321 theboys Comments

  • CX500 - Cafe Racer 2.2 years ago

    We had hours of fun just making it do jumps

  • Making Unity mods on macOS supported? 2.7 years ago

    Thanks - updating to Unity 2020.3.26f1 made it work for me.

  • Attach parachute to ejection seat? 2.9 years ago

    @ColonelCanada, I thought you had made a comment here before but I can't find it. I didn't quite understand what you mean. But we uploaded an example of our ejection seat. It's just a basic seat. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Y9cxb5/F-15A

    Does this give you any clues as to what we could be doing differently?

  • Toyota Corolla 1986 (FPS Edition) one month ago

    This is great! I put it on the TV and made my whole family watch it.

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 10 months ago

    We cannot load textures from certain mods, and objects are just pink: https://youtu.be/pLBw6U646b8?t=107

    We are on two different macOS computers and find that certain mods load the default Unity pink color. The most recent mod to trigger this was Minecraft Lush Cave 1. Do let us know if there is any workaround.

  • Minecraft Lush Cave 11 months ago

    @PPLLAANNEE Sure, here's a video showing what I'm seeing. I forgot to mention when I pull down the developer console using "~", I don't see any error messages.


  • Minecraft Lush Cave 11 months ago

    @theboys I have also:
    1. Turned game settings to "high" (usually on "low?)
    2. Disabled all mods

  • Minecraft Lush Cave 11 months ago

    Hi there, we see mostly purple emptiness when we try the maps. We are on macOS. Are we supposed to download some file in addition to the .spmod?

    To write our steps:
    1. Drag the "Minecraft Lush Cave.spmod" into Mods folder
    2. Launch SimplePlanes and enable the mod
    3. Sandbox Maps -> either Peaceful or Minecraft Lush Cave
    4. Things are mostly bright purple except for some squares

    Any hints? This mod has been highly anticipated.

  • Room Romp 1.9 years ago

    Hi, it seems the textures aren't loading. We are on SimplePlanes We observe this in the console (I had to hand type this from a screenshot):

    TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100002b (from typref, class/assembly UnityEngine.Touch, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

  • A-10 Warthog 2.4 years ago

    @PowerRyder we did not use any those parts! But thanks for the link!

  • F-16A 2.4 years ago


  • Making Unity mods on macOS supported? 2.7 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX Thanks

    but for me the simpleplanes toolbar (next to component, window, and others) appears as soon as I click import and the importing finishes.

    Is this on Windows or Mac?

    I do know installing and running mods works
    Yep we install mods with no problems on macOS.

  • J20 Semi-finished products 3.1 years ago

    This airplane handles really well! And it seems to have missiles that can lock on + launch from any direction. Wonderful.