@PlaneBoy3 dude a bass is actually like that https://www.google.com/search?q=bass+instrument+picture&sxsrf=ALeKk02aPoY1suBonJmdEkiI77yF-P1WEQ:1587408327754&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG2Tr1PfoAhUxtHEKHfNjB9MQAUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1600&bih=789#imgrc=SvbYvxyBN0e4jM , the strings are probably of diffrent thickness or diffrent material/flexability or something else
The fact that at the time of writing this comment this plane has 737 downloads
+6@TomekHellFire mkay
+1@TomekHellFire i do but usually use roadster
+1desc seems like a vehicle simulator player
+1gg you beat me
+1@X4JB the thing is if the cockpit is actually gone you cant load the world lmao
+1also the sesame seeds are missing ,_.
+1is that an engine from 5 years ago?
+1the crash into @Baby was intentional lol
+1I have a question, i am trying to connect and i cant join channel 0 where most people are. How do i fix this?
+1@MasterMasterTheAvicenna go carx mode?
@asteroidbook345 make that a 7 plus
@PlaneBoy3 dude a bass is actually like that https://www.google.com/search?q=bass+instrument+picture&sxsrf=ALeKk02aPoY1suBonJmdEkiI77yF-P1WEQ:1587408327754&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG2Tr1PfoAhUxtHEKHfNjB9MQAUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1600&bih=789#imgrc=SvbYvxyBN0e4jM , the strings are probably of diffrent thickness or diffrent material/flexability or something else
are you spamming :_:
Pretty good stall speed of under 30mph.. nice plane! (you can literally land and stop/takeoff without waiting!)
oh shit pretty good detail
@AnimalGlint2000 Well Apple has restricted files and stuff.. also in 1.9 there is no mod support for android.
@SpittyLlama the infinite fuel block lmao
Nice Job komrade.
this is bad, pitching up makes it roll
@Leyton77 i know the vertical stabillizer is wrong but i couldnt make it look like concorde so yeah :P
how do you even use this?
@Baby i literally wanted to run into someone
add a m before the d and you got a passenger plane!
thats pretty good
Yay, one upvote :P