When do you think you could start on the mods? @Strikefighter04 if not for a while that’s ok, I can try to contact someone else if it’s too much of a hassle.
I've recently enlisted in the Navy @TemDesBur so yeah I've been pretty busy with summer prep, four airplanes are complete but I didn't want to release the series if not everything was done
Thanks! @Ryn176 Yeah, it is a little strange-looking, but that's my style. I construct everything out of structural panels, so my builds often look a bit blocky.
I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you, I've been busy @Spikerya what @AudioDud3 said is true, and you should also move the nozzles a bit aft to improve the CoT and CoM alignment, and reduce the nose lift on takeoff. If you could also mount hinge rotators to the wing roots to fold the wings up on takeoff, or simply reduce the wings, you'll also reduce the wobbling and probably help you stay steady on takeoff. If you need help with a successor variant to apply these modifications I'll see what I can do. Sorry again for the wait.
What the popular vote looks like right now is Naval Aircraft, but I'll continue research on ground vehicles @TemDesBur @Supermini555 @SarcasticCommander thank you for your votes anyway, gentlemen
Thanks a lot ^-^ @Mostly I’m trying to kickstart a revival of my old Naval Series concept, I think I made a forum post about it a few months ago.
+3Hi again @Spikerya thanks ^-^
+1@Strikefighter04 thanks a lot. If you could keep me updated that’d be great
+1@XjayIndustrys it’s been a while hasn’t it lol, how’re you?
When do you think you could start on the mods? @Strikefighter04 if not for a while that’s ok, I can try to contact someone else if it’s too much of a hassle.
Cool :)
I've recently enlisted in the Navy @TemDesBur so yeah I've been pretty busy with summer prep, four airplanes are complete but I didn't want to release the series if not everything was done
Awesome! @phanps I hope you enjoy it when you do :)
Of course! I'm loving these replicas :) @SarcasticCommander
Thanks! @Ryn176 Yeah, it is a little strange-looking, but that's my style. I construct everything out of structural panels, so my builds often look a bit blocky.
Fantastic. Keep up the great work :)
Love the cockpit in this. Cool build :)
You could also add winglets to the primary wings for extra vertical stability @Spikerya
I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you, I've been busy @Spikerya what @AudioDud3 said is true, and you should also move the nozzles a bit aft to improve the CoT and CoM alignment, and reduce the nose lift on takeoff. If you could also mount hinge rotators to the wing roots to fold the wings up on takeoff, or simply reduce the wings, you'll also reduce the wobbling and probably help you stay steady on takeoff. If you need help with a successor variant to apply these modifications I'll see what I can do. Sorry again for the wait.
Maybe I'll try that in the future, thanks @jamesPLANESii I mainly use iOS, I've only built one airplane on OSX because it had too many parts.
Thank you :) @Tully2001
Thank you guys! @TheOwlAce @GINGER01 much appreciated :)
Thanks a lot you two! @TemDesBur @FennVectorCWA I hope you'll like them ^-^
Thx @saturn28 ^-^
@helilover03 @phonos which plane are you referring to?
@phanps @Multidimensional lol thanks you guys
I'll take a look at her.
@phanps @saturn28 @FennVectorCWA
@TemDesBur @Weaverfish @Gemista
@Spikerya @Supermini555 @Tully2001
@XjayIndustrys @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing @SarcasticCommander
Love the shape of the fuselage. Nice build!
Good to have you back, mate :)
Absolutely spectacular. Fantastic job, my friend :)
Noted @XjayIndustrys thank you ^-^
Totally @Supermini555 and gliding is going to be a lot more fun
Thank you for voting! @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
Nice replica!
And I'll keep you two updated regarding me building any ground vehicles in the future, whether it be the next series or not @Supermini555 @TemDesBur
What the popular vote looks like right now is Naval Aircraft, but I'll continue research on ground vehicles @TemDesBur @Supermini555 @SarcasticCommander thank you for your votes anyway, gentlemen
@Weaverfish @Tully2001 @Spikerya thank you guys for your votes ^-^
@Gemista @phanps you got it!
Ok! @saturn28 thank you for your vote :)
Looks fantastic!
Thanks ^-^ @BirdOfSteel
@Spikerya @TemDesBur @FennVectorCWA
@XjayIndustrys @SarcasticCommander @Tully2001
@Weaverfish @SHCow @Supermini555
@saturn28 @grizzlitn @phanps
Thank you! @FennVectorCWA yeah sorry about the high part count :/
No problem! @LASkey Definately one of the better SPGs I've seen.
Beautiful. Fantastic build.
Thank you so much @Skyfalcon ^-^
But yeah I dunno either @FlyingThings these builds are really cool but I can never guess what they are