@nickasaurusrex Im saying that putting bigger blades (modding it to have bigger blades) will cause it to spin slower. If it spins slower then you might be able to see the prop.
@Notapier i assume you mean adding? anyway they added 4 new engines/props and fuselage parts, cameras, different landing gear, the ability to change different cockpits, new island.
@WalrusAircraft try adding cameras to the plane. try putting them were the gunners would be at, so that you can recreate the POV the gunners had, also could you be critic on my BETA planes
what wing are you from
good try
@Unknown1 why not
nice. next time try to make it larger with more detail
can you look at mine?
@Quintasoarus cant use reddit on this pc sorry
looks better than my beta one good job
@DogeZ no prob bob
(i know its not a greek ship but) RAMMING SPEED
@DogeZ thank you i try hard but people dont seem to notice except a feew
DogeZ thank you
@nickasaurusrex broke ma game
@nickasaurusrex wow
@Notapier no prob do you mind rating some of my planes
@nickasaurusrex Nazi
@nickasaurusrex Im saying that putting bigger blades (modding it to have bigger blades) will cause it to spin slower. If it spins slower then you might be able to see the prop.
@nickasaurusrex Lol. I know what grammar is.
@nickasaurusrex wat is gramr
@nickasaurusrex i think the modded one is forced to go slower bec.... thats it just lower the HP
@nickasaurusrex ikr
lol you used rcn like i said, i think it would be a good idea to mod the size of the props
@Notapier i assume you mean adding? anyway they added 4 new engines/props and fuselage parts, cameras, different landing gear, the ability to change different cockpits, new island.
@nickasaurusrex oh well i flew in the AFB hanger.... ya if tested it before the prop disappears but if you use a modded one it doesnt
really nice
@Vikdesigns i dont know how to fix the gap in the wing
@WalrusAircraft ohhh
@PlanesOfOld thanks im working getting rid of the "hump" in the side fuselage
@WalrusAircraft try adding cameras to the plane. try putting them were the gunners would be at, so that you can recreate the POV the gunners had, also could you be critic on my BETA planes
@WalrusAircraft may i suggest something?
it looks so smooth.
flys like a friggin beast
@AndrewGarrison whos idea was to add the AFB
@AndrewGarrison i cant access reddit how else can i get beta?
help i would like to join the beta but i cant access reddit on my pc what do i do?
bit nose heavy but really cool
glad someone else makes high quality planes form blocks
@Futurepilot1701 check out the successor
@JellyBeanLt k?
@WalrusAircraft can you help
im going to try and use this on my a-10
lol you think this will work, every body here will know that this is not your plane
@SeriousFlipper4 check out the new one i made it has a cockpit
ill try
super easy to use
@turbocupcake ?