ya i think the bullets should do les dammage mabey in a future up date we could see a health bar for part and explosion size in editor because irl plane dont go kaboom instantly if it were to get shoot one time also mabey sensative parts engine, guns,wing and less falling apart and more not working
ya i think the bullets should do les dammage mabey in a future up date we could see a health bar for part and explosion size in editor because irl plane dont go kaboom instantly if it were to get shoot one time also mabey sensative parts engine, guns,wing and less falling apart and more not working
@Seeras no p[rob sick build ;D
i got it to wirk on 1365 but i removed the booms
i did 75% power and it went to orange but when i go 100% kaboom
sick i just got another starwars ship i think this is a 9/10 ;)
MLG!!!!!!! its so amazing really nice handling and all around good speed
XD i love it so much great job dude
this is so cool if some one were able to armor this babby up and color it up it would be a beast star wars at at