1,017 jpower Comments

  • I need help on My latest plane the B-29 8.7 years ago

    we needs a link please :D

  • XOL-JB 8.7 years ago

    I say this a lot but.... SHINYYYYYY

  • Mosquito RX 6000 8.7 years ago

    I still don't know how to mod :)

  • My first jet airliner 8.7 years ago

    looks like a leer jet. cool :D

  • Blindspot Test012 8.7 years ago

    I can hardly build planes like that in so few parts :D

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Squirrel I keep telling you that I upvote and comment on many new planes everyday, I can comment on my examples right now if it will satisfy you. you may not notice me helping new players because I've never announced things like this until now. the reason I've never posted like this is because I've never felt so sad towards the community before. I was in that position of small player and I still am now. I used to complain just like them. many remember when I almost caused many big players to reset their accounts over rage of people complaining over points. I feel that type of rage towards people not getting noticed. I'm just asking for people to consider moving the newest section to the main page of the site. again, I don't expect you to understand. your very well known and your a moderator of the site. you got it good and you should be happy for yourself. but the feelings of new players is just something you cannot feel anymore. I am helping people, but until now I did it quietly and without causing commotion. for example I've been helping kingdeadshot on his website where he features new players planes in a top ten style. I never made a big deal about it. that's why you never knew I was helping new players all along. if you think I'm going about this all wrong that's fine. I will learn and get better but I'm not going to stop.

  • Why?? 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustries half the posts on the forums are new people asking FOR HELP. they clearly need help unless they just want to spread drama. I guess as you said "this is a different community". I feel that I will do bad no matter what, but what counts is the little bit of good I can do.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @TheLatentImage that's a bit hypocritical of you when you started by saying my resolve is "ridiculous" and people should not do it. also I'm not telling people to upvote new please or else. I'm spreading awareness for a section that is clearly neglected. every time I see the new section it's almost always 0 or 1 upvote. I was impressed when I actually saw a 5 on something. I'm actually laughing a bit when you say only a few planes are neglected. the truth is only a few planes are noticed. and they are not noticed by detail. trust me, they are only noticed by name. if it's someone like spiritus raptor expect 10 or more upvotes. if it's a new player... well I got nothing. big players don't understand these issues because everything they make gets good attention. I got 7 updates on a jet and nearly jumped for joy and yelled a bit. pros would be disappointed at that. I just don't think you understand my motives and I'm sorry if they are becoming annoying to you but its something in this community that I want to change with all the power I have even if it amounts to nothing.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Squirrel I actually download and upvote many new planes. I just chose not to upvote these planes as a way to show what they were like when I found them. it's a way to show big players that not everyone is so lucky. I respect your opinion but I refuse to stop helping new players at all costs. it's something I don't want to let go of. I would have quit by now if a few certain big players had not helped me and gave me some advice. I want to be like them now and help the new players. you don't have to agree with me and you can pick out all the errors I make but it's not gonna stop me. sorry if I offended you. I feel like I did a bit :D

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustries lol didn't know that. I will remember XD. sorry seran

  • Why?? 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustries it's the only thing I can do to help the community. I need people to know that I'm good even if only a few people get it. I just don't want people to think I'm a stain to the community. I don't think they are ignorant. I think they are confused.

  • Why?? 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustries aggression brings change but I prefer to be assertive than aggressive.

  • Why?? 8.7 years ago

    I stand by my position that I think with all my mind that this community can support the lower guys regardless of the hate they will get from high tier players with a few exceptions.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @SigmaTwelve im sorry if I came off a bit rude to him. I respect his authority and anything he wishes to do to me. however, I'm not posting this for me. I'm posting it for other low tier builders just starting. I support them. I could care less about myself. I just want to help others and give to the community rather than receive. what started all this was a very heartbroken person who was sad that his planes did not get attention. and they were really good.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @SeraphimVault why would I make a post about upvoting others... to get upvotes??? What's wrong with me trying to make a great community better? I know you don't understand being the negative one and all but is it really wrong for me to try to make þis community good? I'm insignificant but I'm still worth something to the community just like everyone else... even you.

  • Poem 8.7 years ago

    Today I found SPs dark side
    A train of which I will not ride
    Seraniphis Valt if I can spell
    Seems he thinks we are all his hell
    But that's all for it gets much worse
    As a mod seems to be in his horrible curse
    Both attack me now, call me names
    Make no mistake I won't play their game's
    Serena and latenmage may be strong
    But as a good man I know right from wrong
    I will take a step forth, head raised high
    The joy of SP they cannot deny
    So join me, stop these community scum
    And we will send them back from wherever they come
    They are great but we are greater
    So join me... now or later

    Bullies exist. Its time we fight back.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @TheLatentImage I didn't upvote them because I wanted to show the planes in the raw untouched form I found them in. Also I wanted to discuss the matter with people like you in a more civil, understanding way. Not in a ridiculous insulting and a bit hurtful manner. Your the one who should be listening and maybe even considering things like this. Not joining the asshole Seraphim in insults and ridicule. I don't expect much from him mostly because he was my very first hater, but as a mod I was hoping I could discuss things in a better way than what your showing. I expected more from you. Hopefully though more competent mods can come.

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Gestour I consider them gone forever because many people just skim page one and then they are done

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr very detailed. I will download it :)

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr I really like the wing design

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Mox its a chance for low players to get noticed so they can become self sufficient much faster :)

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr yeah. I really like your newest craft

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @TehNewDucky that's normal for me XD

  • Poem 8.7 years ago

    we must rally together, and build more planes
    because the content of people, is what sells games
    we may be small, but we are strong
    hardly has anyone been mean, nor wrong
    our minds are creative, we make crazy stuff
    but never are we done, its never enough
    we sharpen our skills, we always improve
    and we are here to stay, we will not move
    so let us get out there, make more crap
    keying on our PCs, tablets in our lap
    never give up, you will have fans
    but you will have haters who will mess with your plans
    but never fear, the community is on your side
    so hop on the SP train... I hope you enjoy the ride

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr they are good

  • Poem 8.7 years ago

    roses are red, violets are blue
    SP is in chaos, and not because of jundroo
    the community is split, planes are getting lost
    and I will stop it, no matter the cost

  • i need to draw attention to this 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr sure thing. give me a link

  • Working car 2.0 8.7 years ago

    @MasterMindIndustries lol. you start a fight and then ask for sympathy. don't be a whiny bcth, just apologize

  • salt is much. 8.7 years ago

    bruh... you started this XD.

  • i need the entire community to read this... now 8.7 years ago

    @SeraphimVault I really need to know this because I don't understand anymore. why are you being so negative to the community? are you mad? maybe your a little depressed? are you no longer satisfied with the community? I just wanna know why? you have been so negative since I first started to communicate with the community.

  • i need the entire community to read this... now 8.7 years ago

    must be the longest post ive ever made but that's how serious I am.

  • A poem for the developers~ 8.7 years ago



    @Infiniteflightplayr thanks for defending me but I actually did make a post for the areobreaker :(


    @SeraphimVault I made my account 9 months ago. I've never played this until two months ago so yeah I'm new. also while I don't announce my normal planes, I've been saying I'm building this for a while so I'm just telling people that it's done. also I do consider this a milestone. your gold so you don't understand as you make way better things than this. I like this though so I consider it my milestone.


    @Eckosong F-14 queencat :D

  • GUYS CHECK THIS OUT PLZ 8.7 years ago

    @Jackie I see them all the time though

  • I can die now... 8.7 years ago

    @Infiniteflightplayr a youtuber named Christina was shot yesterday at a concert. she has 3 mil subscribers.

  • Harrier J.E.T. 8.7 years ago

    the ultimate death bringing machine. north Korea has been warned >:D

  • areobreaker assault craft 8.7 years ago

    @salvador3031 cool :D

  • The ATC Failed... 8.7 years ago

    vatsim if u don't want this to happen XD

  • Noticed something strange. 8.7 years ago


  • Bye bye 8.7 years ago

    @scottishjocks exactly. I didn't get a flying craft for almost 3 weeks. even then it still looked ugly. ive been here for months now and finally make really good creations.

  • tricks to faster cars! 8.7 years ago

    the weight increases traction on the ground giving more grip to the tires making the car spin faster.

  • an apology to the community 8.7 years ago


  • I can die now... 8.7 years ago

    @JakeTheDogg @KingDeadshot @Destroyerz117 @Destroyerz117 @Destroyerz117 I kind of feel bad for this post now with what happened to Christina :( #RIPchristina

  • Bye bye 8.7 years ago

    wtf??? you have hardly been here to allow your skills to grow. your not giving yourself a chance to get better.

  • Rally 8.7 years ago


  • Tornado v1.0 with Glass Cockpit 8.7 years ago

    slap spiritus raptor on the page and everyone wants to see it :(

  • This community 8.7 years ago

    @WAD he does not credit our planes, tells his fans to spam our site with his name, and a few times makes his fans hate us because he does not like our creations.