thanks man @BaconRoll i installed the mod smoke trails and put whit ones under the car so sow it looks like its drifting but i uploaded it without the smoke trails because it annoys people when mods are on it
@aircraftarsenal123 what do you mean by attention do you mean work?? and i had downloaded multiple engines saved some parts as sub-assemblies and built it separately.
@Kimcotupan15 oh really, the major thing that bothered me about building my black pearl is that the hull is on several angles and i couldn't get the angles
its still not stable hen i make my builds i use a power to weight ratio of a heavy car and strong springs at the back and less strong springs at the front. your power to weight ratio makes it a lot more unstable than mine in the air and on land. in my builds i worry more about performance then i start with the design@Hawkeye156
i gave it a spin and the springs are not strong enough therefore when i'm landing small jumps the springs give way and i blow up. however my car can handle the jumps that this one cant @Hawkeye156 plus mine can soak up bumps more smoothly. also hen i was driving it it crashed a lot because its more unstable than mine.
obsidian and gold do look amazing in some of your designs have you ever considered chrome maybe. also edgy means like borderline or kinda weird or nearly crossing the line to be weird if that makes sense.@SledDriver
agreed but if there was only 4 springs the suspension wouldn't perform well@Vuki11
@SkipperBing oh lol i just uploaded this then i saw that you up-voted what a coincidence
woh, this is cool
@SledDriver oh jeez, it wouldn't post properly so i kept on uploading it
and what about that naboo request not to be pushy but i just want to know if you are going to do it or not @SledDriver
you should make a egale
duh hell have u done i still love it tho
i don't know if i can i will try tho @Flyboy360
yea i think he did @Hayhayjam664
thanks @SAC923
@Blue0Bull \/
@XXXICCCXXXVII can you please link it i cant find it
thanks man @BaconRoll i installed the mod smoke trails and put whit ones under the car so sow it looks like its drifting but i uploaded it without the smoke trails because it annoys people when mods are on it
holy amazeballs this thing handles like a charm. the tuning is so well though out i cant even...
cheers means thanks @TheoptimisticsEHD
cheers man @TheoptimisticsEHD
@KSPFSXandSP yea
thank you so much man its my first feature so i'm pretty exited @TheNightmare811
cheers @SledDriver
@SledDriver uhmm... this is an upgrade. i got featured for the first time. and i'm on silver and the people love it
thanks so much! @KSPFSXandSP @Solarisaircraft
@aircraftarsenal123 what do you mean by attention do you mean work?? and i had downloaded multiple engines saved some parts as sub-assemblies and built it separately.
super cool**@Blue0Bull
why it is a thing of beauty @Blue0Bull
making this thing mobile friendly was nearly impossible. and have you seen my underwater mechanism for the fling Dutchman its here@Kimcotupan15
@Kimcotupan15 oh really, the major thing that bothered me about building my black pearl is that the hull is on several angles and i couldn't get the angles
@SledDriver ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :-O :-O
it looks like radio waves you should named it that "radio-wave"
holy amaze balls this is unreal!!!! way more interesting then the sleek designs@SledDriver
its still not stable hen i make my builds i use a power to weight ratio of a heavy car and strong springs at the back and less strong springs at the front. your power to weight ratio makes it a lot more unstable than mine in the air and on land. in my builds i worry more about performance then i start with the design@Hawkeye156
i gave it a spin and the springs are not strong enough therefore when i'm landing small jumps the springs give way and i blow up. however my car can handle the jumps that this one cant @Hawkeye156 plus mine can soak up bumps more smoothly. also hen i was driving it it crashed a lot because its more unstable than mine.
@Hawkeye156 it would be cool but Baja isn't a popular thing in this community
what do you mean there is already a rally track on maywar its called like rattlesnake's something idk@Hawkeye156
nice the only thing tho is that it has dependent suspension looks really cool tho
see this paint layout is good. but the other one was like a bit messy i guess@SledDriver
twinnss and aslo flying dutchman
it kinda looks like both. its tripppinn me out though@SledDriver @F4f879
i also don't understand how your planes are so sleek but still have 141702 drag points
i was actually exited because it looked chrome on the picture but it turned out to be black :( still an amazing creation of course. @SledDriver
helpful for my current project
@SledDriver , facepalm tru tru
this is cool @SledDriver
@SledDriver also edgy is like some Australian slang i use it a lot, idk why
obsidian and gold do look amazing in some of your designs have you ever considered chrome maybe. also edgy means like borderline or kinda weird or nearly crossing the line to be weird if that makes sense.@SledDriver
edgy color choice but as with all your creations they are amazing@SledDriver
@SledDriver "yes master" 🔰
this is a thing of beauty legit coolest thing ever @SpiritusRaptor