158 regularpit Comments

  • IN-18 Saoirse 5.9 years ago

    It's amazing to fly and it's relaxing to fly

  • Game Key / Bi-Plane Challenge! (CLOSED) 6.3 years ago

    this is a simple attempt I now i won't win but it not too complex and easy to fly https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/psD3ps/Bi-Plane

  • P-51D-30 Fixed 6.5 years ago

    aren't most planes characterized as a she not a he also more on ships then anything

  • Rocket Powered Planes 7.2 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/SqoX1C/Rocket-Plane-Me-163-Komet and https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/6qdfmf/Blohm-und-Voss-280-Natter-2 are the two I've seen are they specially made

  • A-10 WARTHOG 2.0 w CMAX15 5.9 years ago

    Game Crashingly fun

  • Katoya (Kanagawa) Silver Bullet 5.9 years ago

    Please make the top half a boat

  • Fuel leaking? 5.9 years ago

    same for me

  • Glider 6.5 years ago

    a little flimsy

  • F-84 Sabre 6.5 years ago

    It's a slight bit of a hand full to use it is now stable it used to backflip like crazy if there is any other problem than fuel tell me and I'll try to modify it

  • F-84 Katana Drone 6.5 years ago

    that was a quick new variation

  • Avro Venator B Mk IV 3.7 6.5 years ago

    @RamboJutter I was supposedly to similar to a preexisting design even though I put your name and a link to the original work it got removed from the game.

  • Avro Venator B Mk IV 3.7 6.5 years ago

    @RamboJutter i made one and it got removed and banned for being just black on the bottom

  • Avro Venator B Mk IV 3.7 6.5 years ago

    @RamboJutter i did and i got taken down

  • Ho-13 ''Whisper of Death'' 6.6 years ago

    The DamBuster spins in the opposite direction than the it is on the plane

  • Avro Venator 3.7 plain paint 6.6 years ago

    no british flag

  • Avro Venator 3.7 plain paint 6.6 years ago


  • B-17G Aluminum Overcast 6.6 years ago

    @regularpit I have a paper full of the nicknames but it's not 100% correct though it says it is nicknamed queen

  • B-17G Aluminum Overcast 6.6 years ago

    it's nickname isn't aluminum overcast thats mostly reserved for the b-36 and b-52

  • Aircraft Carrier 6.6 years ago

    it has a few problems but the main one throttle to 100% then wait till it says 3MPH and then hit AG1 and pull up the whole way and you should fly but bouncing screws with it

  • Airship (Deutsch for dogfights) 6.6 years ago

    Not everyone but i kept playing dogfight and the top wings repeatedly got shot off so i put this but i screwed up what i intended which is a aircraft carrier with two of these

  • Britten Norman Islander 6.6 years ago

    somewhat a seaplane on accident

  • Messerschmitt Me.1480B-0 6.6 years ago

    call it the "OH S*"

  • Twin P-51 Mustang 6.6 years ago

    @Supremes21 it's a cool idea and I'll use it sense and i ruined a plane like it was two p-47 strapped together

  • Avro Venator B Mk IV 3.7 6.6 years ago

    Make a version without a flag on the bottom and one with a US flag on it

  • Twin P-51 Mustang 6.6 years ago

    It's called a f-82 the military already did this

  • Not Historic Plane 6.9 years ago

    you are fine its the destroy and conquer a country syndrome

  • Parasite 6.9 years ago

    chop the lower half off and make it just the top also a variant that looks like the one from star wars

  • The Tsar`s favorite 7.1 years ago

    I have the mod but doesn't download

  • Virga Dynamincs: V-82 Mini Desanta 7.1 years ago

    100% throttle and crazy maneuvers ultimate self destruct

  • FA-60 Omega 7.1 years ago

    Kept brake engines weren't working together the whole time one wouldn't turn like eighty percent of time

  • Ford-Tri Motor with modded engines 7.1 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 I work on I way longer than I should but it has a weird area under the cockpit and I didn't know what to do

  • Cliffnite NJ-241 "Trident" 7.2 years ago

    I minutely leans to the right

  • Engine Failure 7.2 years ago

    @TheMutePaper Yeah I'm almost asleep and I'm trying to type not a good combination

  • WWI Monoplane (entry) 7.2 years ago

    sorry but the first thing i did was i went and braked I almost hit the propeller thats all i expected to it to explode

  • XXVIIB Seehund 7.2 years ago

    so much fun feels like i'm being sneaky killing that carrier

  • IC-300 Trainer 7.2 years ago

    @hopotumon I tried it its amazing i captured the ice base with it but I've always wanted to have a fast nimble XB-85 Goblin plus XB-35 carrier plane idea but mostly them separate

  • LS-13 Badger 7.3 years ago

    Why does it drift back and forth in the water

  • IC-1200 Stealth MK-III 7.3 years ago

    I works perfect agile, quick, and weaponized It amazing

  • Weapons Bay Fuselage 7.3 years ago

    could fix the slip out thing it crashes my game with a nuke in it when it blows up

  • Triple Mustang 7.3 years ago

    really this looks cool but not as great as a P-82

  • IC-300 Trainer 7.3 years ago

    Can you make a aircraft that can attack the ice base thats maneuverable and fast enough to miss missiles but also able to land in the base and more weaponry like this one but also a parasite fighter

  • US HoverCraft 7.3 years ago

    Cut the cockpit of and use it to make a very aerodynamic looking car

  • B-2 stealth bomber 7.3 years ago

    Impressive rudderless plane first ever I think

  • Blohm und Voss 280 - (Natter - 2) 7.3 years ago

    how did you make it fly so smoothly

  • Scrap-Yard Challenge! 7.3 years ago

    @Jacobdaniel I was talking about the hole in the side is the fun part

  • Scrap-Yard Challenge! 7.3 years ago

    @Jacobdaniel But that takes the fun out of it

  • Trash-maran 7.3 years ago

    Build a PBY 5A without wings but with floats and wheels

  • Savoia Marchetti SM.79 7.4 years ago

    I might or might not work on it a Later next week

  • Any suggestions for A plane 7.4 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Pa3VS5/Savoia-Marchetti-SM-79 here is your brand new Savoia Marchetti SM.79 it only needs a little more horse power tuning to get in to the speed they hit in real life its like 250Mph I think

  • Any suggestions for A plane 7.4 years ago

    @FltLtFox I'll do that I was having trouble with the ford tri-motor design