210 charleston1527 Comments

  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 3.2 years ago


  • Northrop, F-5E Tiger II VFC-13 Fighting Saints. 1.5 years ago

    Incredible work of art, I appreciate your dedication to make this the best model of a F5E, I also enjoy the hidden details such as the "baton de joie" ;) . The only mistake, if it is one, is that the gunsight camera potion is linked to a lever called "None" near the throttle, and that lever is also linked to the RWR, nothing to impactful though. Overall awesome model with a great attention to detail, absolutely love it!

  • FA-18E Block iii Advanced Super Hornet 2.2 years ago


  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.6 years ago

    Are missiles allowed on bombers?

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.6 years ago

    I've just posted a F-104 as a fighter, I will post a AJ-37 Viggen as a bomber later in the week.

  • GRM-3 2.6 years ago

    from above it kinda looks like a Mirage F1

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.6 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman How do we make that?

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.6 years ago

    Where do I post my plane once it's done?

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.6 years ago

    I'm making a F-104, I'm not sure if I understand the concept of the challenge and how it works though. Can anybody explain clearly please?

  • Object 699 3.2 years ago

    is it amphibious?