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Let's collect some songs for flying!

81.9k TakicraftCorporation  3.9 years ago

UPDATE: I made the song list, you can find it here


I'm back, again... Well not fully but I'm working on it. The reason for my huge inactivity is that I'm writing my diploma thesis right now, about how games can be used as educational tools. (And yes, I did mention SimplePlanes and SimpleRockets 2)

Since I have no time to build yet, but I definitely wanted to give a life sign away, I thought it could be fun to make a youtube playlist with kinds of music that add some good vibes to flying around in the game. Let me start with my five favorite songs for flying.

1 Learning To Fly - Pink Floyd

This one is kinda essential and gives itself, and who doesn't likes Pink Floyd anyway? Those smooth guitar riffs are perfect for a chill flight with a bush plane.


2 Heavy Metal (Takin' a ride) - Don Felder

If you know the weird but stunning 80's movie Heavy Metal, you probably familiar with this one. This is kinda the theme song of bomb runs for me. Especially, if you have a B-17.


3 Jet Airliner - Steve Miller Band

Also a classic and obvious one here, sick riffs and catchy lyrics, a great choice for flying around with no particular destination.


4 Szállj Velem - Napoleon Boulevard

Well, this is a Hungarian song from the '80s. The title means "fly with me" and this is the band's second famous song, but my favorite one from them. And as a proud Hungarian, I just can't leave it out. It has a cool new wave-ish sounding, so you should give it a try, even if the lyrics sound alien to you.


5 Fly For Your Life - Gunship

A true synthwave gem, with magnificent vocals. Since synthwave is pretty much popular nowadays, this one has a place on the list. Hard to speak about it without repeating myself, so let the song speak instead


I know there's pretty more out there, the essentials like Aces High, or the entire Top Gun soundtrack, but I tried to gain some uniqueness on my point of view.

If you care to join comment below your best flying songs, I'll try to create a youtube playlist from them.

Please pick max 5 songs, don't throw at me your entire music collection

I don't really want to give this a deadline, but let's say I keep listing them till the weekend.

Have fun, and stay healthy! Soon I'll try to create normal content I promise.

Have a nice day/night/evening!

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    Everyone, i'm making the list, listened all your songs, I'll try to include at least one from everyone who sent a title :) the link will be pasted into this post

    Pinned 3.9 years ago
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    Now every time I fly a jet airliner I listen to Steve Miller band.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    @Ruskiwaffle1991 I personally not a big fan of Sabaton... Good, but not my music

    3.9 years ago
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    sabaton makes me ascend to the heavens

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    7,558 Aweyer26


    +1 3.9 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    TULE - Fearless
    Feverkin - October
    Arkana - Ein Sof

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    2,298 Bo1233

    Spitfire go 2

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Travis Scott - Wake Up
    Hopes and Dreams from Undertale
    Litterally half of the no combat open world song from Skyrim
    The stuff i make myself
    Lil Uzi Vert - Ps & Qs

    3.9 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    Simple, Literally almost all AC soundtracks

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    33.1k SyntheticL

    Where My Heart Will Take Me - Russell Watson
    Слава вперёдсмотрящему - Aleksandra Pakhmutova
    Die Moldau - Bedřich Smetana
    Data and Picard - Pogo
    Unsere Panzerdivision - Erich-Weinert-Ensemble

    Lots of song i like, i choosed 5.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    37.5k Ruvie
    My favorites:

    Sabaton - Aces In Exile
    Two Steps From Hell - Impossible
    GO2 - Sptifire
    AC7 - Daredevil
    Bastille - Things We Lost In The Fire

    I listen to these when dogfighting with some friends in mp

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    23.9k mikomiko

    i mostly listen to Fly Away by TheFatRat, Mighty wings by Cheap Trick, The Unsung War, Blue skies Infinity Remix and Liberation of Gracemeria.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    3,036 12705129

    Mighty wings by cheap trick.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Star Sky by Two Steps From Hell

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy

    danger zone of course
    also listen to the top gun anthem, william tell overture, paint it black, fortunate son, and supermarine and the mole (from dunkirk) for cinematic stuff

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    Landed- Ben Folds

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    48.7k Sm10684

    Nice to see you back!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    I have two for ya
    The Go Around Song
    Those magnificent men and their flying machines

    +2 3.9 years ago
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    “Fly Away” - TheFatRat
    This song is perfect for anything that flies, it’s a really beautiful song and it conveys lots of emotion and movement as well.

    +2 3.9 years ago
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    lol i'm quite similar to you
    i also have my own random list of music saved on my phone i play, while i play the games on my ipad or very rarely on my laptop, i just have the songs blasting next to me and it really gets my adrenaline going. i won't list my top 5 favorites here, mostly cause they're sorta controversial (most are just random songs i like that were already in a different, possibly unrelated game) and also cause it's really hard to choose a top 5.

    3.9 years ago
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    @WiiMini this one is hillarious :D

    3.9 years ago
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    30.9k Nerfaddict

    so I don't really have a soundtrack dedotated to simpleplanes, but I do have what I call a "universal Gaming soundtrack" consisting of over 300 songs that also works offline. and as of the time of this comment being posted, these are 5 songs that I consider to be "trending" for me:
    -"Splatter Party" by Camelia
    -"Specimen girl" by Kiyozumi
    -"Valhalla" by Ryo Arue
    -"Ripples of 495 Years" by Aika
    -"TiamaT-F minor" by Team Grimoire

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    9,529 Tookan

    Ride Of The Valkyries

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Learning to fly by Tom Petty could be another one.

    +2 3.9 years ago