best gift for computer sellers.....
All can accept guns, missiles and bombs, which mean KILL, KRASH AND DESTORY, but not everyone can accpet this. Where are we? At Youtube.com? LOL
u can even build a plane in this game!!!
Someone must stop this! said the CEO of Autodesk
simple plane, the best and cheapest 3D design software. lol
简单飞机(×) 简单建模(√)
万代没找你去游戏事业部真是一大损失 BANDAI NAMCO needs you.
Somedays, u can even fly a aircraft in SimplePlanes!!! Wait......
强迫症患者看了看零件数,觉得很不错 滑稽
Just pass by and check the number of upvotes(840 upvotes, 2019/3/9). Best story of the website.
ah, another scp fan...
@BadahhMuscleCar001 here I come! THE 500TH UPVOTER!!
@TheTomatoLover Im still alive, in both SP space and real life. Just had a kid to take care of
@ledownloader123 China can copy your plane because we shot your plane down...LOL
诈尸啦! Walking Dead!
@FastDan it is a bad joke. In Chinese, 猫饼 sounds like 毛病, which means "problem". At first, we say "猫饼" instead of "what's your f-word problem!", then someone showed a picture of a body of cat in a car accident scene......
@ThomasRoderick could we vote to ask devs a favour to 3D print this?
He said: "who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"
@Pilotmario So you just wanted to say"我说不好中文",not "I think China is evil"...
some day, we can play simpleplanes in simpleplanes.
3D PRINT on schedule!
@Otter0308 'cause Americans seek oil all over the world, including the world of games
we need glass sphere!!!!
@BarfTheChicken ha, yes. when I finished the fuel tanks and engines, I found that I built a low detailed Y wing...
@yoshicraze @Sgtk @Phoza Thank you!!
@Chinanbnb 反正这台飞机主要是卖字。。。轮子什么的只是装饰,上面的大人物是不会懂的。。。
@Awsomur oh, I see. I miss him.
yes, the original design I found is a space ship@CenturiVonKikie
I had one rc helicopter just like this one. It crashed....
nice plane!
I: best target for my bomber! My computer: NO!!!
upvote this for the number of parts...LOL
+13best gift for computer sellers.....
+12All can accept guns, missiles and bombs, which mean KILL, KRASH AND DESTORY, but not everyone can accpet this. Where are we? At Youtube.com? LOL
+12u can even build a plane in this game!!!
+10Someone must stop this!
+8said the CEO of Autodesk
simple plane, the best and cheapest 3D design software. lol
+7BANDAI NAMCO needs you.
Somedays, u can even fly a aircraft in SimplePlanes!!!
强迫症患者看了看零件数,觉得很不错 滑稽
+5Just pass by and check the number of upvotes(840 upvotes, 2019/3/9). Best story of the website.
+4ah, another scp fan...
+3@BadahhMuscleCar001 here I come! THE 500TH UPVOTER!!
+3@TheTomatoLover Im still alive, in both SP space and real life. Just had a kid to take care of
+3@ledownloader123 China can copy your plane because we shot your plane down...LOL
+3Walking Dead!
@FastDan it is a bad joke. In Chinese, 猫饼 sounds like 毛病, which means "problem". At first, we say "猫饼" instead of "what's your f-word problem!", then someone showed a picture of a body of cat in a car accident scene......
+3@ThomasRoderick could we vote to ask devs a favour to 3D print this?
+3He said: "who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"
+3@Pilotmario So you just wanted to say"我说不好中文",not "I think China is evil"...
+3some day, we can play simpleplanes in simpleplanes.
+23D PRINT on schedule!
+2@Otter0308 'cause Americans seek oil all over the world, including the world of games
+2we need glass sphere!!!!
+2@BarfTheChicken ha, yes. when I finished the fuel tanks and engines, I found that I built a low detailed Y wing...
+2@yoshicraze @Sgtk @Phoza Thank you!!
+2@Chinanbnb 反正这台飞机主要是卖字。。。轮子什么的只是装饰,上面的大人物是不会懂的。。。
+2@Awsomur oh, I see. I miss him.
+2yes, the original design I found is a space ship@CenturiVonKikie
+2I had one rc helicopter just like this one. It crashed....
+1nice plane!
+1I: best target for my bomber!
+1My computer: NO!!!
+1upvote this for the number of parts...LOL