@AndrewGarrison Hi, Mr. Garrison! I was just wondering when do you think the full 1.10.101 update will be out for iOS? Unless it’s already out and I’m doing something wrong😂
Edit: Sorry I didn’t realize other users just asked the same question 😬
I play on iOS as well but don’t have the beta (really don’t want to risk losing the creations I have) and I experienced something similar yesterday. I was using a cannon that could reach really far and was just shooting at krakabloa from wright and the whole island of krakabloa was surrounded by zero water whatsoever and it looked really cool but odd because the area around the island was not loaded
Dude you are the best! Thank you so much for this I’ve been playing this for 4 years now on my phone. Im a senior now in high school and soon I hope to get my own PC so I can get the PC version too. Btw I totally forgot that yesterday was April fools so you definitely had me. @AndrewGarrison
@Numbers got it thank you!
@AndrewGarrison Hi, Mr. Garrison! I was just wondering when do you think the full 1.10.101 update will be out for iOS? Unless it’s already out and I’m doing something wrong😂
Edit: Sorry I didn’t realize other users just asked the same question 😬
🧐as I inspected your blueprints I’ve found a giant miscrepancy
I play on iOS as well but don’t have the beta (really don’t want to risk losing the creations I have) and I experienced something similar yesterday. I was using a cannon that could reach really far and was just shooting at krakabloa from wright and the whole island of krakabloa was surrounded by zero water whatsoever and it looked really cool but odd because the area around the island was not loaded
@MemeLordMASTERMEMES I do love the train though
Bruh it reminds me of a tadpole
Bruh it doesn’t fly. Lemme fix that
You using a copied account for points or stole someone work? That's illegal bro I shall report this. DELETE this before the mods figure it out
Bruh so I guess Israel used 3D Milk in the Korean War as cargo🤯
Have you seen the Vocoded to the national anthem video on YouTube? It’s amazing
Who else freaked out when the April fools “update” was announced?
@SuperRoto will I be able to use that Bomb on my iPhone?
@superTT MO’ POWA BABEH!!!!
I know this is just a garbage truck but it’s literally one of the most beautiful and awesome things I have found on this site!
I’m excited!! I just came back to playing this again and I really like your vehicles!!
Of course it ain’t finished I wouldn’t be realistic. Does it crash like the real ones too?
Dude April fools@IngenerMakogon2007
Dude you are the best! Thank you so much for this I’ve been playing this for 4 years now on my phone. Im a senior now in high school and soon I hope to get my own PC so I can get the PC version too. Btw I totally forgot that yesterday was April fools so you definitely had me. @AndrewGarrison