@thealban great!!
@thealban I took the wheels from your MiG, I ope you don't mind.
Beautiful! PS: How did you make a gun like that(I decomposed your plane by curiosity)@AughtFour
is @hfusiwjf29 still active
@KnightOfAraluen Maybe he was just sick of this game and the bullied reason is a fake?
@KnightOfAraluen Is ccooper back?
It is forbiden to ask other users to try out your stuff have youread the rules?@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
@RazaTheBest ccooper was the FASTEST growing simpleplanes user that got over 90k points in less than 3 months
@ForeverPie Who are the other best users?
Do you get points by answering questions on the forum?@Squirrel @UnknownNate
ok thx@Tully2001
@Tully2001 how do you get to 35k?
@Tully2001 can you show me one of his planes?
Ok are you squirrel on YT?@Squirrel
ok I will pay attention to that@BaconEggs @Himynameiswalrus
can you sub?@Himynameiswalrus
@Himynameiswalrus thx
@flightester12 Do you lose 30 points when you upvote somebody?
What appens when you upvote somebody do you lose 30 points?@aircraftarsenal123
@aircraftarsenal123 can you up vote this plane so I can get 30 points?
How did you create your logo?
Have you downloaded it yet?@aircraftarsenal123
So I should say that it is your plane?
@aircraftarsenal123 I changed some stuff and I added stuff on the wings ans stabilisers. I put lights inside.
Thx for upvoting my Beechcraft Super King Air!!
@thealban great!!
@thealban I took the wheels from your MiG, I ope you don't mind.
Beautiful! PS: How did you make a gun like that(I decomposed your plane by curiosity)@AughtFour
is @hfusiwjf29 still active
+3@KnightOfAraluen Maybe he was just sick of this game and the bullied reason is a fake?
@KnightOfAraluen Is ccooper back?
It is forbiden to ask other users to try out your stuff have youread the rules?@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
@RazaTheBest ccooper was the FASTEST growing simpleplanes user that got over 90k points in less than 3 months
@ForeverPie Who are the other best users?
Do you get points by answering questions on the forum?@Squirrel @UnknownNate
ok thx@Tully2001
@Tully2001 how do you get to 35k?
@Tully2001 can you show me one of his planes?
Ok are you squirrel on YT?@Squirrel
ok I will pay attention to that@BaconEggs @Himynameiswalrus
can you sub?@Himynameiswalrus
@Himynameiswalrus thx
@flightester12 Do you lose 30 points when you upvote somebody?
What appens when you upvote somebody do you lose 30 points?@aircraftarsenal123
@aircraftarsenal123 can you up vote this plane so I can get 30 points?
How did you create your logo?
Have you downloaded it yet?@aircraftarsenal123
So I should say that it is your plane?
@aircraftarsenal123 I changed some stuff and I added stuff on the wings ans stabilisers. I put lights inside.
Thx for upvoting my Beechcraft Super King Air!!