2,911 mojoyup Comments

  • Opponents racing - CARS and AI 6.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan For you it does well? hmmm maybe it might be one of my settings then. Im going to keep it on roll but will still check everything. THank you for the insight!

  • Great design Suggestion 6.3 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot :) Yeah it would be a lifesaver for time and less aggravation for sure! I hate transferring the cockpit back and forth but more so, I feel the concept will be very useful :)

  • Opponents racing - CARS and AI 6.3 years ago


  • Opponents racing - CARS and AI 6.3 years ago

    @ThePrototype Perfect :) For some reason for me, yaw turning was not working even when I had control. Ill get ahold of dev for possible bug. Putting it to roll worked :) TY!

  • Derzki 8-8-8-8 Turbinia 6.3 years ago

    lol "dont touch vtol" roger that :P

  • [VIDEO] Trains, Planes, And an Orca 6.3 years ago

    @FishMiner lol did a great job though! Love it :)

  • [VIDEO] Trains, Planes, And an Orca 6.3 years ago

    @Freerider2142 That flies very very well! Makes me keep on pushing myself :) Again, well done!

  • Need XML modding for plane. 6.3 years ago

    @SuperSix I checked that out yesterday and xml inside the app is awesome! Im tired of typing in appdata blah blah lol. Thanks for helping :)

  • weird 6.3 years ago

    This is awesome :) Can cruise pretty good at 50% throttle :)

  • Need XML modding for plane. 6.3 years ago

    If we do these xml's does it help with graphical processing if its a visual xml change? You know how we have limits on 10 for length, etc? If I reduce parts and xml others to be longer, will that help lag? Does the increasing of rpm on that engine to 3k have the same effect or no?

  • I know how to stop SP going dead! 6.3 years ago

    @GreatHenry lol I would love to see what kind of crazy shit you come up with there haha

  • I know how to stop SP going dead! 6.3 years ago

    @Blue0Bull Very true! And SR2 takes a lot of concept over from the originals :) You can still build pretty much anything, just have more to work with from my understanding. IT is not dying, I see new designs every 5-20 minutes. It is VERY active.

  • I know how to stop SP going dead! 6.3 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Enjoy what you can do, that's how. Stop wanting more and test the limits. I have a model that some cant even download due to complexities, but I can run it and its fun. Learn everything about it, and you will realize that even with what it has, it is still virtually limitless on designing. If you are bored with designing, then you have not mastered the concept of "simpleplanes" yet.

  • Submarine3_WIP_UPDATE4 6.3 years ago

    Question for all: If I decide to xml this thing to extend the length limits from 10 to what I need to reduce parts, will that help with lag or does mass still have an effect the same no matter?

  • Submarine3_WIP_UPDATE4 6.3 years ago

    I know that on android or IOS it might be too much still and I apologize. I will do a very simplified concept soon that is shorter also. Just couldnt get pass needed parts on this one, BUT it works well on my pc, though I do have a razor blade laptop with nvidia 1060 dedicated so not sure how integrated runs it either. Thoughts are highly welcome so I can try to make the modifications for us all!

  • Submarine3_WIP_UPDATE4 6.3 years ago

    @Serotrillion1100 Thank you :P I will see if I can use the fine tune mod to scale everything at once and see if it is still operational :) If not, I apologize! I didnt realize the scale until I needed the .25 minimum diameters lol

  • Submarine2_WIP_UPDATE2 6.3 years ago

    @Devarite YW let me know if its better with frames and also I am redoing the motor for propulsion again with an added joint for stability, and have to make a counter rotator so the sub doesn't spin when pulled. :) Tougher than I thought lol but loving the challenge!

  • Submarine2-WIP_UPDATE1 6.3 years ago

    @SelectAKey yeah underwatercam I have but I don't like buoyancy control because I want to challenge myself to make it work with a default physics environment :) I've gotten much further, I'll update again soon!

  • DD Akizuki (1945) 6.3 years ago

    Not bad on drag points for that length of a boat :) Nice job

  • Submarine2_WIP_UPDATE2 6.3 years ago

    @Devarite Just posted an update that has 1034 parts total, whereas this one would have been over 1400 parts. Simplified the functionality also hoping it helps reduce lag. Still working on it :)

  • Submarine2_WIP_UPDATE2 6.3 years ago

    @Devarite Absolutely! I will reduce the parts and make it more workable for both pc and mobile :) Ill have an update that says parts reduced, so you know which one :)

  • rubber band free flight 6.3 years ago

    VERY VERY relaxing! Thank you for this :) I love it

  • Submarine2-WIP_UPDATE1 6.3 years ago

    @SelectAKey mods as in models, or mods as in game modifications?

  • mojoAirliftaTTEMPT 6.3 years ago

    I was not sure if I wanted to release the idea, but fuck it, have fun :P. I have a similar one for water thrust also as an assembly if interested. It will push 10-11mph under water at the moment.

  • Aircraft rotates when I pitch up and down? 6.3 years ago

    I know this is way in the future of the post, but I just encountered the same issue. It is COL. BUT....do not rule out keeping the dihedral less than 50% of wing areas. The wings are likely the main culprit in these situations due to the control surfaces having a direct relationship to them. Detach all wings and manually re-attach.

  • mojoBLIMP _update 1 6.3 years ago

    @randomusername Plus electric, with power to weight ratio may not be enough, unless I used weightless blocks (another xml though I believe). Def want to try ! :)

  • mojoBLIMP _update 1 6.3 years ago

    @randomusername You would have to xml to rotator for 360 infinite, and Im trying to do things without mods or edits of any kind. Wonder if pistons (engine formation) would suffice.....

  • mojoBLIMP _update 1 6.3 years ago

    @randomusername Request the dev to add helium lol

  • MiG-3 6.3 years ago

    Very nice!

  • Submarine_WIP_update1 6.3 years ago

    @mufasa6896 Will do :) very welcome and ty too

  • Submarine_WIP_update1 6.3 years ago

    @mufasa6896 Thats pretty sick!

  • Submarine_WIP_update1 6.3 years ago

    @mufasa6896 oustanding :) Yeah I was trying to make my own prop, but did xml the rotator also ;). Only thing I changed not original to the game. I was thinking of floaters and xml visibility, but not sure how that works yet with battle collisions or collisions in general (wanting to dive below surface contacts, etc). I was a submariner for years, and I wanted to challenge myself here haha. It has been one hell of a tough challenge for sure, mainly due to missing components and operative needs and physical constraints/coding. BUT...not bad so far. MIght Go vertical launching soon, due to the need to stay at PD. :P Glad you like and yeah share anything you want :) Im loving this game more than anything!

  • SC-497 Sub Chaser 6.3 years ago

    @Sgtk Thats what I figured but thank you for reply so fast!

  • Submarine_WIP_update1 6.3 years ago

    @Devarite Thank you :)

  • SC-497 Sub Chaser 6.3 years ago

    Quick question btw. Do you happen to know how to change craft type from air to ground? My submarine is currently classified as air lol. Thank you!

  • SC-497 Sub Chaser 6.3 years ago

    I am creating a fast attack currently on update 1 :) We should battle sometime! :P Amazing work!

  • foamplane2 6.3 years ago

    @lancelot3340 Thank you :) I wanted to redo the first one to protect the prop and this did the trick well! Plus, it flies better haha

  • 200,000 mph boat 7.6 years ago

    @Waflefry Yup yup! and also got it to 950,000+ altitude with the new intakes taken back off lol. Its so fun :)

  • 200,000 mph boat 7.6 years ago

    I was able to get this over 300,000! I stopped because it took a while to get up there and I have to sleep lol. But I added two VTOL nozzles at the bottom rear with the original and turned autopilot on to achieve it :) So, call it now a 300,000+mph :) :)

  • Featherfall Squall glider (31 seconds) 7.6 years ago

    @WestTXfun Thanks much! I design 3d with sketchup and model them from paper, but this is something I would love to dive into also :)

  • Super Duper STOL 7.7 years ago

    I like this a lot!

  • Featherfall Squall glider (31 seconds) 7.7 years ago

    @WestTXfun Thats just pimp right there haha! Ill have to check out that Fine Tuner thing. Not sure what that is yet but sounds useful!

  • Featherfall Squall glider (31 seconds) 7.7 years ago

    Inspiring for sure! I'm getting into gliders for model crafting for RC and this is great to fly around! The drag is unreal :) Great work!