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Regular words in a box!

235k jamesPLANESii  7.0 years ago
Ok guys I do know about this way, but this way is kinda annoying, because when you go to another line, the word splits in half. Also it’s ugly. 

So there’s this way! It’s like normal words, but they’re in a box! Watch.
So I realised that when people’s pictures don’t work, what they’ve put in the first bit (some people put a dot in it or alttext), comes up as that in a square. So basically what you do is this:
![a bunch of words](letters, maybe.)
I haven’t tried it yet without letters, so I still need to experiment.

So yeah! Might be handy!

Note: I’m not sure it works on all devices.
And I’m not sure they work in comments, since you can’t post pictures in the comments.
Actually it only works on my new iPad XD