@Benjthelegend Really pleased that worked. ill be sure to check them out shortly (been off working for the past 3 days so ill hopefully find time shortly :) )
@LjSpike Thanks for the tips buddy, much appreciated :)
Yes dude, I have those included (im not a modder myself at all, but I have modded parts) they are in the toolbox I posted. A modded fuel tank (think its x20 or x10, and moddded structural wings, thought im not sure if they can hold fuel. Hope that helps dude
Alright buddy. Thanks for the reminder dude, they are still in my sub assembly, I always forget to encorperate them as I will always get carried away into the design first, I'll have to remember to build them in from the start, thanks again buddy @LjSpike
Afternoon sir, hope this finds you well. Thanks very much for your rating chap, much appreciated, really pleased you like this one. I have the sliding issues all the time, each and every one of my planes does this, until I add vertical stabilisers , if you add them near the back and sweep them back, making them tall, you will be able to overcome the sliding effect, you can also add them near the front or at the end of wing tips, do try this out and let me know. All the best @Benjthelegend
Fabulous new upgrades well showcased here, lovely smoothed parts that will defiantly facilitate some very closely matched replicas to be made. Very much looking forward to using, and seeing the community use such things. Excellent as always good sir. All the best
@Sirstupid morning chap. Many thanks for changing your rating, I didn't expect or intend for you to do that, each to their own, I only eve take exception to an unreasonable attack for no reason, but you had yours, so I was ok with it. Non the less, much obliged to you. Have a good one
@JShay morning buddy. Hope your doing well. Yea ,an, it was a bit of a balding act to get this one airborne, my own fault for extending the lower pitch surfaces too far back (though necessary for balance) so you have to be really gentle and going fast to get her up.... Darn it, thanks so much for your kind rating dude, much obliged as always. Have a good one
@Kevpilot alright mate, thanks very much dude, you always good to me man. Lol, well a good amount of builders make some amazing planes with a particular style, I can't claim any fame for it of course, but always honoured they associate their creations with my name, :) thanks as always dude
Lol, ah dude, I didn't out the usual water warning on this one, sorry dude, you know these things hate water. ;) thanks very much as always though dude. You the man. Have a good one @Gg1234
Lol, cheers buddy boy. Really appreciate it man. Nice to make a faster jet as I have kept away from them for a while. Dead chuffed you liked it mate. All the best @nickasaurusrex
Good job dude. You could either use detaches on the wings with control surfaces to make the. More resilient and less likely to tear apart, or use some modded structural wings to provide some more rigidity.
Great job dude, well done on the 10K,,, you rule!
Good job dude!
Holy monkeys! very cool sir! very cool
Well done buddy!
Nice job on silver dude
Nice work dude :)
@Benjthelegend Really pleased that worked. ill be sure to check them out shortly (been off working for the past 3 days so ill hopefully find time shortly :) )
@StevenQuartzUniverse Please feel free, any time :)
@LjSpike Thanks for the tips buddy, much appreciated :) Yes dude, I have those included (im not a modder myself at all, but I have modded parts) they are in the toolbox I posted. A modded fuel tank (think its x20 or x10, and moddded structural wings, thought im not sure if they can hold fuel. Hope that helps dude
Very much like your style sir, great looker :)
Alright buddy. Thanks for the reminder dude, they are still in my sub assembly, I always forget to encorperate them as I will always get carried away into the design first, I'll have to remember to build them in from the start, thanks again buddy @LjSpike
Afternoon sir, hope this finds you well. Thanks very much for your rating chap, much appreciated, really pleased you like this one. I have the sliding issues all the time, each and every one of my planes does this, until I add vertical stabilisers , if you add them near the back and sweep them back, making them tall, you will be able to overcome the sliding effect, you can also add them near the front or at the end of wing tips, do try this out and let me know. All the best @Benjthelegend
Ahhhhh, so pretty
Very cool
Nice simple, great
Nice one buddy, like the style very much
Well done dude
Very cool :)
Nice one dude
Fabulous new upgrades well showcased here, lovely smoothed parts that will defiantly facilitate some very closely matched replicas to be made. Very much looking forward to using, and seeing the community use such things. Excellent as always good sir. All the best
You have come a long way chap.
Nice one buddy!
Lol at your description. Nice usage of the large jets, not easy to make them work on a nice design like this. Nice one.
Would love a description, but the plane looks truly awesome sir. Nice job
Giving you a rating as I came across this via sirstupid, hope this gets you going chap.
Agreed, 5 stars for community support, nice one dude. Great to see. Keep it up
@Sirstupid morning chap. Many thanks for changing your rating, I didn't expect or intend for you to do that, each to their own, I only eve take exception to an unreasonable attack for no reason, but you had yours, so I was ok with it. Non the less, much obliged to you. Have a good one
On it dude ;) @Blitzkrieg
Ha, nice job mate! Like the rebalance in moving the forward wings back, looks very cool! Great job AS ALWAYS
Ah dude! The boat is very cool!!! Actually controls really well... Always hard to get them this way. Nice work
Yea dude!
Nicely done buddy boy!!!
@JShay morning buddy. Hope your doing well. Yea ,an, it was a bit of a balding act to get this one airborne, my own fault for extending the lower pitch surfaces too far back (though necessary for balance) so you have to be really gentle and going fast to get her up.... Darn it, thanks so much for your kind rating dude, much obliged as always. Have a good one
@Kevpilot alright mate, thanks very much dude, you always good to me man. Lol, well a good amount of builders make some amazing planes with a particular style, I can't claim any fame for it of course, but always honoured they associate their creations with my name, :) thanks as always dude
@Blitzkrieg alright mate. Thanks very much for the rating dude. Much obliged. Have a good one ;)
Lol, yea it defiantly would. thanks very much dude, really appreciate it ;) @Stingray
Lol, ah dude, I didn't out the usual water warning on this one, sorry dude, you know these things hate water. ;) thanks very much as always though dude. You the man. Have a good one @Gg1234
Lolololol, your right. It totally looks like a squashed toad from the top down. Hahahaha, might have to rename it. Have a good one buddy @DogeZ
Lol, cheers buddy boy. Really appreciate it man. Nice to make a faster jet as I have kept away from them for a while. Dead chuffed you liked it mate. All the best @nickasaurusrex
Thanks dude. Really appreciate it. Much obliged to you as always good sir, all the best @Cono9
Lol, your the best dude! Thanks ever so much as always mate, have a good one @KingDeadshot
Thanks very much dude, really appreciate it mate @JacobHardy64
Lol, but it is very cool and I recon its functionality is awesome! @LjSpike
Yes dude, let me know when you do buddy @LjSpike
Nice one dude!
Yea dude. Also happy birthday for the other day!!! @WalrusAircraft
Good job dude. You could either use detaches on the wings with control surfaces to make the. More resilient and less likely to tear apart, or use some modded structural wings to provide some more rigidity.
Yea dude!
TOTAL BEAST! like your style dude