@32 thank you for your time and effort
Unfortunately I can only view not download
If possible could you send file direct
I am happy to recompense with any files you may require, I have many modern files, mainly russian
Ti's is driving me to distraction, tried several platforms, same error
Any kind and knowledgeable person willing to download korsar uav and send,
I would be very grateful!!
@HuskyDynamics01 thanks,
I particularly joined for their option to download. Obj files to print for physical wargame models, looks like I wasted my time
I may be missing something, but nothing seems to work
Any chance someone with more knowledge could download and send
My thanks
Where are game files?
@WaterFlavouredSpitfires a common name
That's right
@32 thank you for your time and effort
Unfortunately I can only view not download
If possible could you send file direct
I am happy to recompense with any files you may require, I have many modern files, mainly russian
Ti's is driving me to distraction, tried several platforms, same error
Any kind and knowledgeable person willing to download korsar uav and send,
I would be very grateful!!
@32 done this , it keeps coming up as error no matter which model, most annoying as I only need one at present!@32
@HuskyDynamics01 thanks,
I particularly joined for their option to download. Obj files to print for physical wargame models, looks like I wasted my time
How can I download?
Button does not work