@Delphinus @t8erh8er @DarkBlueSubaru @ChiChiWerx thank all of you for your suggestions and im probably just gonna put a turbo on it and give it a pipe coming out of the hood and wait till it blows to a billion pieces and buy another used one
@xplane10 back on topic i am not an artist so i cant make steve
and one quick question. i was dancing with a girl and she kept laughing and biting her lip and looking away is that good or bad
@General360 people join isis because they are miss led so no body has a right to hate isis they only have a right to hate the reasons that they joined no matter how serious or stupid
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
that sounds like the shriners motto it is very similar but it is not the same and you both are trying to save the world the shriners are helping victims and Anonymous is finding those people who made them victims. that is what i got from this
@xplane10 i did laugh just so you know and do you want to hear a joke i thought so...
a man walks into a bar with a crocodile on a leash and the bartender says that the crocodile is not allowed into the bar... unless... the owner can prove that the crocodile is safe. so the owner of the crocodile pulls out his private parts. and puts them in the crocodiles "mouth" for ten minutes and then he pulls them out intact and the owner says anybody else want to try and a drunk says "i will do it but i dont think i can hold my mouth open that long.
be glad that all of you dont get the slowest types if helicopters over your house because they hover over my house and they are loud just like the trains 40 feet from my house and Canadian national trucks, and hydro one trucks.
@Delphinus @t8erh8er @DarkBlueSubaru @ChiChiWerx thank all of you for your suggestions and im probably just gonna put a turbo on it and give it a pipe coming out of the hood and wait till it blows to a billion pieces and buy another used one
@Typhlosion130 thanks
why did it not quallify
my plane called mini didnt quallify
@destroyerP i know
@destroyerP nothing at all
good luck to all of you may the best designer win (i hope it is me but i doubt it)
@Alienbeef0421 that sucks
@MrSilverWolf what kind of 1940s music
@Alienbeef0421 i have no idea what toy cosmos is
bonjour (hello)
@CrazyBrick15 make the turning angle more acute
put a very wavy and messed up body on it
good luck to all of you
go for all of it in one week
epic is the best word i can come up with but it still is not enough for this work of art
@BillyBobBang380 where?
@BillyBobBang380 my fastest car is named frame with wheels
@BillyBobBang380 if i where you i would use frame with wheels and good luck
@BillyBobBang380 it would be beneficial for both of us and good luck
if you want you can use one of my cars for a body and then put your suspension system on it
@GT3TobyRS thank you for the advice
@vamad88 your welcome
@FLOWRIDER0 i fixed it
@FLOWRIDER0 oh i see do you want me to fix that
@FLOWRIDER0 my brightness is maximum so it always is yellow
tank is my nickname and 57 is my favourite number
no idea
@xplane10 back on topic i am not an artist so i cant make steve
and one quick question. i was dancing with a girl and she kept laughing and biting her lip and looking away is that good or bad
@xplane10 i know i laughed so hard when i saw that joke
hey bronzewing f__k you especially since you dont know what you are talking about
@General360 people join isis because they are miss led so no body has a right to hate isis they only have a right to hate the reasons that they joined no matter how serious or stupid
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
that sounds like the shriners motto it is very similar but it is not the same and you both are trying to save the world the shriners are helping victims and Anonymous is finding those people who made them victims. that is what i got from this
@AntiSphere great. but this has upvotes
@xplane10 i did laugh just so you know and do you want to hear a joke i thought so...
a man walks into a bar with a crocodile on a leash and the bartender says that the crocodile is not allowed into the bar... unless... the owner can prove that the crocodile is safe. so the owner of the crocodile pulls out his private parts. and puts them in the crocodiles "mouth" for ten minutes and then he pulls them out intact and the owner says anybody else want to try and a drunk says "i will do it but i dont think i can hold my mouth open that long.
@HellFireKoder i cant figure it out
@xplane10 blasphemy is when you use people from certain religions as curses (example jesus christ is what some people say when startled)
@HellFireKoder thank you
do you have a problem with Canadian goose
@HellFireKoder is xml easier
@HellFireKoder thank you i am downloading it now
@xplane10 who is steve and what is minecraft
its not a bad plane
be glad that all of you dont get the slowest types if helicopters over your house because they hover over my house and they are loud just like the trains 40 feet from my house and Canadian national trucks, and hydro one trucks.
what am i talking about