please tell me what you think
@FilenotFound because I based off of a tractor and and old racing car
when do they post it online
this is amazing you will probly see one of my creations having these gears and i will metion you if i do
@PlanesOfOld thank u
Thank you for your advice
OK I'll see what I can do
@sexylips35 how do you think it preforms
OK thank you I'm making more old planes and vehicle soon and you are always welcome to any of my machines
Please tell me wat you think
I just built one of these traction engines and it was a fun build i suggest that you try building one that has a rotating piston and detail the side wheel more
@helilover03 I have a wright flyer 2.0 which looks much better
@Testin123 it would help me alot if you could send me a link to a how to build a walker video if you want the best performence
for what
ok give me a day or two to build a steam punk walker
thank you so much
do you want me to build that
i will list the creation traction engine 1 tully
ok thank you
what is a steam
it will be done tomorrow
ill make you a steam engine i guess
@EliteIndustries1 a steam whhat
please if u want me to build any thing reasonable and in my skill level i will take your requests and build it
I take requests
I take requsts
OK sorry for upsetting you
@ESIOTROT121 I dident mean two and if it was on purpose they would be more spread out you see my kindle is laggy
I take request's
If u like it I take request s
If u like it I take requests
please tell me what you think
@FilenotFound because I based off of a tractor and and old racing car
when do they post it online
this is amazing you will probly see one of my creations having these gears and i will metion you if i do
@PlanesOfOld thank u
Thank you for your advice
OK I'll see what I can do
@sexylips35 how do you think it preforms
OK thank you I'm making more old planes and vehicle soon and you are always welcome to any of my machines
Please tell me wat you think
I just built one of these traction engines and it was a fun build i suggest that you try building one that has a rotating piston and detail the side wheel more
@helilover03 I have a wright flyer 2.0 which looks much better
@Testin123 it would help me alot if you could send me a link to a how to build a walker video if you want the best performence
for what
ok give me a day or two to build a steam punk walker
thank you so much
do you want me to build that
i will list the creation traction engine 1 tully
ok thank you
what is a steam
it will be done tomorrow
ill make you a steam engine i guess
@EliteIndustries1 a steam whhat
please if u want me to build any thing reasonable and in my skill level i will take your requests and build it
I take requests
I take requsts
I take requsts
OK sorry for upsetting you
I take requsts
@ESIOTROT121 I dident mean two and if it was on purpose they would be more spread out you see my kindle is laggy
I take requests
I take requests
I take request's
I take requests
If u like it I take request s
If u like it I take requests