they only stop the production temporarily because they have too many planes in storage which are not getting delivered and because it's easier on the pocket
as soon as the certification is complete and the grounding is lifted they would resume production to their customer
@Parshainaerospace calling me arrogant for judging you from the amount of upvote when you shitted on me for being a gold user. Look who's talking.
i said specifically none of your build have more than 20 upvotes, which there is none.
@Parshainaerospace i literally use my laptop to get better screenshots
Infact, i literally have just fully moved to Windows 3 months ago because I got a new one.
Saying that PC users get more points is a lame excuse. Just look at Blue0Bull
@Parshainaerospace "scribbling" designs that have garnered me 15,000 worth of points.
Yeah, good luck being Silver user.
I don't have to travel the entire world to find dumbasses because i can already find one here.
@Parshainaerospace oh, so a "metaphor", requires literally TWO messages to be fully conveyed? Nice try.
Your next word is "i was just messing with you"
@Parshainaerospace "ahh i see you dont have the balls to tell me where yre from, its fine gurl"
Because posting where i live will violate the US laws regarding internet privacy in which this site operates under.
@Parshainaerospace Atleast my family doesn't have to live in extreme poverty because of a stupid chess game your rulers used to play that ended up in country border so bad, it literally gave the UN aneurysm.
@Parshainaerospace how the fuck does the writing even falls under "stupid anime joke" when it's not even a joke in the first place
Grow a brain will you?
@Parshainaerospace Do I have to be an Arabian descendent to be able to write in Arabic? No? Go back to your noodle language because you're clearly not someone from English speaking country.
Also Kashmir belongs to India.
@Parshainaerospace did I mention ANYTHING that implies the words written on my tank is related to ISLAM in any form? No? Go away from my profile because you clearly can't read.
Like, literally. Fuck off
You're making fun of yourself here
@Parshainaerospace "drawings don't mean anything"
And guess where i made 90% of my stuff from.
"Why the hell do you have a drawing of a tank with god written in arabic"
Do I have to explain why those Arabs scribble the word God on their tank?
@Parshainaerospace It's literally the word GOD. Are you that dense? There are no mention of a religion whatsoever and yet you're here bitching about it offending your religion just because it's written in Arabic.
I am free to make whatever I want as it's a REPLICA of my drawings, and because it's meant to conform to the lore when the tank was put into service.
@Parshainaerospace what they have is the Seal of Muhammad
Literally a stamp for when Muhammad himself was sending letters so that it can be recognized that said letter was from him.
@Parshainaerospace why are you even here in the first place anyways? Oh right. You're just trying to find mistakes on me, just like the last 10+ people before you. You can't even READ properly. Do I mention about it having a religious symbols? No? Who are your God anyways since God himself wouldn't create someone with reading comprehension this bad.
". . . never put religious terms on weapons again."
Yeah, go tell everyone that does that in real life. Oh, did I mention that soldiers are often carrying the Holy Bible, Qu'ran, and sort when fighting for good luck charms? Yeah, good luck sleeping at night.
@Parshainaerospace first of all, Muhammad in Arabic is written as مُحَمَّد, while the writings on the turret is الله, which literally means God. There are no mention of Muhammad, or anything religion related symbols for which the logo on the side of the turret is a literal reference to CtrlAltDel webcomic series, and the animation series Kemono Friends. You can't pull a religion card on me because someone did this a year ago and failed miserably.
Please. You are just making fool of yourself.
@Parshainaerospace you can't dictate something that I've made 1.4 years ago
Also stop with the religion bs, it's literally a word, and my Islam friend approved it. Go be mad at all those tanks operating at the Middle East.
Imagine going this deep into my account just to point out things that you think it'll offend people. Ew.
Creating a server is easy
Literally only need 30 minutes of dedicated work because of how easy Discord bots are to configure
It's your fault if you decided on using like 50 different bots all doing a completely different job that results in broken perms @TheFantasticTyphoon @MTakach
implying they will listen in the first place
also, there's a discord server that's fairly active, another one where they'll ban you for starting a war in any sort, and completely dead one lol
@Pilotmario @NirvashTec both of you are uploading something except for me because i'll end up slacking more
Weed number
@SnoWFLakE0s ah alright thanks
they only stop the production temporarily because they have too many planes in storage which are not getting delivered and because it's easier on the pocket
as soon as the certification is complete and the grounding is lifted they would resume production to their customer
i haven't tried it yet
what is the difference between regular reticle and all weather one?
I play Simpleplanes when I get headache from my physics homework
I get even more headache now
@Nickr if points are not important then why does the devs implemented point system on this site then
Pretty bummed out the radar didn't made it to the final cut:(
Gets released in never
+1Waiting for Jackhammer 2.0
@TheLatentImage I'll note that incase he comes back
Thank you
@PositivePlanes imagine going to a 2 week old dead thread just to say "Imagine arguing over a detail on a tank"
@Parshainaerospace calling me arrogant for judging you from the amount of upvote when you shitted on me for being a gold user. Look who's talking.
i said specifically none of your build have more than 20 upvotes, which there is none.
@Parshainaerospace none of your build have more than 20 upvotes
Come back when you have more if you want to be deemed worthy to shit on my account
@Parshainaerospace and yet I have improved
Unlike you and your sad, sad excuse of owning a literal electronic potato.
@Parshainaerospace and? Still better than your entire account.
+1@Parshainaerospace just look at my activity
I make 5 builds a year
I don't clog the site with low effort and messy builds
@Parshainaerospace i literally use my laptop to get better screenshots
Infact, i literally have just fully moved to Windows 3 months ago because I got a new one.
Saying that PC users get more points is a lame excuse. Just look at Blue0Bull
@Parshainaerospace a month
+1@Parshainaerospace because getting into silver is the next easiest thing from breathing
+1@Parshainaerospace "scribbling" designs that have garnered me 15,000 worth of points.
Yeah, good luck being Silver user.
I don't have to travel the entire world to find dumbasses because i can already find one here.
@Parshainaerospace oh, so a "metaphor", requires literally TWO messages to be fully conveyed? Nice try.
Your next word is "i was just messing with you"
@Parshainaerospace that is just the extreme end of the spectrum
I've encountered enough to spot them.
@Parshainaerospace "soldiers without a nation"
You basically just described Private Military Contractors
Nice try dumbass.
@Parshainaerospace i mentioned none that states I'm a military member from any country.
+1@Parshainaerospace and you're just one of those dumb, blind fanatical "religion" follower
+1@Parshainaerospace are you trying that bad to insult me because you can't think of anything else? How pitiful
+1@Parshainaerospace "ahh i see you dont have the balls to tell me where yre from, its fine gurl"
Because posting where i live will violate the US laws regarding internet privacy in which this site operates under.
@Parshainaerospace "yeah much worse"
If that's supposed to be an insult
You'd insult the insult itself because you're so bad at it.
@Parshainaerospace whats with you pakis and asking where am I from
You aren't going to send PC technicians to my house anytime soon
@Parshainaerospace "i understand who am i dealing with"
Someone with a reading comprehension unlike yours
@Parshainaerospace Atleast my family doesn't have to live in extreme poverty because of a stupid chess game your rulers used to play that ended up in country border so bad, it literally gave the UN aneurysm.
+1@Parshainaerospace how the fuck does the writing even falls under "stupid anime joke" when it's not even a joke in the first place
Grow a brain will you?
@Parshainaerospace Do I have to be an Arabian descendent to be able to write in Arabic? No? Go back to your noodle language because you're clearly not someone from English speaking country.
Also Kashmir belongs to India.
@Parshainaerospace did I mention ANYTHING that implies the words written on my tank is related to ISLAM in any form? No? Go away from my profile because you clearly can't read.
Like, literally. Fuck off
You're making fun of yourself here
@Parshainaerospace "drawings don't mean anything"
And guess where i made 90% of my stuff from.
"Why the hell do you have a drawing of a tank with god written in arabic"
Do I have to explain why those Arabs scribble the word God on their tank?
@Parshainaerospace It's literally the word GOD. Are you that dense? There are no mention of a religion whatsoever and yet you're here bitching about it offending your religion just because it's written in Arabic.
I am free to make whatever I want as it's a REPLICA of my drawings, and because it's meant to conform to the lore when the tank was put into service.
@Parshainaerospace what they have is the Seal of Muhammad
Literally a stamp for when Muhammad himself was sending letters so that it can be recognized that said letter was from him.
@Parshainaerospace "i know what iam talking about"
But can't even differentiate between webcomic reference and actual religious symbol
@Parshainaerospace why are you even here in the first place anyways? Oh right. You're just trying to find mistakes on me, just like the last 10+ people before you. You can't even READ properly. Do I mention about it having a religious symbols? No? Who are your God anyways since God himself wouldn't create someone with reading comprehension this bad.
". . . never put religious terms on weapons again."
Yeah, go tell everyone that does that in real life. Oh, did I mention that soldiers are often carrying the Holy Bible, Qu'ran, and sort when fighting for good luck charms? Yeah, good luck sleeping at night.
@Parshainaerospace first of all, Muhammad in Arabic is written as مُحَمَّد, while the writings on the turret is الله, which literally means God. There are no mention of Muhammad, or anything religion related symbols for which the logo on the side of the turret is a literal reference to CtrlAltDel webcomic series, and the animation series Kemono Friends. You can't pull a religion card on me because someone did this a year ago and failed miserably.
Please. You are just making fool of yourself.
@Parshainaerospace you can't dictate something that I've made 1.4 years ago
Also stop with the religion bs, it's literally a word, and my Islam friend approved it. Go be mad at all those tanks operating at the Middle East.
Imagine going this deep into my account just to point out things that you think it'll offend people. Ew.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Creating a server is easy
Literally only need 30 minutes of dedicated work because of how easy Discord bots are to configure
It's your fault if you decided on using like 50 different bots all doing a completely different job that results in broken perms @TheFantasticTyphoon @MTakach
implying they will listen in the first place
also, there's a discord server that's fairly active, another one where they'll ban you for starting a war in any sort, and completely dead one lol
How hard is it to say that you need attention?
+4this is illegal