@TheKugelblitz To read without commenting or contributing, to stop yourself from making an ass out of yourself by saying dumb stuff that could've been avoided had you paid attention in the first place
@metaphysicalgnome yes
Yes you should
You should lurk more so you wouldn't say "oh I see this discussion here is becoming a poop throwing competition"
@metaphysicalgnome as long as it's a meme build then there's rick tags for it
Unless you want to become a meme connoisseur and gatekeep like everyone from posting meme builds just because you think that person's meme is trash
@metaphysicalgnome now what if i changed my statement from And if you're considering builds made by white users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol"
To And if you're considering builds made by users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol"
Would you call them trash now?
What's the purpose of the Rick tags if meme builds are somehow not allowed anymore
@metaphysicalgnome who even is fanheee
Bogdanx made the comment about German Corsair well over 2 weeks by now
SR made a dumb joke that granted him a ban like a month ago
Tully left by his own decision and the drama happened also a month ago
And if you're considering builds made by white users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol" then you might have something wrong
@EngineerOtaku no problem. I think you can mimic how bombs work by setting the inferno to low thrust power to give the effect of it falling down rather than to fly like a missile
@Azzzat125 who are you
@Azzzat125 who is this
@Shirakami56709 Pure Love in Kamurocho but sad because Hana left Akiyama
@Shirakami56709 24h Cinderella except it's not because Makoto don't remember Majima anymore
but you can attach them to a piston bound to AG input to hide it when it's not in use
This really do be a Himawari Orphanage moment
@TheKugelblitz To read without commenting or contributing, to stop yourself from making an ass out of yourself by saying dumb stuff that could've been avoided had you paid attention in the first place
@rexzion aw man i wouldn't be able to finish the plane then
@rexzion bruh what if i post pic of spaceship
lurk more
@rexzion bruhaps
or just have easy to remember names
@rexzion if you strap it into a rocket then yes
@PugMaster69 owo
are you still in simpilania
@BuiltBionixInd10 get the fuck outta here
@painworkshop brb lemme just downgrade my sp to version 1.15
@F104Deathtrap it's not
@metaphysicalgnome yes
Yes you should
You should lurk more so you wouldn't say "oh I see this discussion here is becoming a poop throwing competition"
oh if you could turn back time
I told you to lurk more but you declined
@metaphysicalgnome told you so
@asteroidbook345 ok cool now go back to your echo chamber
@metaphysicalgnome still a meme build
@asteroidbook345 so much facts that you blocked me here?
@metaphysicalgnome as long as it's a meme build then there's rick tags for it
Unless you want to become a meme connoisseur and gatekeep like everyone from posting meme builds just because you think that person's meme is trash
@painworkshop unless he's talking about the discord server which he's still salty about
@metaphysicalgnome now what if i changed my statement from And if you're considering builds made by white users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol"
To And if you're considering builds made by users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol"
Would you call them trash now?
What's the purpose of the Rick tags if meme builds are somehow not allowed anymore
@metaphysicalgnome my point still stands
Spicyninja was more or less a white user when he uploaded German Corsair
@metaphysicalgnome who even is fanheee
Bogdanx made the comment about German Corsair well over 2 weeks by now
SR made a dumb joke that granted him a ban like a month ago
Tully left by his own decision and the drama happened also a month ago
And if you're considering builds made by white users as "phanni meam bilts weri fannee imma geev 300 (insert russian tractor joke here) updoots kek xd lol" then you might have something wrong
@metaphysicalgnome so you wouldn't make a forum post about something that happened like last month when everyone had move past and forgotten about it
@metaphysicalgnome it's always "just a joke" after they become the joke
And no. I'm not offended
I'm just asking you to lurk more
@metaphysicalgnome my point still stands
@metaphysicalgnome no
I'm just asking you to lurk more
This post is dumb
@metaphysicalgnome oh
So you're those kind of people who don't talk more than a sentence
@metaphysicalgnome this
@metaphysicalgnome what are you asking for
@metaphysicalgnome thought so myself
@metaphysicalgnome stop making dumb post
lurk more
Making a post reporting a bug about different game that isn't even caused by the game itself
How bad can this post be
@rexzion ofc no they're detacher powered
@rexzion 😎
@rexzion always has been
+1@spefyjerbf please don't mirror the missiles because the missile might stop working
+1@TheFinalWitchingHour that would be yourself
+1holy shit!
+1this is really nice
the nozzle can be smaller in diameter and I believe the point outwards and down a bit
what happens outside the site stays outside but ok
+1@EngineerOtaku no problem. I think you can mimic how bombs work by setting the inferno to low thrust power to give the effect of it falling down rather than to fly like a missile
+1IIRC recent update disabled the function to disable a weapon by setting the activation group to 9. I disabled both drag and set mass to 0 on everything except the inferno missile so it should fly well now