1,428 smartypants Comments

  • Shorts Sunderland III 3.8 years ago

    @RC1138Boss Yep I've been hidden under a rock.

  • Shorts Sunderland III 3.8 years ago

    @DaddyUnt care to explain?

  • Sunderland Bomber 3.8 years ago

    @AirForceLover just uploaded my Sunderland mk111 perhaps you could check it out?

  • Shorts Sunderland III 3.8 years ago

    @Noname918181 thank you

  • Shorts Sunderland III 3.8 years ago

    Thanks @LieutenantSOT

  • Shorts Sunderland III 3.8 years ago

    @tucan thanks for the upvote, fancy spotlighting this build? It's taken ages over several weeks.....

  • a bad airplane that actually flies 4.0 years ago

    @lesyes123 your right it fly's. My intent isn't to be harsh although it could come across that way, if you build a replica try and get the shape about right for a start. The 109 by the way the gear needs disable aircraft collisions applying to the wheels if you haven't already instal the mod 'overload' so you can change settings that don't appear normally.

  • First cockpit Realistic 4.0 years ago

    @TheAlpha1TEST uploaded a jet based on this earlier

  • Sunderland Bomber 4.0 years ago

    @AirForceLover hmmm what? I'm building a MK3 Sunderland at the moment big build to so it any justice.

  • First cockpit Realistic 4.0 years ago

    I've seen much worse, cockpit is pretty good needed to be in a hollow block for better effects though.

  • Sunderland Bomber 4.0 years ago

    @AirForceLover Wikipedia has a pretty clear top down illustration as it does for 80+% of aircraft if your after an idea of size and layout.

  • Lost this day 80 years ago.. 4.0 years ago

    @Kipo has been, not sure I will keep going, very few downloads make me think even researching a lost plane for the day is kinda not worrh writing.

  • Sunderland Bomber 4.0 years ago

    Have an upvote for effort but the wing is the wrong shape for a Sunderland. Equal tapper front and back, no sweep rounded tip....

  • Hawker Hurricane mkIIc 1.4 4.0 years ago

    Would you mind if I used this in my serries lost 80 years ago today for 11March?

  • Ninepartplane 4.0 years ago

    @DogstenAnkleheigh admittedly if you open the throttle up whilst on the ground it's not going to end wel (end over end flips)l. 60-70% power and nose down until your at flying speeds then slowly pull the stick back and it flys, part of the issue with giving it some thrust vectoring.

  • Junkers JU-87 Sturzkampfflugzeug 4.0 years ago

    @MIAW26PERSIAN yep nigh on 6 hours work

  • Please help me (read des) 4.0 years ago

    Tricky job as the bottom of the fuselage has to open like a double clamshell from the centre first before the gear comes down and not hit the floor when you land. Looking at pictures it's a narrow track trapezium when the gear is fully down.

  • Dive Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 4.0 years ago

    I'm having a go at a JU-87 probably the best dive bomber ever built (mine won't be).

  • Pink Pallet Air Cargo STOL 4.0 years ago

    @ANOAircraft you asked and Frank in the warehouse listened!

  • messerschmitt 109 4.0 years ago

    Good effort at a basic low part replica, pitch controls are inverted and those miniguns look wrong. More people will also take notice if you paint using the custom palette.

  • Pink Pallet Air Cargo 4.0 years ago

    @ANOAircraft Anywhere??? That's the job of a helicopter. Will gladly look to make a STOL cargo plane but I'm not going to put down/take off from USS Tiny.

  • Glider and Tug 4.0 years ago

    @mLk17 Tug has a gyro hidden under the seat and really is just a bunch of subassembly items thrown together, it flys ok without the glider if you want to put a cockpit on it. Concept is get up high using the tug and enjoy circling the islands. The glider doesn't need a gyro it's less than 1500lbs in weight and responds well to all stick inputs

  • THE Glider challenge!!![DONE) 4.0 years ago

    fun times flying high. uploaded and upvoted

  • F9F-8T 'Cougar' 4.0 years ago

    @LittleJerry I'm happy to work on it to make it stable / finished but that's not what you asked for initially

  • 5 cockpits 4.0 years ago

    These should come in handy

  • F9F-8T 'Cougar' 4.0 years ago

    @JeffChandler agreed it's still a WIP for the original builder, assume nose undercarriage and cockpit will be way forward of current CoM thus aiding weight distribution. As it came it was tail heavy and asthmatic with no wing in the wing and no effective tail.

  • Fictional WW2 Fighter 2 4.0 years ago

    For a plane that weighs nothing (-3 tons) and has no drag on much of its structure I would have expected it to climb like a rocket, instead it made a big old hole at the end of the runway first time out. As tempting as it is to mod everything try making it fly better within the physics of the game would be my suggestion

  • Issac Newtons Reaction Engine in a plane 4.0 years ago

    @mLk17 Thanks for your downloads and comments, hadn't seen your rocket until half an hour or so ago. Inspiration for this plane came when my son suggested recoil as a propulsion system instead of rotators when looking at fuel free power systems on a separate challenge.

  • Gloster Sea Gladiator N5520 Faith 4.0 years ago

    Nice representation of a legendary war bird, one of the first aircraft I recall making both here and as a plastic kit many years ago.

  • Stol One1 5.0 years ago

    A little harsh take off angle is about 88 degrees so it rolls (a little)

  • HELP Hawker Hurricane mk1a 5.1 years ago

    Thanks think I've fixed the block also physics setting was wrong I will now continue working on this as it doesn't suddenly disintegrate

  • Hawker Sea Fury 5.1 years ago

    That looks stunning

  • backwards challenger 5.1 years ago

    @ToastyTaco XML edit of the length of the fuselage block. Think this one is -7.5,.

  • backwards challenge (closed) 5.1 years ago

    I've entered, mine will fly backwards or forwards you choose

  • korean war(FINISHED) 5.1 years ago

    I've uploaded my best effort.

  • Fairey Firefly FRS v. 5.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 You can fold the wings on the ground. First disable group 8 the landing gear and pick group 1 for the folding wings. As far as takeoffs launch it from beasts catapult!!! Oh and I know it's not a great flying machine...