An experimental supersonic way of travel developed for space travel. I had no idea I sounded like it was from overwatch because I've never played it. But ok cool.@MEERKAT978
What is a part count not including lag and that stuff like when on mobile the download thing is white and stuff I'm okay with a message as long as I can download it so what is it the block count???
I don't know if I can and how can I make your new ice rally car much smaller because I put it and a cargo ship together and they both warned me against mobile not being compatible@MrAspy
Also don't hit AG 1 it will go out of control, @2Pilots
And it used to have a brother like a Frankinplane like with two different planes in one but that turned out to be a fail. @2Pilots
Yeah took me forever to get the balance right.@2Pilots
Why thank you@engineerier
How did you mod on monile
Ok then
Did you make this engine or did you get it from somewhere?
Aw yes@Stingray
Why thank you @stingray
Also it isn't my engine I got it from someone else's plane. @Stingray
I totally agree and it is a very powerful engine.@Stingray
Yes totaly@Stingray
An experimental supersonic way of travel developed for space travel. I had no idea I sounded like it was from overwatch because I've never played it. But ok cool.@MEERKAT978
What do you think of my storyline? @MEERKAT978
Thanks @MEERKAT978
@Mr.Aspy @Stingray @FRANTICMATTY
Sure. Sure@look
Ok and ok to what?@look
I cant xml so this is purely on iOS @look
What do you mean@look
Just the engine though @look
Ok cool I did not know that@Carsong1017
It's my latest poat@MrAspy
I made one@MrAspy
Why thank you @rubbishcraft
Eh it works way better though the other on would swerve to the left or right uncontrollably. @BaconEggs
Is this better @SmileMore13
It doesn't to me@SmileMore13
I have no idea why it won't @SmileMore13
No I meant the car@MI
That looked awesome with the whole spirals and stuff
What is a part count not including lag and that stuff like when on mobile the download thing is white and stuff I'm okay with a message as long as I can download it so what is it the block count???
Dragonite dih
It might be a bit though@MrAspy
I don't know if I can and how can I make your new ice rally car much smaller because I put it and a cargo ship together and they both warned me against mobile not being compatible@MrAspy
I'll try@MrAspy
Try the uss beast and the missile launchers at snow stone island
Hey by any chance can you post the missiles they are awesome?!!!!!
Oh okay cool. I am using mobile so I don't use chase view.@Stingray
Fly in reverse??? @Stingray