18.2k exosuit Comments

  • Guess who is gonna work with Lockheed Martin! 4.5 years ago

    source(s): dude trust me

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    fuselage blocks that acts like wing (variable shape wing piece)

  • Big Question 5.7 years ago

    No one:
    Absolutely no one:
    Literally no one
    No one ever:
    CptJacobson: creates rant post
    The forums: 😶

  • Petition to make @Mod a moderator 5.9 years ago

    Make every user with no rank into moderator

  • How does one become a moderator (mod)? 5.8 years ago

    You don't lol
    It's a super secret cult

  • An Open Letter to the Developers 3.8 years ago

    What's the purpose of this
    I don't see a point of this if you've sent the email to the devs

  • 707 in hornor of wiimini 4.1 years ago

    Fyi memorial posts go in the forums

  • Right guys. I AM NEW. and I am going to need some assistance! 4.7 years ago

    this has to be someone's alt

  • Right guys. I AM NEW. and I am going to need some assistance! 4.7 years ago

    are you sure you're old enough for this site

  • Fine Tuner 6.1 years ago

    After updating to 1.8 the icon appears for split second when entering the designer then it dissapears

  • A Final Farewell. 4.1 years ago

    good riddance

  • Why the current system of our site is not fair. 6.1 years ago

    Dankdorito : Let's give people with less point an attention because we're supposed to support those who are new into the game and give them tips!

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.5 years ago

    hi guyyysssss guess who celebrates their birthday todayyyyyyy OwO it's meeeeeeee awawawawa may i have a crumb of internet points pretty pleeeeasee????? UwU thankiesssss guyyyyysssssssss

  • Portrait of Giorgio Montagner, the Simple pirate, King of Pirated edition. 3.7 years ago

    fastest download -> export clicker in the West (or East)

  • New Rules & Update to Points System 4.9 years ago

    oh no how am i supposed to farm points from cancelling challenges now

  • Why? Ads on SimplePlanes? 5.0 years ago

    maybe it's you who has been searching for hot Russian singles in your area and the ads are just helping you

  • We're doing merch! 3.4 years ago

    goofy Andrew keychain

  • The new jCalc FT — Jundroo 3.4 years ago

    Can i set up my tent here

  • I won't Say Who 3.9 years ago

    @SupremeDorian just vanish

  • on bans 4.3 years ago

    Bans =/= death penalty

  • Yak 15 X5 5.4 years ago

    this is illegal

  • Your face when you upload a stuff that has over 500+ parts count and anybody care about 6.0 years ago

    Except i see none of your planes having more than 200 parts

  • Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Project) 3.9 years ago

    @hpgbproductions Reimu fully supports the anti-Yokai movement group. Do you?

  • Cirno (Touhou project) 4.8 years ago

    do you sell water flavored shaved ice

  • SARS-CoV-2 5.0 years ago

    wuhan wheeze

  • Miss me yet? 5.6 years ago

    Why college when SP can teach you plane building
    Jk good luck with life

  • The few unspoken sacrifices I have made for SimplePlanes 5.9 years ago

    So are you asking for the SP brand ambassador title or wat

  • SimplePlanes Has Advanced to The Cold War 5.9 years ago

    T H E C O L D E S T W A R

  • I’m Australiaing tomorrow for two weeks 6.0 years ago

    Do you have to wear ground harness there?

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.2 years ago

    Why no one remembers the ancient A-10 with the longest description ever made

  • The Mystery Builder 4.5 years ago

    looks like the Viserion by Ervendynamics, a deleted account

  • Regarding Mass Tagging 4.5 years ago


  • Shi Cheng 4.6 years ago

    hell yeah brother i also like to spend 36 minutes sailing in a circle

  • how to keep plane from shaking at high speeds? 4.7 years ago

    fly slower
    or change the wing to structural wing and set allowControlSurfaces to true

  • So I guess racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry is "cool" now... 4.7 years ago

    What does a Discord server has to do with this site
    Belugasub literally told everyone to leave if they are easily offended. If you stayed in that server just to make a bad image of him, wouldn't that make you the bad guy here for spreading false accusation

  • So, when is the SimplePlanes soundtrack dropping on Spotify? 4.7 years ago

    i turn the music off because of how repetitive it gets

  • It’s reddit time [Teaser] 4.8 years ago

    I just downvoted your comment.


    What does this mean?

    The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one.

    Why did you do this?

    There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

    • Rudeness towards other Redditors,
    • Spreading incorrect information,
    • Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.

    Am I banned from the Reddit?

    No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

    I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

    Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

    How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

    Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

  • [SLRP] 5.6 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid you never even bothered to do a background check, how pitiful.
    I doubt you know about how Jacob would invite everyone he thought as girl to his porn server, ragequitted from an RP server because he can't bend the entire RP timeline to get a rape scene with Harris, or saying all about caring to people's consent when he made a forum post calling out Achu for pirating SP and even tried to get his IP address.
    Oh, and did I mention about him getting appointed as a moderator in a server owned by Chiyomi? Did you know, that the first thing he did was to ban me and deleting every single message I've sent for the past week for pointing out that he blatantly stole people's subassemblies? LMAO, he even got so dedicated, that he decided to ban EVERYONE associated to me. Even the other moderator agreed that his ban towards me was unjustified.
    Totally a "solid stone" material. That is, if you want to appoint a fake Ranger with daddy issues who called me a dick just because he asked me to rate his "APC", in which he stole it from Pilotmario, claiming that Pilot gave the APC to him, when in fact, he didn't.
    You can bitch all you want on how I'm the bad one here when I, a rando from the internet, somehow knew alot more of the person you're trying to appoint as a "moderator". It makes your 300 word MLA essay a joke.

  • Here is why there always been copying of creations on this site 5.6 years ago

    don't forget all the repainted version lol
    or the improved version in which the person only add like a single camera piece

  • Dear SimplePlanes community 5.7 years ago

    Posting posts saying a game is dying is pretty petty
    I'm sure that when the devs has released the mobile version, there would be a spike on the player count
    Me myself is still waiting for the mobile version of it because people are talking about all the cool things SR2 have lol

  • The thing that SimplePlanes NEEDS 5.7 years ago

    Set ZeroOnDeactivate to false

  • SLRP: D-Day 2.0 5.7 years ago

    You must realize, that a joint effort between world powers had been made against you, and your allies, right?

  • [RP] huge naval blockade on halcyon 5.9 years ago

    Destroyed Halcyon tank
    [Shows tank with no gun barrel]

  • Ideas for the devs - For the Earth 6.0 years ago

    Yeah let's just delete everything except for like the 20 best one based off how many upvotes it got and crash the system because newly published builds would be impossible to search because of muh energy saving for greener earth
    If you're really into greener earth, you would be doing something else that will have bigger impact than purging a website of a random sandbox game

  • A Really Thicc Ant 6.8 years ago

    reAl AntS HaVe CUrVeS

  • I’m finally bronze? 3.6 years ago

    The pin of shame

  • SJ182 PK-CLC Tribute (Teaser) 4.2 years ago

    Lost braincells reading the comments

  • SP's Community Review (October 2020) 4.4 years ago

    Those things you pointed out are nothing new

  • Area88 4.6 years ago

    about time i switch from Maywar for taking pictures

  • Plane Publishing Petition 4.6 years ago

    @LostCausesIncorporated i couldn't care any less if a plane is 50 parts or 500 parts
    What I care is how the player work with those parts
    A 50 parts plane doesn't necessarily mean it's low quality. If the 50 parts was used efficiently then would you call them low quality?
