the battleship is now the correct size and im ready to put all the systems it needs. but the problem is my phone cant handle it anymore. the game freezes whenever the keyboard pops up or anything at all
hmmmm. i wanted to build a battleship.. i already built a fire control system for it and the main guns. 4 barrels 270mm. i want to have 4 main guns, probrably 8 secondady armaments and alot of anti aircraft
@skittleChan yeah. you use simple variables like on camera open variables and search for the Pitch and Yaw of the camera. put Y on pitch and X on yaw. then on the horizontal rotator, put the input X/90 then the vertical one put Y/90. the /90 makes it so it doesnt rotate for eternity without touching anything
@tarikGR sus number
+1You probrably watched found and explained :)
+1Can i remake this so it looks better and might be slightly more realistic?
+1All hands prepare for battle
+1Engines on bridge controll.... hmm do u play modern warships
I have this in MW and damn i love it.
+1Hmm yes perfect 1 tap against my destroyer
+1@tarikGR i am very much him
+1Dude this is so fun to use. And i shot the uss tiny. It bounced onto the mountain and deflected flying upward at 20° lol
+1Hello and my account got banned. Im using this now. You might already know me tho by looking into my crafts@tarikGR
+1@EagleMan010 decals would be amazing
I plan to re-do this project but in Juno New Origins
i didnt expect someone would actually use my ak630 :O
so i tested it out and, its possible. however the amount of fine tuning it needs is absurd. the concept works but tis difficult
i want to try but my jets part counts normally go, to extremely high numbers
does the Komet count without its rocket? because the Komet is a really good glider if i remember correctly
its also so easy to tamper with the code like putting grandma output to some obscene number like 1E+32
i havent done any impact on this community. but im just saying farewell now
@Zead you need 2 engines. one for the right side and one for the left side. for left engine, its Pitch1 + Roll1. on right side its Pitch1 qnd Roll-1
but srsly tho. h o w
the turret has now reached 200+ parts. still more to come
@Robomo119DerMustangKiller lol go ahead i want to see what abomination will come out of a plane with a turret of a tiger i on it
now, the next thing i will test is the rotation dampening thing for rotators. i will see if it can make it stiffer or softer
@CCCPAirways i also managed to find out how to make torsion bar suspension
my mind: flat version of prinz eugen
one time when i was attempting areal refueling, an ai bomber kamikaze'd into me
We. Need. This. As. Merch.
i went: "oh maybe its time i can test making custom landing gear"
sees perf cost limit
o h
the battleship is now the correct size and im ready to put all the systems it needs. but the problem is my phone cant handle it anymore. the game freezes whenever the keyboard pops up or anything at all
i know my past battleships build quality wasn exactly the greatest. this time il try giving it a far better superstructure in
hmmmm. i wanted to build a battleship.. i already built a fire control system for it and the main guns. 4 barrels 270mm. i want to have 4 main guns, probrably 8 secondady armaments and alot of anti aircraft
welp looks like someone beated me to posting the exact same tank
i love how smooth and intuitive this thing flies. its the first time i was able to a full throttle wright valley run without dying
@Dogedogebread13 huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo huohuouhouhohouohiuohouohouohouohohouo
then me in my b29: ; )
after i finished High School Fleet, i wad looking hard for this ship lol more.. please. no more.. my eyes are singed
its a terrible mistake that i chose a plane where the takeoff speed is the speed this thing flies at.. its so hard to land bc of that.
this thing dissapeared when my anti ship missile hit it
Seredamia, you have a point. im just going to painstakingly modify the guns one by one so it salvo fires
nolonger meant to be the same plane that is for the dogfight challenge
hmmm. i kind of want to join.. but im not going to enjoy something like the b29 again.. the cockpit is the worst
i want to make rotators for a cannon so that it uses camera aim, after firing it returns to 0 for 2 seconds then returns to the point its aimed at
welcome to "Simple"Planes! im looking forward to the builds you will be able to put out!
ah yes this thing is going to enjoy my modified white viper
@skittleChan yeah. you use simple variables like on camera open variables and search for the Pitch and Yaw of the camera. put Y on pitch and X on yaw. then on the horizontal rotator, put the input X/90 then the vertical one put Y/90. the /90 makes it so it doesnt rotate for eternity without touching anything
@Yourlocalhuman oh alr. il use camera aim then
my only problem would be getting ft code for autoaim for a ciws
@Dogedogebread13 actually, you can do something like Activate#*2. the 2 doubles the output. you can also do this with other numbers.