RU
- install .NET Runtime(.NET Runtime 3.1.22 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1)
- Unzip the release version into anywhere in your Users folder(When unzipped, a folder named publish will be created.)
- Run Rastermatic.exe in the publish folder.
(Enter the file path where the image file you want to convert is located. /For example: C:(filename) /if the file is directly under the C drive.)
- A (image file name).xml file will be created on your desktop.(This xml file will be the data for the subassembly on SimplePlanes.)
- Copy the xml file to C:\Users(login name)\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\SubAssemblies folder.
- Start SimplePlanes and extract the text art from the Sub Assemblies. (This is the name of the image file.)
@ShinyGemsBro In previous versions of SimplePlanes, the car would not drive straight if the lateral traction was too high, but this does not seem to be a problem now. I have fixed it.
@AndrewGarrison When I upload a Craft XML file, an error occurs and I cannot upload it."The URL attribute of the uploaded craft XML file is incorrect."
What's wrong?
@MisterT Initially it exceeded 400 parts and I couldn't increase the number of parts.
(The other day, PlanariaLab uploaded a great one part, so I also wanted to use it.😊)
@AWESOMENESS360 Thank you as always!😊
Looking at the materials, I thought it would be okay because the existing aircraft had been replaced with instruments lol.
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes Thx! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
+1@Mrherpderp Thank you for your comment.
I am very glad you like it.
This is the plane I want to make again in its current version.
@WinsWings Thank you.
+1Your comment encourages me.
@WinsWings Thx!😄
+1I forced myself to put a cockpit on it.lol
@Fish83828 We can't let our guard down because there are still low-part build professionals waiting in the wings!😸
@WolfHunter9111 We managed to keep it within 25 parts!😺
+2@NOTDragonCrafting I too like the P-51D Mustang.🙂
@pancelvonat いつもありがとうございます。(´∀`)
+2@RaendyLeBeau This program.
@xNotDumb It's a matter of your device's specs.
@xNotDumb I used this.
@WolfHunter9111 NET Runtime 3.1.22 is installed and used here. NET Runtime 3.1.22. This is the development environment required to run the program and is provided by Microsoft. (This is not a virus.)
@WolfHunter9111 , @Erc90F4RU
+1- install .NET Runtime(.NET Runtime 3.1.22 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1)
- Unzip the release version into anywhere in your Users folder(When unzipped, a folder named publish will be created.)
- Run Rastermatic.exe in the publish folder.
(Enter the file path where the image file you want to convert is located. /For example: C:(filename) /if the file is directly under the C drive.)
- A (image file name).xml file will be created on your desktop.(This xml file will be the data for the subassembly on SimplePlanes.)
- Copy the xml file to C:\Users(login name)\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\SubAssemblies folder.
- Start SimplePlanes and extract the text art from the Sub Assemblies. (This is the name of the image file.)
@2Papi2Chulo , @Suica I have modified the xml file, can you please Curate it?
@TailessAce I was able to use this program
to create it.
@AndrewGarrison I also tried it in VR, but it's true that the cockpit is a bit small, probably because I used the Curtiss R3C-1 as a reference.😥
@Erc90F4RU Thx!😊
@PapaKernels It ’s good to make it with few parts.🙂
+1@ShinyGemsBro In previous versions of SimplePlanes, the car would not drive straight if the lateral traction was too high, but this does not seem to be a problem now. I have fixed it.
+1@ShinyGemsBro I've updated the plane.😊
The curation has been removed due to updating the XML. Can you re-curate it for me?
@AndrewGarrison I solved the problem, it seems that the reason was that there was no part of the URL in the "url="" in the xml file.
@AndrewGarrison When I upload a Craft XML file, an error occurs and I cannot upload it."The URL attribute of the uploaded craft XML file is incorrect."
What's wrong?
@ShinyGemsBro I think that the left and right sway is reduced because the vertical stabilizer is raised a little.It will be uploaded soon.
@ShinyGemsBro The aircraft that is flying now is a slightly modified version and has not been uploaded yet.
@WashingtonCraft Feel free to use.🙂
+2@MrACEpilot You should fly low.😁
@Ivan1938 Thx!😊
@SLSD Thx!😊
+1@CRATE52PART2 Thx!😊
@PlanariaLab いつもありがとうございます。(´ー`)
@Pyrrha Thx!😊
@WingsOfSteel Thank you too.😊
@RoastHam9146 こっちもありがとうございます。(´∀`)
+1@JuanNotAnAlt Thx!😊
@TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig いつもありがとうございます。ヽ(´ー`)ノ
@WingsOfSteel Thx!😊
@TatsuTheOtaku Thx!😊
@MisterT Initially it exceeded 400 parts and I couldn't increase the number of parts.
(The other day, PlanariaLab uploaded a great one part, so I also wanted to use it.😊)
@HOPKINS234 Thx!😊
+1@TheNightmareCompany Thank you as always!😊
@TMach5 Thank you as always!😊
@RoastHam9146 ありがとうございます。ヽ(´ー`)ノ
+1@Bumzule Thx!😊
@RicardoAs1515 Thank you as always!😊
@AWESOMENESS360 Thank you as always!😊
Looking at the materials, I thought it would be okay because the existing aircraft had been replaced with instruments lol.
@HeavyC22 Thank you as always!😊
@Kangy Thank you as always!😊
+1I'm still not sure about Funky Tree...😥
@SilverStar Thx!😊