I hate smokers. Especially when they smoke in public space. The sheer amount of rage I feel when they smoke next to me cannot be put into words. Sometimes it's soo bad that I straight up wanted to cave their skull in.
You do realize that simpleplanes won't be getting any major updates, because the devs are working on SP2 right?. Plus, mod support being removed is not anyone's fault. Read this.
Also, I read somewhere that mobile version is better optimized compared to pc version after 1.9 update. The same update where mod support was removed.
Realistic missiles. Currently, they just die as soon as they run out of juice. In real life, the momentum they gained from the booster can keep them going for a little longer. And a input for showing part health, beacon/light that can change color. An input for being locked by the enemy would also be a good addition. Lots of things actually, these are the few things that came to mind.
To be honest, I was playing a cracked version of the game first. But as soon as I got some money, the first thing I did was buying the game despite knowing damn well that it won't be receiving any new updates. So no, I don't regret buying.
The " Withholding missiles until the enemy is out of countermeasures" is a little bit of a stretch since the enemy is us, the players. Everything else is possible (if there is someone crazy enough, also there is a good chance that it's already done)
I don't think the airfoils in game are that detailed. It's very basic. Semi symmetric wings performs well in all conditions while flat bottom is better for low speed and symmetric wings produces lift when angled.
Don't even think about it. If you want someone to talk to, I am here. If not me, talk to a professional therapist. Take a break from everything, go for a walk, somewhere quite where you can relax.
@TheMouse are you familiar with arkam subredit? Tf2 fanbase? Lack of updates turned them insane and i am starting to see some patterns here. If SP2 gets delayed, those who still have their sanity will have to do some containment.
@YarisSedan yeah, it's a good idea to check YouTube. You will find atleast a handful of videos related to any game no matter how obscure the game might be. And talking about obscure games, I remember an incident where I was playing an fps game (on mobile, don't remember the name). I really liked that game. It was like arma and even had realistic scope!!!! It could have been a great game with a little bit of polishing, but it was a dead game. It had lan wifi multiplayer and regular multiplayer. I hopped on a server and there was nothing, not a single soul there. So I just wandered around randomly firing my guns and stuff and that's when I saw it, a player. An actual human player. He didn't run from me but was walking around me doing the wiggle thing. But instead of seeing a human, I saw a target and my trigger happy self came out and started shooting him. He retaliated. We both duke it out for a few minutes and not gonna lie, he got the better of me for a minute. And then either he logged of Or I lost connection and never saw him again. After that I uninstalled it. I only realized it later that he was trying to be friendly. He was probably excited to see another player and I shot him :( I tried to install it again but I couldn't find it anymore. It was a great game with some really good features for something under 100mb. But it went unnoticed while some garbage gets a whole player base.
"Two days without SP2. Think about what that does to an mf."
+13Revealing your face on the internet, where everyone is completely and absolutely sane and reasonable, is not the brightest of ideas.
+11Strap them on the pylons
+8They have no problem with showing degenerate adds.
+7It's trying to summon a demon. Do not resist.
+7I hate smokers. Especially when they smoke in public space. The sheer amount of rage I feel when they smoke next to me cannot be put into words. Sometimes it's soo bad that I straight up wanted to cave their skull in.
+7Is it really what you want?
+7Like foxhound said, what you need is an actual therapist/psychiatric.
Making the world Trade Center in a game about planes is not a great move.
+7Unlisted. Share the link in a forum post.
+6You do realize that simpleplanes won't be getting any major updates, because the devs are working on SP2 right?. Plus, mod support being removed is not anyone's fault. Read this.
+6Also, I read somewhere that mobile version is better optimized compared to pc version after 1.9 update. The same update where mod support was removed.
Me when sp2 teaser was released : Shut up and take my money
+6Realistic missiles. Currently, they just die as soon as they run out of juice. In real life, the momentum they gained from the booster can keep them going for a little longer. And a input for showing part health, beacon/light that can change color. An input for being locked by the enemy would also be a good addition. Lots of things actually, these are the few things that came to mind.
+6To be honest, I was playing a cracked version of the game first. But as soon as I got some money, the first thing I did was buying the game despite knowing damn well that it won't be receiving any new updates. So no, I don't regret buying.
+6I don't remember the website getting a schizophrenia update.
+5I personally haven't seen that many weird builds. Not saying I haven't seen any at all.
+5You have burned out. welcome to the club.
+5I swear these humans and their weird shenanigans.
+5The " Withholding missiles until the enemy is out of countermeasures" is a little bit of a stretch since the enemy is us, the players. Everything else is possible (if there is someone crazy enough, also there is a good chance that it's already done)
+5I don't think the airfoils in game are that detailed. It's very basic. Semi symmetric wings performs well in all conditions while flat bottom is better for low speed and symmetric wings produces lift when angled.
+5Just wait till you cross 20yrs. It will be so fun.
+5If your account is banned or terminated, you will probably get a notification and definitely won't be able to make a forum post.
+5We shouldn't give a flying f#ck about these people or their politics.
+4Yes. FT and a LOT of maths.
+4I have plans to make one and I have already figured out the first part.
•says ratial slur
+4•gets banned
•"Surprised Pikachu face"
The snail has consumed another one.
+4"I swear I left the car here"
+4"well then, where is it? It couldn't have just flown away"
The car:
Be careful with what you post here. Every action has its consequences.
+4It can backfire, horribly.
+4Don't even think about it. If you want someone to talk to, I am here. If not me, talk to a professional therapist. Take a break from everything, go for a walk, somewhere quite where you can relax.
+4"use blueprints my dudes"
And about funky trees, learn the basics. It's a good idea.
+4@TheMouse are you familiar with arkam subredit? Tf2 fanbase? Lack of updates turned them insane and i am starting to see some patterns here. If SP2 gets delayed, those who still have their sanity will have to do some containment.
+4YF-4A "Definitely Not a Eagle"
+4@Marulk He was put on trial and executed for his war crimes
Now make ground Plane
+4Guided bombs are pretty much confirmed. It was in the trailer after all.
+3What are you even playing on
+3@LunarEclipseSP fucking low life. Why can't he just mind his own business.
+3we need simpleplanes 2. The world needs it.
+3You know what's even older and cringe as fucc?
+3The "Missile knows where it is"
I don't think the site allows religion or anything related to it.
+3@Rb2h it's confirmed. Was in the trailer
+3@TheRLAF second part? You mean the j-10 looking like it? I mean yeahh, they do look remarkably similar. I wouldn't doubt it.
+3What's mistletoe?
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore we have lost another one 😔
+3Somebody get the gun.
@YarisSedan yeah, it's a good idea to check YouTube. You will find atleast a handful of videos related to any game no matter how obscure the game might be. And talking about obscure games, I remember an incident where I was playing an fps game (on mobile, don't remember the name). I really liked that game. It was like arma and even had realistic scope!!!! It could have been a great game with a little bit of polishing, but it was a dead game. It had lan wifi multiplayer and regular multiplayer. I hopped on a server and there was nothing, not a single soul there. So I just wandered around randomly firing my guns and stuff and that's when I saw it, a player. An actual human player. He didn't run from me but was walking around me doing the wiggle thing. But instead of seeing a human, I saw a target and my trigger happy self came out and started shooting him. He retaliated. We both duke it out for a few minutes and not gonna lie, he got the better of me for a minute. And then either he logged of Or I lost connection and never saw him again. After that I uninstalled it. I only realized it later that he was trying to be friendly. He was probably excited to see another player and I shot him :( I tried to install it again but I couldn't find it anymore. It was a great game with some really good features for something under 100mb. But it went unnoticed while some garbage gets a whole player base.
+3SU-25T My sweetheart
+3AI generated things are repulsive. Make your own background. It will be infinity better than whatever AI generates.