360 wonkapilot Comments

  • Oil refinery[ground target] 4.7 years ago

    @pancelvonat could you please do a successor with drag disabled? That is why it doesn’t work for mobile users.

  • Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless 4.8 years ago

    How do you take off in it? I had the stick full forward, but the nose went vertical and then it stalled and flat spun into the ground.

  • AT-AT Walker 4.7 years ago

    According to my Star Wars cross sections book, the AT-AT had a maximum speed of 60 km/h

  • ROYAL AIRCRAFT FACTORY - SE.5A 4.7 years ago

    @silver Yeah! Great job man, I really like the plane.

  • LCVP (Higgins) - Pacific War Challenge! 4.8 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor I have the same problem as @Juhn. I’m on mobile.

  • D-LS 133 Scharnhorst 5.1 years ago

    The ramp doesn’t work on my phone. Could someone please help me? I can’t reach it in the designer to fix it myself because it won’t let me go past a certain point. It’s like an invisible wall.

  • D-LS 133 Scharnhorst 5.1 years ago

    @Scharnhorst Where is the ramp?

  • Brot type D battleship 5.4 years ago

    The Bread Battleship!

  • Concorde SST 5.4 years ago

    Can someone please tag me for just the engine? I’m having trouble removing it myself.

  • hornet mk3 5.7 years ago

    You should make an Avro Lancaster one day!

  • My First Fuselage Art 4.5 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Citizen Lol, sorry for the late reply!

  • M-156 "Ladoga" | Aeroflot - Russian Airlines 4.5 years ago

    When I first read the word Aeroflot I thought it was A3POqpAOT, and that it was in English.

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) 4.6 years ago

    @BMilan Could you please make the Oklahoma?

  • IJN Aoba 4.7 years ago

    @soldier289 Thanks!

  • IJN Aoba 4.7 years ago

    @soldier289 Could you please post a link for that mod? It makes your already awesome ship look even better! Great job, by the way.

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia 4.7 years ago

    I have a picture of myself standing in front of that IWM spitfire. The man that worked there told us that we could step over the barrier and he could take a picture of us.

  • West German F-104G Starfighter 4.8 years ago

    First upvote and comment.

  • Sopwith Camel (v1.0) Rotary Engine & Custom Prop 4.8 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor Could you please make a Bristol F.2B? I absolutely love the realism that you infuse into your work, and I think that it would be a great addition to your WWI planes.

  • Sopwith Camel (v1.0) Rotary Engine & Custom Prop 4.8 years ago

    Camels used to throw out oil as quickly as it was used. Therefore, if the pilot stuck his head out the side, he would get covered in oil. Most pilots came back from a flight with oil somewhere on them.

  • Portrait of Stalin 4.8 years ago

    @SCPMTF12 Why in the world do individuals like you decide to take to the SimplePlanes website to start political debate? It’s silly, because this is a website about planes. I completely agree with @Mustang51, @TheReturningHound and @ThePilotDude.

  • Socrux S. Ca. 163 Quimera (MFC) 5.2 years ago

    @FlyingHueman Could you please post the prototype paint scheme? I like it. Oh, by the way, this is an unusual design, but it flies amazingly. Just like it should instead of just flying easily.

  • Avro Lancaster 5.5 years ago

    Wizard2017’s Lancaster has to be the best handling and highest detailed Lancaster on the site.

  • WW2 Battleship 5.9 years ago

    It looks like an American South Dakota class battleship.

  • Twin-engine, "heavy" fighters 6.0 years ago

    @costr Ah, ok. I’ll be looking forward to seeing the finished product! By the way I’ve always loved your style.

  • Fw 190A-8 Ta 154A-1 Mistel 6.0 years ago

    If people at having trouble flying this, turn on activation group 1 and put the throttle up to 60-65 percent throttle. Then, disengage 1 and put the throttle up to full. You can then take off normally. To detatch the two Aircraft, activate 2 and 3 (3 activates the 190s controls) and fly straight. Also, when the two aircraft detach also activate 1, it activates the 190’s throttle.

  • Boeing YCH/CH-50 Super Chinook 6.8 years ago

    Yeah, my dad fle helicopters and it’s definitely a two engine design. It’s a single rotor though

  • Medium bomber 6.9 years ago

    Yeah. I’ll get onto it as soon as I can @Crazyinferno376

  • Medium bomber 6.9 years ago

    Hey cool wings! I invented the original design

  • Australis Wedge 7.2 years ago

    No one ever makes any Australian craft! I am very happy with this because I am Australian. It is also a very cool car. Good job

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) 3.7 years ago

    @BMilan Ok, thanks!

  • Ultra Aerospace Ultralight mk1 4.4 years ago

    Just because the thumbnail looks like it’s from Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 I’m going to upvote.

  • M-156 "Ladoga" | Aeroflot - Russian Airlines 4.5 years ago

    @Boogly777 haha lol.

  • My First Fuselage Art 4.5 years ago

    That wing loading though...

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.5 years ago

    @switdog08 Ok, thanks!

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.5 years ago

    Will I lose any saved builds if I download the beta?

  • Nightmare 4.6 years ago

    @232287168147825 Ok, thanks!

  • Nightmare 4.6 years ago

    What is that car in the foreground of the last picture?

  • YAMATO 1945 4.7 years ago

    @Onedream Ah, thanks! My computer has 16GB ram, so I should be right. Absolutely amazing build by the way!

  • YAMATO 1945 4.7 years ago

    @NiMitZcvN68 Ah, ok. I’ll give it a try when I install SimplePlanes on it. Thanks for the info.

  • YAMATO 1945 4.7 years ago

    Does anyone think that a pc with an i7 generation 9 core and an rtx2060 graphics card with 6gb vram would be able to run this? The pc itself has 16gb ram.

  • Hansa-Brandenburg W.29 4.7 years ago

    @Notnoob1000 Yes, I will. Thanks for the idea.

  • Hansa-Brandenburg W.29 4.7 years ago

    @Notnoob1000 I was going to buy a kit, looks like I won’t be able to now. That is really sad.

  • Hansa-Brandenburg W.29 4.7 years ago

    @Notnoob1000 Wait WHAAAAAAT?

  • Arado Ar 234 B-2 Blitz 4.7 years ago

    @Hedero Ok, sounds good!

  • New Website Update: Username Changes! 4.7 years ago

    For some reason this turned up in my favourites page!

  • Arado Ar 234 B-2 Blitz 4.7 years ago

    @Hedero Could you please make a JU-88 sometime? I love your style and there aren’t many decent 88’s about on the site.

  • P-51D-20 NA Mustang 4.7 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Ah, thanks!

  • P-51D-20 NA Mustang 4.7 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Does it work alright with low physics?

  • B-19 Flying Gunship (RAF SERVICE AND LIGHTS) 4.7 years ago

    @Dude32 No, but I think you should credit WalrusAircraft, he made the original.

  • B-19 Flying Gunship (RAF SERVICE AND LIGHTS) 4.7 years ago

    @Dude32 Of course!