@032 I had tried the high, middle,and low physic before I post it but it still shake and The wheels got stuck in the landing gear bracket
I tried to change the mass of the wheels to 5, the wheels won't be shake but the wheels got stuck in the landing gear bracket You can try to find the reason of it
+1@onepoint 我一般不去饭店的
@PioThePioneer Although I am in China, I have never known that brand.
what is "北冰洋”?
Change part ID of cockpit and delete it
@CityAirThemeCityxt "不敢”(doge)
@CatHoldingTheSun Now 5K!
@CityAirThemeCityxt 谢谢您,我变金了
@realSavageMan 这不,洒水车开在路上没电动车敢靠近(滑稽)我也只有13岁半
@Xuwenze 没有,我造好飞机第一次试飞的时候它自动报错的,后来我发现改驾驶舱ID,删除驾驶舱飞时,也报了同样的错误
I have a problem my computer can't uplaod if i use mod "uplaod with screenshots"
@RandomUser09 how to get a VPN
@RandomUser09 because of the firewall in China,I can't open the YouTube and see what you sent
@AN2Felllla It's fine,now I use it to talk to you
@00020 我不会造菱形机头
@Heitan98K 有火无伤论(doge)
+6Now is 310259 users
it takes me about 30 min
help you to reached 50 points
Mod Prague Airport下载不了啊
+1@captainlevi820 最好不要发政治言论
emmm, My mouse wheel is almost dead
That is a good idea
It's amazing
@Lanc It's you again
And that familiar word ''sh*t''
In America,the pilots on EP-3 are heroes
@captainlevi820 传播用的是81192
It occurred to me that I had an EP-3E that didn't have a disease
Now I know the reason. I forgot I change the mass of the landing gear bracket to 0
@Heitan98K 看过,就是由那个超载飞机的视频 突发灵感的
+1@00020 4月1号之前吧
@realSavageMan @Ian_Yashima
''肥料掺了 金坷垃不流失 不蒸发 零浪费
肥料掺了 金坷垃 能吸收两米下的氮磷钾
世界肥料都涨价 肥料掺了 金坷垃! 一袋能顶两袋撒
用了金坷垃小麦亩产一千八 日本的粮食再也不向美国进口了! 哈哈哈哈哈''.(doge)
@032 I had tried the high, middle,and low physic before I post it but it still shake and The wheels got stuck in the landing gear bracket
I tried to change the mass of the wheels to 5, the wheels won't be shake but the wheels got stuck in the landing gear bracket
You can try to find the reason of it
@DarthAbhinav fuselage parts change mass?
@Heitan98K 我决得是国人的话就打个招呼
@Heitan98K 只是想打个招呼
In one phrase
@Fungus I think I should build a new Window
@TheMegaMauster yes,I used his way