@MrCOPTY kinda, i only modernized the cockpit in sw-51 style. My next project will be scale wings style C 202 Folgore. Scaled down to 70% and superlight
@MethaManAircraft well, i know it is hard to fly because of low speed but the engines are reliable once started. I'm very happy with this experiment because it can fly but i also think it reached the limit and cant really do improvements
@BuildModifier i don't Plan on adding instructions, sorry. The FBW screen on the MFD Is used to adjust the max Angle of control surfaces. While the FBW panel under the MFD Is a "relative control input". When Active pitch or roll angle, the speedo turns into the angle visualizer. Basicaly the plane will hold these angles on the roll and Pitch axis. Level switch will return to 0 these angles. The sliders are the input Speed.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 when you're on the Airport Page press input to select an Airport. On the waypoint Page, After inputting all the values, press SET-WYP.
Update! So i by passed the "MSC=0&MSCB8=1?1:0"
ButtonX A MSC=30?X2:X0
VariableX ButtonX=2?1:0
I was using Toggle buttons until now wich acted like "Once" buttons but didnt work correctly with the code above.
@PlaneWelder @PlaneFlightX sure, i use parentheses
Here Is the code
For buttons i use MSC=24&MSCB1=1?1:0 but these buttons stopped working for new variables. IF i try to link the button to older variables It works but not with new ones
I mad a plane with a similar setup, it worked but was very hard to mantain flight. I had problems with the piston detaching at high speeds. Good work tho!
@Testin123 Thanks, i see you're into offroad, ill release soon a lifted jeep and i am also working on a trophy truck. Also started a vw type suspension of a sand rail. Im thinking to make full replica frame of something, ideas are wellcome!
Crazy good suspension articulation and also nice body work
+2@MrCOPTY kinda, i only modernized the cockpit in sw-51 style. My next project will be scale wings style C 202 Folgore. Scaled down to 70% and superlight
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hell yeah! I would love it
+1It kinda looks like a Saxo/Ax. Is that the Tu5JP4 16V 1.6 engine?
+1@MethaManAircraft well, i know it is hard to fly because of low speed but the engines are reliable once started. I'm very happy with this experiment because it can fly but i also think it reached the limit and cant really do improvements
+1@Defalt1 have you turned on auto prop pitch and rev limiter?
@BuildModifier i don't Plan on adding instructions, sorry. The FBW screen on the MFD Is used to adjust the max Angle of control surfaces. While the FBW panel under the MFD Is a "relative control input". When Active pitch or roll angle, the speedo turns into the angle visualizer. Basicaly the plane will hold these angles on the roll and Pitch axis. Level switch will return to 0 these angles. The sliders are the input Speed.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 when you're on the Airport Page press input to select an Airport. On the waypoint Page, After inputting all the values, press SET-WYP.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 whats the problem?
@XEPOH the SW-51 Is 25% smaller than a P-51. This Is 1:1 so its technically still a P-51 airframe
@EdamCheese6 numpad and waypoint system
@BigAeroplane autopilot system
@Striderxxl HUD and Radar
Nice! You can look up my Artillery truck on how to make a pitch/roll controlled turret
@Erc90F4RU yeah hungary got all kind of Planes, 3rd and 4th gen soviet fighters and now rocking the Gripens. Nice Plane btw!
@Erc90F4RU yeah lol. Carrier based aircraft in a Land locked country. Launching from the world's biggest puddle, the Balaton.
@SimplePotato thank you! I tried to make It somewhat realistic and Easy to use at the same time.
@Kerbango these are incredibile, i will use for sure! Thanks mate!
Update! So i by passed the "MSC=0&MSCB8=1?1:0"
ButtonX A MSC=30?X2:X0
VariableX ButtonX=2?1:0
I was using Toggle buttons until now wich acted like "Once" buttons but didnt work correctly with the code above.
@PlaneWelder @PlaneFlightX sure, i use parentheses
Here Is the code
For buttons i use MSC=24&MSCB1=1?1:0 but these buttons stopped working for new variables. IF i try to link the button to older variables It works but not with new ones
@Zaineman i was wondering too what would happen so i made It. Check out my profile :)
Needs some finishing touches, Just wanted tò share the progress
@88blaroo thank you!
I mad a plane with a similar setup, it worked but was very hard to mantain flight. I had problems with the piston detaching at high speeds. Good work tho!
@CRJ900Pilot thanks!
@aircraftarsenal123 have you seen my semi active pushrod?
@CodeCannibal64 right tools and a lot of patience :D
@Testin123 Thanks, i see you're into offroad, ill release soon a lifted jeep and i am also working on a trophy truck. Also started a vw type suspension of a sand rail. Im thinking to make full replica frame of something, ideas are wellcome!
@CALVIN232 sure, just make how you want it, mine is just sketch of the frame.
@Flu thanks!
Thanks @Gestour for the amazing mod.
@harveyrobinson8 could be much better fitting a mechanical steering
Amazing suspension
@Visify https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/zR9J5w/OMW-Aurelion-piston-engine
Did it. Look for it. Hope you enjoy
@Spacedoge12345plane Hi!