8 deadmeat1471 Comments

  • Aerodynamic stability degradation and other suggestions 5.8 years ago

    @randomusername 'A normal plane should not randomly combust when flying gracefully.'

    The things i have described are real effects, normal planes would fall apart in certain circumstances. Well designed planes would be durable, but i see your point, people would cry at this point as many designs wouldnt work anymore.

  • Miles M.52 4.9 years ago

    @Ownedpilot We gave the yanks all our information on supersonic flight, including things used in M.52, when it came time for them to share with us they cancelled the deal. X-1 was very much based on the M.52.

  • Miles M.52 4.9 years ago

    Love it!

  • Test Fighter 4.9 years ago

    Like it! very cool looking.

  • Ziegler Zi.2002 Schweifstern 5.8 years ago

    Thats one ugly motherfucker

  • Slimy Plane 5.8 years ago

    Very nice plane, very maneuverable and fast and stable.

  • Lockheed U-2C 5.8 years ago

    Love it. Its awesome.

  • Mig-17 Fresco F for 1950's Challange 5.8 years ago

    Love it, flies great too.

  • McDonnell F-4 Phantom 5.8 years ago

    I love it, but It looks too short and stubby to me, I dont know. I extended the nose cone .25 and it looked better to me.

  • Aerodynamic stability degradation and other suggestions 5.8 years ago

    @randomusername Thats the point :D CRASH AND BURN!