1,080 oldengineer

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joined 4.7 years ago

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New Armored car in the works Artillery Truck Mark III will be developed at some point in time for now just small creations

Artillery Truck Mark I-A-2 [Halted Do to lag]
Truck Frame fully developed
might take a little more time(duel Howitzer issues)

in development
USS Utah BB-31 [38% to 50% complete give or take]

USS Wyoming BB-32 [0% sitting in the corner]

[Torpedo craft construction program]

-IJN Mutsuki-[Complete]

-USS Nicholas

-HMS Acasta

-KMS T22


[Capital ship Construction Program]

-KMS Helgoland

-KMS Bayern

-KMS Konig

-HMS Dreadnought

-HMS Queen Elizabeth (Battleship)

-HMS Royal oak (revenge Class)

-USS Colorado 75% coming soon

-USS New Mexico

-USS South Dakota (cancelled South Dakota's 1920's)

-IJN Fuso

-IJN Nagato

-IJN Amagi

-USSR Gangut

Gun/tTorpedoboat construction program (light and heavy Cruisers)

-KMS Deutschland

-KMS Fürst Bismarck (Battle cruiser WW-1)

-HMS weymouth

-HMS Caledon

-USS Omaha

-USS St. Louis

-IJN Tenryu

-IJN Chikuma