@hpgbproductions thanks for the answer, i just wondering if its okay to assume its all homogenous material of an aircraft so we can calculate CoG. but of course i think it ill be inacurate
@THEOKPILOT Actually, the PV-1 is not a version of the Lockheed Hudson. The PV-1 Ventura was developed from the Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar, which was a transport aircraft. It was designed as a replacement for the Lockheed Hudson bombers used by the Royal Air Force. While the Hudson and the PV-1 Ventura were both built by Lockheed, they are different aircraft models. The Ventura, including the PV-1 version, was intended for longer-range operations and was initially used for daylight bombing raids, though later it was mainly used for maritime patrols and anti-submarine warfare.
Will it apears as a requirement parts if i upload a build with this mod? Because IOS user might be not able to play the creation i have made if this mod is epears as a requirement
Ahh, just the same as me, sometimes we get bored and less motivated to build a thing, just sit and move the joystick all around without building any goods, may the motivation be with you comrads
@hpgbproductions thanks for the answer, i just wondering if its okay to assume its all homogenous material of an aircraft so we can calculate CoG. but of course i think it ill be inacurate
@THEOKPILOT Actually, the PV-1 is not a version of the Lockheed Hudson. The PV-1 Ventura was developed from the Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar, which was a transport aircraft. It was designed as a replacement for the Lockheed Hudson bombers used by the Royal Air Force. While the Hudson and the PV-1 Ventura were both built by Lockheed, they are different aircraft models. The Ventura, including the PV-1 version, was intended for longer-range operations and was initially used for daylight bombing raids, though later it was mainly used for maritime patrols and anti-submarine warfare.
What a great design
greeting from your indonesian friends here. Nice works!!!
+1@redbear89 thanks
Happy birthday comrade!
@BlackhattAircraft What happen?
@WarHawk95 thanks sir
@SodiumChloride have no idea, maybe because i post it when others have no time to check out the community
I have no idea why the P-51 had worst performance on IL246.
He helped me alot. But everyone that read this might be my favorite one 😂
How to make a pict like that?
@Armyguy1534 to be good wished by others
Ich bin sechzehn!
Happy birthday !!
Will it apears as a requirement parts if i upload a build with this mod? Because IOS user might be not able to play the creation i have made if this mod is epears as a requirement
I still have this one, old and rusty
+1@TUNDERTEAM oh hello, im just dead for a while, im sorry
@Adityo0502 16 eheh
Wow, i mean why there is an indonesian flag in your desc, are you indonesian?lol
What a perfect shape!!
Can you teach me how to do it?
Its amazing!
I love it
Ahh, just the same as me, sometimes we get bored and less motivated to build a thing, just sit and move the joystick all around without building any goods, may the motivation be with you comrads
@QBsmartguy im sorry im not interested with kinda modern or fictional aircraft
Can i post my old 51 here?i mean to join this tournament ?
@PositivePlanes me too, none of my friends love Aviation and aircraft like me in my school
If you're trying to create an acurate shape, try to use the designer pic mod, it would be helpful
Congrats, but i think you have to improve it ; k
Hallo pak sigit :)
+1@BLOODIUS what?
@Thecatbaron good luck with your p-51 mate !! ;)
And don't forget to tag me on your post
We are friends now ; )
Check out my P-51 its good for your bomber escort
@CRJ900Pilot thank you very much
@EternalDarkness thanks master ;)
Thanks bro
@WarHawk95 thanks !
@carrot2110 Thanks !
Het remind me to upvote this plane , i just got overheated, ill spotlight it !
@BlueCitrus well my English pretty bad then or just some miss click
Its 51 upvote
@Strikefighter04 no, im serious
Im your big fans now ;)
@Zott no prob, just keep up your good work
@SakuraSaku ok thanks
@SakuraSaku thanks :)