112 jquinn88 Comments

  • AeroEngineering HS-53 9.3 years ago

    My rotors crash on startup. Ideas why?

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15 - SR 9.3 years ago

    Why do you need missles?

  • (Full interior) Sly HX150 9.3 years ago

    Simply amazing.

  • RIA AV-1-8Ex.Mod-LA01 Falcon 9.4 years ago

    @LjSpike I've made some mods to this aircraft for proper level flight at low speed. I've also made it stall proof.

  • RIA AV-1-8Ex.Mod-LA01 Falcon 9.4 years ago

    @LJSpike I wish there were a way to control elevators with the VTOL control.

  • RIA AV-1-8Ex.Mod-LA01 Falcon 9.4 years ago

    Really enjoyable, would love to see some type of trim, as it's nose heavy under low speed.

  • Air Cargo Challenge 9.4 years ago

    So who won?

  • Air Cargo Challenge 9.4 years ago

    How do we share?

  • F4U Corsair 10.0 years ago

    Truly enjoyable to fly. Would be nice to see some bombs.

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine 10.0 years ago

    Why not both? @AgDynamics

  • B-17 real prop 10.0 years ago

    @Thebrendon55c It's not a 5 star plane. Modeling could be better, better attention to detail. I don't understand why every plane has to be 5 stars.

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine 10.0 years ago

    Would love to see a variant with Torpedoes

  • B-17 real prop 10.0 years ago

    Good working Prop, Very level flight.

  • Space Shuttle v.2.5 10.0 years ago

    @eric314 It's not controllable and won't fly straight.

  • Q400 real prop 10.0 years ago

    @Thebrendon55c Functionality is good, Just doesn't have quite the look of the Q400, I think it needs a wider fuselage.

  • Q400 real prop 10.0 years ago

    Very Cool Design.

  • AC-130 (real props) with cargo space 10.0 years ago

    @Thebrendon55c Thanks: it's easy when you started with such a great aircraft! Here's my updated version. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/KJlm0v/C-130J# Change Log: Added 2 Engines. moved engines forward for better flight control. Changed loading ramp for better shape. Added three adjustable flaps. Group 3 is the leading edge flap on the tail, Group 6 is the tail flap, (Only use on landing) 1 is control for prop Pitch. Also I've built a little car to be air dropped

  • AC-130 (real props) with cargo space 10.0 years ago

    I've also added two adjustable flaps that make this a very level flying aircraft requiring no input.

  • AC-130 (real props) with cargo space 10.0 years ago

    @Thebrendon55c No, actually you just need to change the shape of the prop. It makes 75 Degree work, but does limit your full angle thrust reverse. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/l0NNm5/Sea-Duck-MK-X

  • AC-130 (real props) with cargo space 10.0 years ago

    Great design. I'm currently working on tweaking a few things: I've added my turboprops with 75 Degree pitch and two extra nozzles per assembly, and building in a trim tab to help with it's pitch problem. I'll share it with you when it's done.