Maybe it would be a voting thing. If a plane recieves enough dislikes, it would count as a downvote. This way it would be easier for users to gain upvotes than downvotes, and it would deter single trolls, and allow only the worst planes to be downvoted
Fantastic agility! The engine isn't really worth it, though. You could take a lot of weight out of the plane to make it lighter and replace the modded engine with a real one. This'll allow the plane to maintain a similar speed while featuring better fuel efficiency and possibly even better maneuverability
You know what? Thank you for posting an original airplane for Jelly. It really does make a difference in the community. Almost all of his users are doing nothing but stealing upvotes and hurting the Simple Planes economy, but you've made something of your own. Well done
Of course. If Jelly fans would design and build their own planes to reflect their own personalities (like Jelly probably WANTED them to do), then we would welcome them to the community with open arms. But that's not what they're doing. @Flightsonic
Yeah these new users need encouragement to keep the site alive and thriving. We don't know how long people like Delphinus will stick around @salvador3031
Also thanks to @TehDuck @MrVaultech @DeezDucks @PosteXen @amazingperson124 @FrankieB and @SPS13 for getting this post on the Forum Hot List. Really appreciate it
united we stand against the copiers @Hadesrocks
Thank you :) @Hadesrocks
Would be pretty cool if they made a live open-world multiplayer. Maybe different rooms for fighter planes and planes with mods and stuff
looks pretty sick
Cool build! :)
Hey welcome to the community :)
You don't have any shame, do you?
Very ambitious! It can actually generate lift with just fuselage parts. Great work :)
Maybe it would be a voting thing. If a plane recieves enough dislikes, it would count as a downvote. This way it would be easier for users to gain upvotes than downvotes, and it would deter single trolls, and allow only the worst planes to be downvoted
We're talking about how to respond directly to planes that are copies @Delphinus such as the the Jelly planes
@Flightsonic @MrSilverWolf
This isn't your plane. You have no right to submit it as your own.
Don't leave, dude. That's kinda what they want. Less interference means the "haters" aren't fighting back.
Hey welcome to the community
Yeah that's a good point @Feanor
cool! :)
ha @Flightsonic
Fantastic agility! The engine isn't really worth it, though. You could take a lot of weight out of the plane to make it lighter and replace the modded engine with a real one. This'll allow the plane to maintain a similar speed while featuring better fuel efficiency and possibly even better maneuverability
That's alright. You guys have done your duty. And formed a strong union that won't go away @ShatterFox
Oh ok lol thanks @ShatterFox sorry for the confusion. That's great news
Wait hold on @ShatterFox will forums with Jelly in their titles be left alone? Only the planes will be taken down?
Ok @ShatterFox
um @ShatterFox I mean if the forum post has "Jelly" in the name. Will it still be taken down for having the word in the description?
Thanks for notifying me @ShatterFox does it just concern the name? I don't want to take down this post.
no prob cool plane
Dude your planes are fantastic! Welcome to the community :)
lol I mean in the sense of upvotes, dude @DeezDucks
You know what? Thank you for posting an original airplane for Jelly. It really does make a difference in the community. Almost all of his users are doing nothing but stealing upvotes and hurting the Simple Planes economy, but you've made something of your own. Well done
Of course. If Jelly fans would design and build their own planes to reflect their own personalities (like Jelly probably WANTED them to do), then we would welcome them to the community with open arms. But that's not what they're doing. @Flightsonic
I'm not trying to rank users one above the other, I'm just identifying a well-known rolemodel @Flightsonic
Well I'm just using him as an example @Flightsonic he posts planes almost everyday. And they're basically art
Yeah these new users need encouragement to keep the site alive and thriving. We don't know how long people like Delphinus will stick around @salvador3031
Also thanks to @TehDuck @MrVaultech @DeezDucks @PosteXen @amazingperson124 @FrankieB and @SPS13 for getting this post on the Forum Hot List. Really appreciate it
Yeah maybe we should make that a movement @FrankieB
I didn't even know that he antagonized us! He literally INVADED our home! Ugh this really is just awful @Flightsonic
Thanks. Felt like this problem needed to be addressed. Even by a low-ranked user @gyroscopeduckling
It's so awful @Flightsonic
ugh @Flightsonic
lol the Jelly war? @Flightsonic
end this
What planes are these?
I just started following you…
wow you can build a better plane in a half an hour than me in two hours. Guess that's what separates the golds from the bronzes
dude if you aren't going to be an original and honest user on this site then you need to be prepared to have people question you
woah what's going on
Jesus this is getting out of hand…
1970 Datsun 240Z. Literally my favorite car of all time
I'll be submitting mine tomorrow.
Thank you @TheColonel for your continuous support!