my reccomendation is that you do not add a interior if your making a turret because then you need a hole in the roof and the hole is where the rotators supposed to go... and yeah problematic but if you solve it make sure to give me a heads up
@DJ123 your profile photo says it all.
ive only made the dropship from the movie edge of tommorow when it comes to helicopters until they add more heli parts its unlikely im making more
offroad at least @breitling
i know but it doesnt drive @Bossboy666657
@FENRIRpapapa i meant did you make it?
mkay you should check out my dropship btw you know everyone has made a mig? no offense
nice where is the cockpit? my problem with making UAVs is hiding the cockpit
i love it
and why is there nothing behind cockpit
u should use inlet for nose
what is it?
@RYMA232Aeronautics make sure to tell me when its finished i would like to see it
+1@Wolfieboy1555 LOL nice helicopter BTW doshile my first heli as wolfie can tell you looked pretty cool but didnt have controls worth a d*mn
+1@Wolfieboy1555 its his helicopter and we arent even talking about it in his comments
my reccomendation is that you do not add a interior if your making a turret because then you need a hole in the roof and the hole is where the rotators supposed to go... and yeah problematic but if you solve it make sure to give me a heads up
+1@RYMA232Aeronautics dont forget the turret their really easy to make anyway
+1if i have time i might
could you make a humvee?
+1i like it
+1if this is a UAV it looks pretty good
@Wolfieboy1555 k awful impersonal that we're not mentioning him
@CK10 k thanks
@CK10 where?
@Lankanski a challenge i was too busy to finish it so i left it as a challenge
nice but is the cockpit original?
you should explain more. can someone please mod proppelor to have a bigger max radius?
+1@FastDan mkay
lots of ordnance
very useful but it needs to be a bit smaller
@EternalDarkness i know but i did it for fun
@UB2015 thanks but i tend to avoid reuploading planes
@UB2015 sure here it is like yours it flies pretty well
@EternalDarkness mines has the same problem doeesnt it? well i didnt expect to win anyway and i made it in only 20 minutes
a ferry? a amphibious landing craft? a aircraft carrier? what is it?
@Wolfieboy1555 is that a challenge upon my dropship!?
meh it was my first helicopter so it flew pretty bad
does anyone know that plane from the movie the aviator in the moonlight serenade scene? this looks a bit like it
@DJ123 your profile photo says it all.
ive only made the dropship from the movie edge of tommorow when it comes to helicopters until they add more heli parts its unlikely im making more
@FastDan sorry its a bit basic
@BrianWongGaming k its a big plane
you reckon you can make a basic b24 with this parts?
@Thederpingmemes @niggelas @randomusername @Helicopterboy @Bossboy666657
@Wolfieboy1555 i mentioned you check your notifications or heres the link
@KingPanzerVIII yeah no rules except the ones mentioned above basically same fuselage and tilt-engine VTOL is all there is
@ FastDan @Wolfieboy1555 @Lankanski @AnOlympicWalnut
oh btw feel free to fix that wonky rear stabilizer
@Wolfieboy1555 oksy sorry hey im making a challenge ill mention you
bruh really?
@Wolfieboy1555 this creation being reuploaded
i know controls are horrible but i tried to follow movie and quadruple tiltrotors arent my area of expertise @AnOlympicWalnut @Wolfieboy1555
@Lankanski yeah i cant mod remember?