15.4k OverlordPrime

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joined 1.2 years ago

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Player Biography  

A little something about me.

I don't work in aviation related field but i sure love planes. And this game, simpleplanes is the game i have played the most. Most of the time when playing a game, I get bored and uninstall it and install it again later or never install it. But i have never uninstalled simpleplanes. But i do take long breaks if I feel burned out. I am 22 years old as of now.

About building stuff

Just your average builder. Takes inspiration from real aircrafts vehicles etc (Mostly military). Not really into hyper futuristic builds. I like to keep them realistic (atleast most of the time). Always uses blueprints/reference pics to build literally anything.

my YouTube channel where I will occasionally show up and post things

Current project


Planned projects (not in chronological order)

YF-DW-2 "Excalibur" (confirmed to be next)


• IS-7

• Naval strike jet

• 5th generation fighter

• Attack Helicopter

• Attack jet

• Destroyer/cruiser


• SPAA (probably pantsir-s1)

what's that Russian tracked MLRS called again?

Previously known as overlord5453