60 thatguy407 Comments

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @Mechanical you do realize that filthy frank hates weebs too

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 why don't you put you head in the door way so i can slam it real hard. Obviously you didn't look hard enough or even bother to check the comment section below so keep looking.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    Im not saying that it should be removed. I'm just pointing out the fact that all of you are weebs. If you don't think so then take a look at all the profile pictures. #SimpleWeeaboos are taking over the game. And for those of you that say just ignore it its kinda hard when its the number one plane this week for highest rated and when literally half of the community has profile pics of anime pictures. Like i've said, I'm not saying anyone should get banned from the site although that would be pretty funny, I'm just pointing out the fact that all of you are cringy weebs who try too hard to express their "interests" way too much.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @UmbyTheZombeonYT I'm calling you out boi

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago


  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    If the Mods and Devs upload it then there weebs too. Don't get me wrong the model is very impressive and beyond anything that I could do but that doesn't change the fact that the creator or you guys are weebs. I don't have anything against weebs. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    If the profile pictures didn't prove it then this definitely does. You're all a bunch of weeaboos as far as I'm concerned.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    you guys are weeaboos

  • The funniest/cringiest/most noob thing you have done in simpleplanes... V. II 7.3 years ago

    spent an hour reading comment fights in simple planes

  • Custom race buggy JT 8.2 years ago

    This is a really nice model. I really love the suspension and how it behaves so similar to a baja 1000 buggy. Also the weight distribution is on point. If at all possible, could you keep the same chassis and suspension setup and turn it into a trophy truck? Now that would be cool.


    Im reading this during finals week distracting myself from studying. Honestly this is almost as funny as fights in the youtube comment section. Also, this is my first comment.

  • North American XB-70A Mach 3+ model 9.4 years ago

    hey dude

    love the plane. the design is perfect and the plane looks beautiful
    only problem is when in flight it tends to pitch up a bit too much