2,645 nathanmagnus Comments

  • My Fastest Car 2 5.9 years ago

    Strap some miniguns on the car and... Well, the results are hilarious

  • I got 34 upvotes and I want more 6.2 years ago

    What a shame, most users would do anything for that many upvotes on their creations

  • Mach 5- SpeedRacer 6.2 years ago

    It was called Speedracer @SandBoxMan10

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    If we moved on, you wouldn't have replied. It's a little hard to not reply after your reaction @CptJacobson

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    Sorry about your school business, but saying your leaving for a few days is a little bit unecessary. I've made too many useless posts in my 2.7 years of playing like "I'm leaving" etc, and I hate when other players make that mistake. If your not posting for a couple days, just say that on your bio. Have a good day, and please take what I said into consideration next time you post a forum.

  • Why are people posting about what race they are? 6.4 years ago

    Here are a couple of recent examples, I guess you just didn't look @Brields95
    https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/854033/Who-are-Vietnamese https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/854299/Im-a-Texan-Illinoisan

  • School bus 6.4 years ago

    You made it blue.
    And you didn't give the original creator credit in the description (the automatic link doesn't have as much value)
    Not trying to be rude, but this is true laziness.

  • How do you make paint metallic? 6.6 years ago

    Thanks anyway! @FastDan

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 6.6 years ago

    Oh my gosh that was a fast upvote! Maybe even faster than this go kart :D thanks

  • RYMA Kolkata BRV 6.6 years ago


  • HERACLIVS class Flying-Battleship 6.6 years ago

    Awesome, but I cannot get it to float or fly.

  • Road Car Tournament (CLOSED) 6.7 years ago

    Thanks! @Cbennett57

  • C-17A Globemaster III (Boeing) 6.7 years ago

    I remember riding in one of these once! My parents are in the military. Well, it may not have been this specific kind, but it was exactly like the globe master III

  • Terror MK 11 (BeeCrusier) 6.7 years ago

    Impressive creation! This isn’t directed towards anyone specifically, but I feel like not enough low-rank players including you get enough recognition due to their rank.

  • I might be a 6th grader 6.7 years ago

    Cool. Keep on building, and also, your first builds are considerably a lot better than mine when first started building@scotttheaviator1031

  • A300-600 ST Beluga 6.7 years ago

    Awesome! All though the tags say “single engine” and its not single engine

  • Mach 5- SpeedRacer 6.7 years ago

    Oh my gosh!!! Thank you, thank you for getting me featured guys! I never expected for my creation to get this far! :)

  • We need a downvote button 4.3 years ago

    Idk, I haven’t been active on simpleplanes for a couple years so who am I to care lol @Belugasub

  • We need a downvote button 4.3 years ago

    I feel like if this feature was added, it would be abused/misused

  • YMS-01/1 Type T : Stahlschwert MK-0.1 5.7 years ago

    Thanks. Actually I think it works really well with this craft @arata

  • YMS-01/1 Type T : Stahlschwert MK-0.1 5.7 years ago

    Hey could you please give me credit for the screen in the cockpit view? That comes from one of my posts, “Metroid Prime Simulator” https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/AI9imX/WIP-Metroid-Prime-Simulator

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 5.9 years ago

    Uhh.. okay @GamersGame1223

  • Help! Ship I made keeps tipping over! 6.1 years ago

    A little late... But thanks @Theseriousguy

  • [WIP] Metroid Prime Simulator 6.2 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes @T8flightcrafts and @BoganBoganTheMan !

  • I got 34 upvotes and I want more 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii It wasn't him who did it, it was somebody else who complained about the upvotes on their creation. This guy was just talking about what happened

  • Regarding reporting users/posts 6.2 years ago

    I've made a couple reports in the past on posts thinking they were spam or copies, but they actually complied to the site's rules. I'm sorry about any unnecessary reports Ive made, you run this site very well.

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 6.3 years ago

    Yeah @Quickarrow26

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    Also, how about you also let him be his own person? Your acting like his mom. This is the internet, my friend. @CptJacobson

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    Thank you Gameboy21. I'm glad you understand. I think @CptJacobson needs to stop acting like your parent ¯_(ツ)_/¯ @Gameboy21

  • hkmj 6.3 years ago

    I didn’t think about that. If only you could un-report @CarsonG1017

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    Also, explain to me how I was being rude? I said nothing rude about him, I was just trying to say that posts like these aren’t necessary. Please read twice before you make an angry comment. @CptJacobson

  • I've been busy. 6.3 years ago

    I wasn’t jumping on them. I was trying to inform them that posts like this often get harshly criticized, and I am also criticizing, but I just want them to know that so they dont have to make those mistakes or be labeled annoying. Please chill out and stop jumping on me @CptJacobson

  • hkmj 6.3 years ago

    This is really cool but I have reported it unfortunately, since you have uploaded this three times in total without making changes.. I hate to do that to such an awesome build (:_;)

  • hkmj 6.3 years ago

    Why did you upload this twice?

  • Nakajima e8n dave 6.3 years ago

    Sorry I thought I saw another creation that was the same but mixed it up and it was just his. I deeply apologize for my mistake, and I will be more observant next time. @Tully2001

  • THE HELI-RAT 6.3 years ago

    Because I looked. @Sm10684

  • THE HELI-RAT 6.3 years ago

    I was talking about the comments in the comment section. This is probably the most off-topic comment string I’ve ever seen on here. @Sm10684

  • THE HELI-RAT 6.3 years ago

    What is this comment section..... (._.)

  • Why are people posting about what race they are? 6.4 years ago

    I'm just going to delete this post before it gets controversial

  • Why are people posting about what race they are? 6.4 years ago

    @RailfanEthan @FishMiner lol, you know what I meant.. I just used race to sum it up

  • Why are people posting about what race they are? 6.4 years ago

    If you want me to delete this post, I'll do so. @Brields95

  • Why are people posting about what race they are? 6.4 years ago

    I saw at least three or four. I can understand if you thought I was lying, but why would I lie about something this small? Your probably right that the mods deleted them, as I can't really find them now either. @Brields95

  • Arcade Tank 6.6 years ago

    Great job! Especially for your first creation

  • How do you make paint metallic? 6.6 years ago

    Yeah, I have one (sorry about the late reply, I was at school) @goboygo1

  • How do you make paint metallic? 6.6 years ago

    No I mean metallic, like super shiny. I know what glossy is... The@goboygo1

  • Thank y'all so much for gold!!! 6.6 years ago

    Thanks! @FastDan

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 6.6 years ago

    Thanks for the advice. Maybe I can challenge myself to make a limited light weight build without mods @randomusername

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 6.6 years ago

    It took me about eight or ten minutes, i built the seat first and built the frame off of that actually@38460

  • Thank y'all so much for gold!!! 6.6 years ago

    Congratulations! IMO you deserved gold way earlier. Your builds are awesome!

  • Jinsoku "Tempo" High Performance Go Kart 6.6 years ago

    Thanks! You can use it in any of your builds if you give credit @38460