5,747 ainanen Comments

  • SR2 - Procedural Landing Gear 5.6 years ago

    posting this on the sp forums is just mean dude

  • Skua's Nightmare V3 5.7 years ago

    nobody asked you to post this. but u did anyway. my day is ruined.

  • XMT Scorpion Light Tank 5.9 years ago

    mods :(

  • M.D. F-15C Eagle ''Cipher" 5.6 years ago

    Very cool plane. The "animated air intake" catches my eye, i will test it out when i download to see if it is what i think it is. Like the others said i dont really think automated LG is necessary here, its usually a last ditch thing if youre out of AGs and need to bind something besides the landing gear to the LG input.
    Instead here's another cool idea - use the same velocity input mechanic to make the landing gear automatically tear off when they're extended beyond a certain aircraft speed, as they do IRL.

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109G2/Trop 6.0 years ago

    As I was looking down the page, I was shocked at the amount of detail you put into this. I was even more shocked when I saw the low part count of 472. You did an awesome job with this. Worth 100 upvotes in my opinion

  • Chinese Radar Explaination plus other 2 things that the US do 6.1 years ago

    bro this reads like a kanye tweet

  • MiG-21 Bis 4.7 years ago

    the 6.2 t/w ratio with no brim

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15A Oregon ANG 4.7 years ago

    the 1.7 t/w ratio with no brim

  • Flag of Pakistan 4.8 years ago

    I see that you've deleted my comment. That was your warning. I am making a report.

  • Yakovlev Yak-3P 5.6 years ago


  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.6 years ago

    Sorry for the delay folks. I am only just able to start grading due to other commitments. Only 5 entries to get through if im not mistaken, so you should all receive a grade this week. Good luck. (Assuming anyone is reading this).

  • Mk 82 SnakeEye 5.6 years ago

    @Flash0of0green this is present on the real bomb as well. I would argue that it is probably intentional by General Dynamics that it reaches its target at a near-vertical angle, since the steeper the depression of ordnance/munitions, the higher the effectiveness against armor.

  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.7 years ago

    @Abhishek700 Yes
    @EngineerOtaku Weapons and stores are more than allowed, but expected. The sub-assembly penalty only counts if you use someone else's subassemblies. If you make your own custom weapons, no points will be deducted.

  • A Practical Case For Mechs 5.9 years ago

    @RailfanEthan The next war will not be nuclear because the top nuclear and overall military powers share the global economy and depend on one another for stable internal affairs. Total destruction of another nation will ensure MAD in two ways: the traditional military retaliation way, and also a complete internal capitulation. If, for some reason, the other nation doesn't fire back, your own nation will still be reduced to chaos and your economy will be permanently crippled.
    There are, of course, smaller nations that are nuclear powers (see Pakistan and India), but because there are bigger military nations that aren't fond of war, these smaller nations will not resort to nuclear war either. The bigger nations would collectively come down on them to stop them from ruining the global economy and the international production chain.

  • Super-Mystere B.2 6.0 years ago

    @costr I feel that this was your best aircraft in this series so far. Its flight model is the most realistic, and it just feels fun and balanced to fly. Don't get discouraged because you got less upvotes. Be proud that you made a good plane :)

  • [WEBW]F-16 cockpit Simulator 6.2 years ago

    I am in awe. Just saying though, you should probably release an alternative version of your F-16 without the detailed cockpit, so it lags less if people don't want the cockpit. <3 @TakeYourLife3000

  • Northtop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye 6.3 years ago

    @WeSeekANARCHY These are called AWACS aircraft. They have extremely powerful radars and communicate positions of radar contacts with other friendly aircraft.

    Also nice build lol :)

  • Flag of Pakistan 4.8 years ago

    @FlagsWorldwide Im sure thats why you immediately deleted all of your upvotes on Hypixel's posts after noticing my comment. Again, I have photo evidence. I know this for a fact. I can at least say thanks for removing the rulebreaking upvotes.

  • Lander 1 (Interstellar) 5.5 years ago


  • What happened to Dllama4 5.5 years ago

    He merged with the consciousness of Krishnu

  • [Teaser] EA-6B Prowler screenies 5.6 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 HMMMMMM........................IRONIC.

  • It's 16 year old time 5.6 years ago

    Show me a closeup of your feet with new socks on please very close. Very cool picture. Mmmm slurps

  • Kruger P-72 Archimedes 5.6 years ago

    Bro ur reshade preset hurts my eyes bro

  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.7 years ago

    @MasterCreeper Glad to hear it! Even though you may not be happy with your own building skill, the only way to improve is by actually building. Good luck if you do decide to enter.

  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.7 years ago

    @otayahiromo8211 You are very welcome :)

  • Dassault Mirage F1C 5.7 years ago

    Thank you for your entry! Good luck in the grading period

  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.7 years ago

    @otayahiromo8211 I will enter it.

  • Silver Users need to be Nerfed. 5.7 years ago

    there is no hope.
    we are coming for you.
    watch your back.

  • How to create twists using inlets! 5.7 years ago


  • Mirage Challenge (CLOSED - July 6th) 5.7 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Yes
    @Abhishek700 You can always make the conventional aircraft instead of a delta (F1, F2, F2000, G)

  • Comic Strip #5 5.7 years ago


  • Dassalut Mirage 2000D 5.7 years ago

    @Abhishek700 You are allowed to take other's help, but make sure that you agree with your collaborators on who will receive the reward. Only one person shall be rewarded for each build: I will not split it.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000C 5.7 years ago

    @BogdanX Yes, there are lots of problems that ultimately root back to me not setting dragscale and massscale to 0 on parts that should have them. That resulted in the drag being quite severe, which had to be compensated by a lot of thrust, which messed up the T/W ratio... so on and so forth. In the end I felt that I was happy with it though, save for the ability to climb vertically indefinitely, since the turn rate/G-limiter are both pretty accurate and cool.
    @temporaryaccount Yes, his is amazing. I am trying to help him with it as much as I can using the research I have learned from this build, but he has already done an outstanding job without much assistance. I am as excited for his as you are, haha.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000C 5.7 years ago

    @BogdanX Thank you for the kind words.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000C 5.7 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries bogan literally upvoted the second i submitted it HAHA

  • Mirage 2000C Teaser #2 (Releasing Saturday) 5.8 years ago

    @Freerider2142 affirm!

  • Krakabloa has fallen 5.9 years ago

    truly amazing grammar

  • Northrop Grumman B-2G Ghost Bomber 5.9 years ago

    @GeneralPatrick2 @Chancey21 It's a fictional variant. Please read.

  • A Practical Case For Mechs 5.9 years ago

    Air power would naturally be the single most important military facet in modern total war, but invasion cannot work without some measure of infantry and armor.

    Also note that your comment was pretty much completely unrelated to the main topic :|

  • A Practical Case For Mechs 5.9 years ago

    "Because humans are bipedal (walk on two legs) this frees up our arms to do stuff. Like picking thing up, using tools, hitting things, smashing things, and so much more. Also, we have opposable thumbs that allow us to pick things up with great dextarity (I wish we had two thumbs for each hand). This allows for great versatility."

    yea, because evolution. but since mechs are just robots and not humans with a long evolutionary history, having them take on a humanoid shape is rather stupid. its much simpler, cost effective (maintenance) and more efficient overall to just have land drones use tracks for traversing terrain and giving them however many robot arms they might need. bipedalism is a scam and tank tracks on human beings is the next logical evolutionary step lol

  • Battleship KMS Dresden 6.0 years ago

    took u long enough
    jk nice boat

  • Super-Mystere B.2 6.0 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated This plane performs pretty much exactly how it should, except for stall characteristics (those cannot be modeled in SimplePlanes). Source: Similar airframes in DCS (F-86, MiG-15, MiG-19)

  • I'm Not Sorry About This 6.0 years ago

    I love you. I love you so much. This is it. You've done it. Congratulations. You can leave now. You've done your part

  • Imperial Shuttle 6.0 years ago

    I've been waiting for a Lambda class for a while. Thank you kind sir

  • SU-30SM 'Archange' (Mihaly) 6.0 years ago

    The visuals of this aircraft are not so impressive, so I really underestimated it before I downloaded it. But boy oh boy, the flight model alone is so hilarious that it deserves an upvote. It actually feels like a real Flanker does when fly by wire is overidden lol

  • Saro London Flying Boat 6.0 years ago

    Its delicacy feels like a real WW2 bomber. This is super unforgiving to fly and I love it for that

  • Hawker Hart MKVI Floatplane 1.6 6.1 years ago

    @RamboJutter Its not that serious bro i literally just forgot to click upvote lol

  • Hawker Hart MKVI Floatplane 1.6 6.1 years ago

    Protip: the landing lights only function once the drop tanks are expelled

  • /SOON/ 6.1 years ago

    @MisterT Okay

  • /SOON/ 6.1 years ago

    @Nerfenthusiast Got it :)
