@MEERKAT978 hahaha thanks man appreciate it!
i saw this from ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWpuIW32Oa8 ). it deserve a tons of upvote!
@Supernovaboss504 hahaha upvote my plane will do, doesnt necessary upvote all the comment😂 By the way, Thanks man😄
@exosuit Brace for it!!
@chy4235 Glad you like it, Thanks man😄
@RamboJutter Goddd😵😵😵
@HellRaiser i am bad at description, that's why...
@RamboJutter What means?
@Hyattorama Thank you!
@Trainzo i feel you bro😢 same goes with my boeing 787
@MlgNoob Thank you so much!
@Trainzo It took me almost two week😢
@ThePrototype Thank you!
@Hyattorama THANKS! Finally someone noticed the wing flex😄
@Hyattorama try put all the graphic to medium or low Except physics.
@SwiftAirTM it does fly if you follow the guides, but if it fail to lift up from the sea for the 1st attempt, try pitch up 2nd times.
thanks man! @getorge
YAY I GOT IT!! THANKS!! @Kerbango
I see, thanks for the replied👍🏻@Gestour
7 more parts to go hahaha @CDRxavier
Thank you! @50Airworks
Thank you! @Strikefighter04
Thank you!@SlowJet
@LastTigerGerman Thank you!😊
@Trainzo No problerm!
@Trainzo Ahhh you mean the gif. Yeah sure, you can do it like this.  😄
@Romantic Thank you😄
@Trainzo Thank you again😄
@Hyattorama No problerm😉
@Trainzo hahahaha thanks man
@Trainzo hahahaha
@Trainzo Thanks man i feel so heartwarming for the 1st time🥺
I am the 1000 download😎
@Trainzo The only thing i dont like its de cockpit🤨
@Trainzo Thanks man for being so supportive 😣
@AWESOMENESS360 Thanks man!
@ploptro7 Thank you very much!
@sheepsblood ohhh it does happend to your account before...Glad that you willing to share your experience to me.
@EternalDarkness i'm sorry to trouble you.
@jamesPLANESii you're welcome😄
@Destroyer64 Well then go make yourself one better than mine, proof that you're good at it. You talk too much dude🙂
The wheel flex look so damn real🤤 its so satisfying!
@sheepsblood he's just an actor afterall it just a film right? Take it easy, i got your advice, I'll remove it.
@WarHawk95 ohh got it, I'm from malaysia.
@Trainzo Thanks man appreciate it very much!😊
@WarHawk95 I'm not why?
@WIZARD2017 Thank you!
@BaconAircraft I've found it and figured it out! Thanks you.
@BaconAircraft Pretty impressed that it really take no fuel to fly and kinda curious how do you make it😮 Can you teach me please?
@MEERKAT978 hahaha thanks man appreciate it!
+2i saw this from ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWpuIW32Oa8 ). it deserve a tons of upvote!
+2@Supernovaboss504 hahaha upvote my plane will do, doesnt necessary upvote all the comment😂 By the way, Thanks man😄
+1@exosuit Brace for it!!
+1@chy4235 Glad you like it, Thanks man😄
+1@RamboJutter Goddd😵😵😵
+1@HellRaiser i am bad at description, that's why...
+1@RamboJutter What means?
+1@Hyattorama Thank you!
+1@Trainzo i feel you bro😢 same goes with my boeing 787
+1@MlgNoob Thank you so much!
+1@Trainzo It took me almost two week😢
+1@ThePrototype Thank you!
+1@Hyattorama THANKS! Finally someone noticed the wing flex😄
+1@Hyattorama try put all the graphic to medium or low Except physics.
+1@SwiftAirTM it does fly if you follow the guides, but if it fail to lift up from the sea for the 1st attempt, try pitch up 2nd times.
+1thanks man! @getorge
+1YAY I GOT IT!! THANKS!! @Kerbango
+1I see, thanks for the replied👍🏻@Gestour
+17 more parts to go hahaha @CDRxavier
+1Thank you! @50Airworks
+1Thank you! @Strikefighter04
+1Thank you!@SlowJet
+1@LastTigerGerman Thank you!😊
@Trainzo No problerm!
@Trainzo Ahhh you mean the gif. Yeah sure, you can do it like this.
@Romantic Thank you😄
@Trainzo Thank you again😄
@Hyattorama No problerm😉
@Trainzo hahahaha thanks man
@Trainzo hahahaha
@Trainzo Thanks man i feel so heartwarming for the 1st time🥺
I am the 1000 download😎
@Trainzo The only thing i dont like its de cockpit🤨
@Trainzo Thanks man for being so supportive 😣
@AWESOMENESS360 Thanks man!
@ploptro7 Thank you very much!
@sheepsblood ohhh it does happend to your account before...Glad that you willing to share your experience to me.
@EternalDarkness i'm sorry to trouble you.
@jamesPLANESii you're welcome😄
@Destroyer64 Well then go make yourself one better than mine, proof that you're good at it. You talk too much dude🙂
The wheel flex look so damn real🤤 its so satisfying!
@sheepsblood he's just an actor afterall it just a film right? Take it easy, i got your advice, I'll remove it.
@WarHawk95 ohh got it, I'm from malaysia.
@Trainzo Thanks man appreciate it very much!😊
@WarHawk95 I'm not why?
@WIZARD2017 Thank you!
@BaconAircraft I've found it and figured it out! Thanks you.
@BaconAircraft Pretty impressed that it really take no fuel to fly and kinda curious how do you make it😮 Can you teach me please?